Yesterday saw us at Ruby Room after a rather impromptu invitation from Kenny. The crowd seriously sucked. What's with uncle&aunty AhBaos/AhWis making out. Damn gross, damn smelly.
Then there was this sleazy scumbag uncle trying to hook up with a skanky looking aunty. They were seriously grinding each other and the uncle did this stupid move where his face landed 5cm away from her downthere. URGHHHHHHHHH
Today, I woke up to find the neighbourhood cheering. Ah.. then it striked me. The footy finals. West Coast Eagles won by 1 point. I thought Sydney Swans deserved to win though. We should at least get a school day off on Monday after winning the championship league right?
Booked my airticket to SweetSweetMelbourne. 3 days after my exams to pack and I think I might fly home on Sunday. Who knows..
e*an said at
5:53:00 pm
It doesn't judge and it gives you your own space but will always be there when you call its name.
It doesn't speak so you can do a monologue without looking stupid.
It makes me happy.
We can share a bed and it's big enough to keep me warm. Who needs boys.
Sometimes, a human-canine relationship works better.
The 29degcelcius weather is too good to be staying at home reading up on accounting.
Maybe later.
e*an said at
1:24:00 pm
B.P vs BonoOkay. The source of the news came from Kenny's GP teacher. GP teachers
are supposed to tell the truth right?
The story line goes something like, B.P wanted to invite Bono over to CJC because "he's his uncle" but he rejected the offer cos he didn't want to come over to Asia.
Anyway, I'm also rather skeptical la.
e*an said at
10:33:00 pm
You won't believe this shitz I'm about to say but,
Brother Paul is the nephew of Bono from U2.
e*an said at
1:03:00 am
I stepped on a ball-ly worm while bringing the clothes in at night. Barefooted.
Kenny says I should wash my feet in case I develop ringworms on my feet. Right.
Tomorrow, I purchase yet another copy of Famous, and then proceed to cry when I come home.
Perth is seriously getting more boring by the day but on the contrary, Unit 4/224 seems to be able to bring about much excitement. So darn glad I moved out of Currie-fucking-Hall.
Lastly, I've decided to keep off freeways if I can find an alternative route to Mt. Lawley. Which I have. And I'm expecting the postman to knock on my door sometime this week with a parcel in tow.
e*an said at
11:35:00 pm
Corporate Accounting has got to be the most analistic subject in the entire world,
everrrrrrrrr... okay. I'm exaggerating cos come next semester, I'm 101% sure I'll be ranting on a new unit.
We've been sitting at this dining table for days and days because the damned Balance Sheet cannot balance. I'm pretty sure the next time Daphne comes down to grab a bite, we'll be skeletons covered in dust.
ROARRRRRRRRR!!!!! School isn't going well at all.
e*an said at
7:28:00 pm
I think its time to stop pretending like you're the innocent victim in this game. I'm fucking sick of being portrayed as the bully. What bully?! Do I really look like a monster to everyone?
Gosh.. it's fine to bitch about me and exclude me in all your girly activities even before we even set foot on this continent. I don't give two hoots about that.
Just don't fucking pretend that you're a-okay with me despite all the animosity. Don't go round giving people the impression that we're the best of friends cos you fucking disgust the shit out of me with your little acts. If you hadn't realise, the most lowlife form of a person you can be is to be one that is pretentious and hypocritical.
e*an said at
7:24:00 pm
I hope someone from 4 St. Anne reads this, apart from Swan.Was just Friendster surfing (yes, I know, I know..) and came across the profiles of my secondary school friends. Then I had this flashback of the days when Qianyi and I used to throw eraser shavings and staplets on this girl's hair in class. Gosh.. I can't even remember her name. The few of us, namely, Swan, Tiffy, Cheoky, Qianyi and I would burst out in uncontrollable laughter but that poor girl hardly got angry with us.
And then there were the occasions when we were going back to class from recess and Qianyi would walk behind the same girl and lift up her pinafore the whole way back. Or like during Biology class, we would purposely make Miss Ho (?) raise her arm to check for plasters under her armpits cos of some stupid rumour which someone made up. It's always like,
Qianyi/Tiff: Miss Ho! Look up there!
MH: Where?
Qianyi: -pointing towards the ceiling- There!! Can see or not?!
MH: What thing!
Qianyi: No.. you must point then you can see!
So poor Miss Ho raises her arm to point at nothing just for the few of us to laugh like mad.
During Chinese class, we would be looking through all the boys' school year books for the upteenth time thinking that lao shi wouldn't notice until one day, he announced,
"Ni men bu yao zai wo de ke kan nan hai zi ok? Bu yao yi wei wo mei you ma ni men, jiu yi wei wo mei you kan dao."-(Don't look at boys during my lesson. Don't think that just because I didn't say anything, doesn't mean that I didnt notice)
Does anyone remember the time during Chem prac when Mrs Lim was in her regular pms mood and commented about people breaking the testtubes and Tiff cleverly let her testtubes roll into the sink and they broke? Mrs Lim's face became super black. And shortly after, she broke the pipette and said "fuck" damn loudly. I swear I stopped breathing for a second after seeing Mrs Lim's expression.
I can't believe I was laughing aloud as I was typing this. Sheesh..
e*an said at
2:01:00 am
I'm getting rather comfortable with the idea of driving alone nowadays.
Well, I'm confess that I'm quite THE road hazzard. There were a couple of times when I came
this close to getting into a car accident because I didn't stay in my own lane when turning.. you know.. stuff like that.
So yesterday, I wanted time alone and drove myself to Subiaco and was panicking half the time because my safety buoy aka Kenny wasn't there to shout, "WTF DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING" or to swerve my steering wheel back. I came back safe and sound. My confidence level was upped by a little.
But it got rather weird after I came out from Sportsgirl (YES!!! DAMAGE DONE RIGHT AFTER MY EXAM!) because everyone was decked in their Footy outfit and there I was, being the lonesome asian girl wearing a tshirt and shorts. Even the Boost Juice lady didn't bother asking me who was I supporting when I bought the mango magic. How tragic.
Well, its finally the holidays coupled with many readings, project discussions and tutes. Welcome to my life.
Off to Baskin Robbins for my ice cream.
PS: Daph, good luck for TSM tmr. It's your turn to be studying while Kenny, Jac and I sit ourselves in front of the teevee or you know.. play the 4 people game with your mom. x)
e*an said at
5:34:00 pm
Unless you've been living under a rock, you would have known by now that this babygirl exists, and is about the cutest celebrity baby I've seen, apart from Gwen's little boy, Kingston. She does look older than 5 months plus but what the heck.. with thick black hair like hers, she's gorgeous!
♥ cute ang moh kids!

e*an said at
6:33:00 pm
Just a thought, why does everyone associate the stench in the bus with secondary school kids? I've had several personal encounters with those morons and yep.. they look like your typical 13-16 year old wannabe idiots. But, WHY DO THEY SMELL SO BAD? It's even worse when they raise their hands to hold on to the handrails, exposing their salty armpits. Some even have bad breath. Gross.
My sister said I used to smell like school when I still wearing a uniform. Not smelly but school smelling. Thank goodness!
Anyone knows what I'm talking about?
But back to my point; "smelly secondary school kids". Why do they stink so bad? Some girls can smell unpleasant, but boys, be it from Westwood sec to Pasir Ris sec, ACS, RI or SJI.. they all reek of shit. Schools should make all boys bathe before they are allowed to go home. They pay school fees and therefore, should be entitiled to use all the water they want. But more importantly, they become
less of a public nuisance, no?
e*an said at
6:54:00 pm
Have we all lost our innocence?
I had flashbacks of the stupid days back in JC. Ulynn and I sitting outside her class+the early morning pranks we pulled on a certain Mister, the retarded year 1 fool who took a swim in the pond, how mass pe always made me feel like crapping, the volleyball days (
mar, I remembered you playing
quite like a pro. Haha!). This is weird, but I remembered Grace introducing herself to me during one of the first few vball tranings before she left for netball.
Went something like, "Hi! I'm Grace!" and then we shook hands. Oh. How can I ever forget talking to 3sha+clara+ulynn during national anthem and then got into serious shit with the pint sized teacher with massive boobs. AND MISS CHENG. Which gave Reubs and I many many things to bitch about.
Boyohboy.. those were the days! Uni life is great but yeah.. you know, it's a wretched world out there.
Remember the infamous crocodile hunter we see on Discovery Channel, Steve Irwin? Well, he just died. I'm not kidding. NO, he wasn't killed by the crocs but was instead, stung by a stingray while filming some underwater thing. Let me repeat myself once more; WHERE IS THE JUSTICE?? People who don't deserve a space on this planet are STILL existing.
"As I lay me down to sleepThis I prayThat you will hold me dearThough I'm far awayI'll whisper your nameInto the skyAnd I will wake up happy"
e*an said at
5:06:00 pm