Going on a hiatus. Things just get stale after awhile. Whichever, whatever.
Start to breathe and fake a smile
It's all the same after a while.
e*an said at
10:47:00 pm
The weather is HOT beyond belief!!!!! This morning, I woke up feeling like I was stuck in a sauna. That was at 7am. I rolled down the blinds and placed my pillow at the end of my bed so my face wasn't in the sunlight. I tossed and turned all the way from 9-1030 and then it finally got so damn freakin hot that I was forced to wake up to do laundry.
And what.. it's not even close to Summer?!?!
In Singapore, I get the comfort of the air-con. In Currie Hall, the room seems to be a heat insulator. Here at Hampden Road, I'm about to be fried. Air-con too expensive to be switched on and we have no fan. Open the windows also hot, close the window even hotter. Open the doors to ventilate the house will only invite the fatflies in (they somehow like to find their way up to my room), close door also so hot.
I'm craving for ice right now. Alot of it. Enough to immerse myself in.
e*an said at
10:51:00 am
Would you believe me if I told you that I spent 6 hours (+/-) in front of the teevee playing Crash Bandicoot?
Yeah.. I thought so too.
It's amazing (and addictive), I swear. I never got past the Road to Nowhere because
SOMEONE refused to listen to my advice and ran the bandicoot straight into the bull. Now the effort's gone to waste because the password only entitles us to start from Temple Ruins. Grrrrr!!
And guess what? I got to burn the midnight oil again because I haven't finished the hand-in question for tute tomorrow. Seriously, what was I even thinking dude. If it's any consolation, school only starts at 12pm. Awesome!
e*an said at
2:59:00 am
The past few days have seen me sending countless emails and making an equal number of phonecalls to Singapore, and when I get directed to the voicemail, I get all panicky. But after knowing the outcome, I feel more at ease.
Look at what I received on Thursday! I feel so important all of a sudden. Haha!

In less interesting news, my exams start in less than a month. SWOT Vac will be the final reminder of my impending doom.
e*an said at
11:38:00 pm
e*an said at
5:07:00 pm
My parcel finally arrived! Thanks, Phua!

Then it was Spring Feast where the food was overpriced but we managed to get ourselves some near-to-perfection chweekueh. Or at least in my opinion.

This is the cute puppy, Max. It reminds me of Nat's dog, Snowball.

Today, we got lost trying to find our way to Wembley. But as you can see, we got there in the end. I took a couple of video shots but being the real (and most pathetic) amatuer around, I decided not to put it up.
Jo's really talented at ball games and Mel's not too bad. I suck the most. x(

It's really funny how I only managed to drag myself to the driving range after getting together with Kenny. Both my folks play golf but after entering secondary school, tagging along to the Bt Timah driving range with Pa didn't seem that enticing anymore. The mossies gave me an even better reason to stay away.

As you can see, I still suck after 8 years. Wrong grip, wrong swing, wrong posture and as Kenny puts it, I still have the chicken wing syndrome. The only consolation is that the ball no longer rolls down the slope; it actually soared. Hyberbola style. Haha! Maybe Pa would be proud of me when I eventually master golf.
Imagine this. When I'm 40, I'll be hanging out in the golf club with cool missus (that includes you, Debster). I just can't do the mahjong thing all my life. Money and I have no affinity. I might just lose all my money.
e*an said at
5:35:00 pm
Wassup with the haze back at home? All I smell now is sweet sweet air. Mmmm hmmm! x)
Was at Billy Lee's for dinner which sucked because they were so busy that we had to wait up till an hour before our food arrived. Like I always say, being busy is no excuse for bad service. Horrible people!
Anyway, this Hongkie waiter was trying to promote (con, in my humble opinion) the jelly mooncakes to the unsuspecting victims aka The Angmohs. Said something about today being the mid-autumn festival and most probably told the story about Chang-er. Heh. We saw similar stuff being sold at Spring Feast but was immediately turned off. Mooncakes should always be sold in their original style. What's this jelly thingamajig about?! Fusion? I don't think so. I'm still looking for the snowskined ones but I think I'm about to give up hope.
I took Daph for a little tour around Mt Lawley earlier on. This gorgeous gorgeous upmarket apartment caught our eye (I almost drove into the curb while gawking in amazement) but our very sharp-eyed friend claimed to be looking at 'what view the people who live here, have' when she spotted........
No pictures cos I'm a terribly
pan-tan person. I suspect the sudden disconnection of internet WHILE DOING MY ONLINE QUIZ was due to sheer bad luck.
Back to the story. It was creepy and we had a debate over which kind of cemetery freaks people out most. I said the chinese tombstone ones and she said the english kind with huge angels made out of concrete. Come to think of it, I think she's right. We saw several tombstones being fenced up as well. Didn't stay too long just in case the crows come swooping down on us. FYI, they are the size of chickens. I kid you not.
Enough of my mid-day adventure. I came home and fell asleep while watching Over the Hedge and The Breakup. Tomorrow, I wake up bright and early to accompany Mr 7-Handicapper.
I'll put the pictures up soon enough. Might be doing more interesting things tomorrow.
e*an said at
2:41:00 am
One more Chinese assignment and I swear I will
I know my last minute nonsense really doesn't get me anywhere but wth!? Daph, I really don't know how you finish it so quickly while I'm still stuck here writing nonsensical rubbish at this hour. I applaud you. You are the real Chinese
There you have it, ladies and gentlement; the real deal between River Valley students and IJ girls. (St. Nicks aside, of course)
And 10% for the amount of work we have to do, it aint worth it. Liyong, I suggest you wake up your idea, stop teaching and go back to Guangdong Province to help out in the rice fields.
Or maybe I'm supposed to wake up MY own idea. Chinese is easy?! My ass. Who teaches without a proper curriculum anyway. GOSH!!!!!!!!!!
Went to Spring Feast and took a couple of photos including a 13 week old retriever. Cuteness! Will post tomorrow when I'm done with quizzes, partial tutes and most importantly, when I regain my sanity.
PS:Daphne, I hope you don't die while proof reading my shitz. I will buy you Jesters' soon.
e*an said at
3:54:00 am
On his bulging tummy;
Kenny: When I become a millionaire at 35, I'll go for liposuction.
On our lecturer;
Kenny: Big cock, bad lecturer.
e*an said at
8:30:00 pm