Wow.. the pictures took almost a trillion years to upload! But anyway, like I've said, it was up to Ellie's somewhere near Darlington. It was the most gorgeous gorgeous sight ever, even if the landscaping was only half done by her dad. It was a pity that the sheeps her dad ordered hasn't arrived cos it's gonna be about 50 of them, all with embryos injected in them. That only means one thing, baby lambs!
"This is the song that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend..."Gosh! I love that show!!
Ok. No more sidetracking. It was so nice of El to pick me up (even if it was 9am. FYI, I
never ever wake up any earlier than 11am unless I have classes in the morning) and drive me to her place. She made her house sound like it was in shambles and I quote her,
"I live in a hole. Are you sure you wanna come up?"
But of course we all know that it was far from that. Her cottage-like house was located along the dusty gravel roads you drive past on road trips. It was darn exciting to turn into one of the entrances with the "No trespassing" sign, knowing that we will never get into trouble for that. Cheap thrill huh? The last time we trespassed some fruit farm during the road trip cause the bumpy ride was making our bladders burst. That was one funny incident.
So anyway, it took about 45 mins from my place to hers and when I arrived, this greeted me.

It's her dad's favourite plant. She doesn't know this but half the time, I was fretting over how to acknowledge her parents because the ang mohs here don't do "hello uncle, hello aunty!". I might end up sounding even more retarded than I already am. Then I thought of saying "hi mr and missus newman". But that sounded weird too cos it was too... formal?
I ended up saying "Hello!" with a big wide grin. Retard. Then her mom did the whole kiss kiss thing and then I got weirded out again but I guess I'm starting to get used to it.
It was major culture shock. I have more news later on. In any case, her house is

Denny Duquette is love, so is El! She's soooo obsessed with Grey's, it's getting unhealthy.

Isn't her house pretty??

Meet Oscar! He's soooo cute for a little dog and jack russells' probably the only little dog that I'll ever find cute. I'm a big dog person. All things small tend to annoy me. Like hamsters, birds, mice, cats, chihuahuas. God, Tinkerbell looks almost like death! Oscar's an exception. Maybe cos he's really intelligent. He kept nipping at my jeans though. That bit was a little annoying.

Told you the land her parents own is big.

Us on the tractor. It was mad fun!

She even has chooks! Apparently they lay 7 eggs everyday. She wanted to give me some to bring home but we got caught up in all the fun that she completely forgot about that. Haha!

There's a creek at the end of this path but we couldn't go check it out cos the crops were overgrown and El's afraid that there might be snakes. Bummer.

This is only a fraction of the motor vehicles she has at home. Her dad was teaching her sister, who's only 16, to drive, using the yellow truck. She hasn't even gotten her L's! Her brother, who's 13, can reverse the tractor better than some guys who can't even pass driving after the upteenth attempt. What a loser.

Awww.. such a sweetheart.

Me attempting to drive the tractor. It was HARD. Having learnt manual driving definitely helped alot but this is definitely alot harder. A little like riding a motorbike. Lucky me, I got the hang of it in less than 10 minutes. x)

Oscar following us.

Her mom wanted her to teach me how to ride the scrambler but it was too heavy and it almost toppled over. I took the easy way out-tractor. I'm such a poser.

Part of the landscaping in progress.

She rides this really well!

Front yard.

Antique MG.

See, posing again.

Me in action.


Random picture on our drive in.

It was a really good experience and I wanna do it all over again. Too bad Kenny didn't wanna join us because I'm pretty sure he would have loved it. You know, it just struck me that we Singaporeans have been living such a sheltered life (as in really really sheltered), that we take everything forgranted. Not many people I know have been to a kelong. And it seems that everyone's only good, not best, at studying and shopping. It's so lame!
I was a little embarrassed when El's mom asked who was paying for the rent and living expenses here because almost every Aussie kid in Uni work part-time and save to pay their parents back for the Uni fees. And mind you, they are doing double degrees with contact hours of like more than 25hrs/week. Even if they don't do part-time jobs, they work during Summer. And here in Singapore, I can't imagine there are people who actually bum around for 3 months, or even 7 months while waiting for A level results. Don't they get bored? You can only do that much of shopping and aren't they ashamed or guilty for spending their parent's money when they have the time to work? At least I can proudly say that while I was working, I paid for my own shopping and expenses. My dad only gave me money to top up my ezylink card. I was embarrassed, and so was her mom.
Coming here has given me alot more exposure as compared to the myopic view I had on things when I was still stuck in Singapore. And this doesn't come with hanging out with asians 24/7, throughout Uni life. Though I must say, some of the angmohs in Uni are rubbish. What with dealing drugs. Now that was a shocker..
Anyways, I was saying how her mom was so open about everything. We were just checking out those crude XXX emails and her mom just stood behind us, telling us which ones were crude and even wanted to add me on her email list. I was further embarrassed but we all had a good laugh. It was just amazing how everyone in her family could talk so openly about sex, boyfriend problems and the likes when here I am, cringing and fidgetting in my seat when Get Real does a documentation on how some young girls are involved in prostitution. Hmmmm..
Well, it was insane fun and I'm gonna invite myself over once her dad gets the whole landscaping thing done up.
It's late. Tomorrow I will pack my house before I leave.
It is physically impossible to concentrate during an exam and not to mention, mentally disturbing, when you have planes flying above your head every few minutes. No.. not the ordinary commercial aircrafts or the occasional fighter jets that fly too low. I'm talking about Formula 1, in the sky that is. It's some Red Bull sponsered (?) competition.
Well, bad timing. Exams/competition. Whichever.
Because I've endured this shit since my paper on Monday and as you know, the exam board has this tendency of putting the tough(est) paper towards the end of the exam period. Lucky me, it's Corporate Accounting today! I slept at 6ish and had to drag myself out of bed by 8. Nevermind that. You can never imagine the frustration I experienced. Well, coupled with other factors such as the uncomfortable chairs and the crampness between each desk.
The worst is over. I'm crossing my fingers and toes on this.
The break is finally here. People have gone back to Singy for Summer but I have other great plans before I scoot off to Melbourne for my own share of fun. Before I get sucked into the vicious, backstabbing corporate world, that is.
I'll be up in the hills with Ellie tomorrow. Should be great fun given the not-too-bad weather we've been getting on the Westside.
"WESTSIDE, YO!" Right.. now I can't even take a nap because of the planes. :(
Anyway, my weekend starts right about now because my number crunching semester is O.V.E.R! Have a great weekend y'all!
The one on being a pussyOkay, so maybe I'm starting to feel the jealousy creeping in. But after spending half my life living in denial, I will not conform!!!
Exams are such a biatch. I cross my heart on that. It's taking too damn long to end and this is by far the draggiest semester. What with feeling stupid all the time and wanting to ask the lecturer some retarded question given any available chance.
Hell, even Matt can match my name with my face! That isn't good, is it?
I'm getting all excited about my interstate trip somehow. Even more so than when I was going to the USofA. It usually happens something like this.
"Proceeds from sale of plant DR
Carrying amount of plant CR
Plant CR
Income tax exp CR
I can't wait to go over to Melbourne"
and then I continue fantasising about my fishing trip (LL-j, I'll hold you accountable if we end up doing spoiler stuff like discussing about Man Utd) for a good whole 15 minutes.
I need to f o c u s. Horrid exam timetable. I'm outta here.
Btw, yoolz, I switched on the a/c for a good whole 3 hours. It felt like early 19degcel spring time all over again. But then when I went upstairs to grab my pencilbox, that was a different story altogether. But my main point here is that, I hope my electricity bills don't escalate this month. And if it does, it's your fault for suggesting the a/c. PS: We got fans from K-mart just now. No more beauty sleep disturbance. I hope.
But I just have to say this:I slept at six-thirty am and missed the early postman because I only woke up at oneplus. Was about to hang the laundry outside to dry when I discovered this huge parcel outside my door. I was beyond ecstatic because lets face it, birthdays spent in Perth have never been smashing. Birthday presents given to me didn't have much meaning, SG vouchers blah blah blah. I hate vouchers. Vouchers are insincere gifts unless the person is just a mere acquaintance. But then again, isn't everyone here just putting on a facade? So perhaps, vouchers would be appropriate.
I like birthday cards . Pretty hotpink birthday card that says I'm a material girl is the best! Thanks,
So when this size 7 padded bag was spotted leaning against the french door, I went from sleepy-eyed to x) Honestly, this has to be the best present this year. Apart from the fruity birthday cake and all the expensive online shopping that I've been treating myself to, of course.

Debs, thanks for making me feel like I'm on cloud #9. Time and time again, you've proven yourself to be my personal Santa-saviour during my emotional low. I
♥ you.