I typed and deleted, typed and deleted, typed and deleted, typed some more and deleted it again.
Blogging has been nothing but a fad. (ie, I'm getting sick of it and thats why I can't find something substantial to write) So is Friendster, Facebook or whatever the fuck people have been coming up with lately. I think I am getting too old to keep up with such things. Afterall, when we look back in 10 years time, we'd probably say something along the lines of, "FUCK! I can't believe I spent most of my entire youth doing something as aimless and pointless as that! I could have came up with the cure for AIDS and be awarded a Nobel prize."
Kids these days.
e*an said at
4:02:00 am
Kenny to SIA guy over the phone:
"May I know if the aisle seat is next to the aisle?"
e*an said at
4:19:00 pm
Oh, Richard Roll!
Why do you have to stress me out so much?
e*an said at
4:48:00 am

MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE. The whole mathematical jargon is the worst I've ever seen.

You gotta give this guy credit for his creativity. I'd never be able to come up with something like this. And just to add, Physics sucks balls.

Wtf is the question asking for? My biology knowledge ended since I was 16. But anyhow, ahhahahaha!!

I'm surprised how this guy can spell "aesthetically" correctly and yet, mis-spell "straight". Ang mohs..........

This teacher has the SUCKIEST handwriting I've ever seen. Even errr.. Clifford Chow's scrawl looks better. HAHAHA.
e*an said at
10:33:00 pm
My neighbour is a cheating bastard! (Hereon known as CB. Hmm.. how apt!) He cheated when his girlfriend was away for a couple of days.
B A S T A R D!
Well, his girlfriend was speaking so loudly even with the french doors closed.. so it would be pretty hard not to hear their conversation. Especially when I was hanging clothes outside to dry.
CB has a very very high testosterone level. Believe me when I say that. He's forever naked (top to toe) in his home. And his poor girlfriend, or should I say sex slave, has already been caught in several compromising positions performing sex acts in their living room.
I told Daphne that this CB can't live without doing it for a day but she just laughed it off. See, no one ever takes my word seriously.
Anyway, I overheard his girlfriend saying,
"How could you have cheated on me?! What the fuck is wrong with you??"
She was very calm. Fierce but calm. No wailing kinda bullshit. I like.
R E S P E C T.
As usual, his respones was "I love you." Yeah yeah, whatever. Thats a lousy excuse. Guys ought to come up with something better than "i love you" in such situations. He's got a hot bod; six pac with defined shoulder muscles, big down-there (HE WALKS NAKED IN HIS HOUSE SO DONT CALL ME A PERV!) and this hot tattoo on his left back. BUT HE IS A CHEATING BASTARD. No amount of physical attraction can make up for such a stinking behaviour.
The moral of the story is, dont ever date a guy who's horny 24/7 because you'll never know what he does behind your back when you're not physically with him.
e*an said at
11:21:00 pm