Even the word "boredom" can't fully express how I feel right now. I'm just...
I taste bile juice when I think about my schedule for next week. Mofo insane!
When I think about how the rest of the ppl in Australia get a 2 week Spring break and we only get O.N.E, I feel
sian. Where's the justice!!
When I think about how Ulynn, Lyn, Deb and Charlene are all going to be in Sydney for the break, I feel even more
Winery, vineyards, gravel road, dead kangaroos (or live ones that jump out of nowhere), dirtydodgymotels and BAD COMPANY (The Horror! I felt like I was treated like a friggin 6 year old kid during the last roadtrip). Road trips bore the shit outta me.
If only I hadn't blown big bucks at Sportsgirl for the gazillionth time, I would buy myself a plane ride to Sydney, barge into Deb's house and stay there. With a goodie bag in tow of course.
But now, I'm so short of cash after setting aside money for Melbourne, soooooooo.. I'm putting Kenny up for auction.
Haha. Kidding!
e*an said at
1:37:00 am
People talk about you for a few days. All they can say is how sorry they feel for you. But after you're really gone, they act like you've never existed in their lives.
e*an said at
11:52:00 pm
Hum ji loser.
Anyway, I reckon Reubs' says the funniest thing at the most appropriate time. WHO KILLED CHEV!? But in anycase, I still ♥ you both. I apologise for the lack of time management when I was back but will promise to make time for you gayboys once I've more or less met up with my girls. (PS: It won't take forever.) My circle of best girls have shrunk but I'm not complaining because a handfew is so much better than having many but none to turn to when you need that girly talk.
Okay? Okay.
M&G: Where are yoooooooooo???
e*an said at
6:14:00 pm
We're having our house warming party later on tonight!!! Anyway, Daphne was too freaked out to help take the shit outta the prawns and cutting the chicken was too much for her to take.. so I told her to dump the rubbish outside. This is the exciting part.. she ran back in saying someone was trying to steal a car!! I mean how often do you see people trying to break into a car? Like never, right?
"He even has a toolbox!"
So we grabbed the camera and hid behind the hugeass metal gate and snapped away. Kenny suggested Daphne go up to him and ask him what's he trying to do but decided against that crappy idea cos he was afraid he'll come and burglar our place at night. Hahahaha. We are SUCH typical Singaporeans.

Check out his sneaky expression.

See the ah pek walking pass? He didn't even bat an eyelid! Everyone walked pass as if he was invisible. This continued for abt 30 mins. Then we realised.. maybe he wasn't trying to steal the car la.. MAYBE HE LEFT HIS KEYS INSIDE THE CAR AND LOCKED IT SOMEHOW! HAHAHAHAHAHAH.
e*an said at
4:39:00 pm
Life's playing such a sick joke on me right now.
Everyday, I wake up only to find myself crawling back under the covers. I don't find school challenging anymore. Sometimes, you just wanna give up, pack your books and do your own thing.
e*an said at
2:10:00 am
Look what I got in the (e)mail this time round.
"Dear Students,
I hope this email finds you all well and settling into Company Accounting. So far, and I see no reason for this not to continue, I have been impressed with you guys, and appreciate the obvious effort you are putting into the topic. We have had a fairly theoretical three weeks, and whilst I am not prepared to say things should get more interesting from here on in, we will start to be a little more pragmatic, even if it is Tax Effect Accounting.(-> TRIPLE BUMMER!!!)
This note is to remind you that there are workshops next week. They are voluntary but I hope you will make the effort to attend. I will be distributing an exam question I have written in the past related to the topics we have just covered. You will have about 30 minutes to attempt the question with me putting up the answer. Then I will actually tell you how the question would have been marked to give you an idea of how you would have scored. The first workshop is going to be 8:00am Monday morning(-> bad things come all at once), I know this is not going to be a particularly popular time, but I would hope someof you will come.
Have a good weekend and see you all next week,
Stupid. If he knew it wasn't gonna be a popular time, why book a slot then! But then again, I should cut him some slack because I can just imagine how tough it is, to be the unit coordinator+one out of 2 tutors for 200 over notsobratty year twos. Not to mention, CA is the most fuckass boring unit
everrrr. Bad throat, tutes not done, 8am class and I'm still not in bed. WhatintheworldamIthinking!
e*an said at
2:56:00 am
Lyn, I saw some new stuff in Sportsgirl that I thought you'd like. Very you and very me. I was on my way to Video Ezy when I drove past SG and I was like, "I need to go in and check it out. The new stuffs are in!".
Go see go see! I'm damn happy now and since today is late night shopping, you know what that means.
LOVE YOU, HUN! (No matter how warped/fried/messedup/curly your brain is).
PPS: I might go buy a calling card and phone you Voda people, (that includes you, Debbie Ong) now that I have a home phone.
e*an said at
5:57:00 pm
In order to save my own head..........
Yesterday was our anniversary, so cheers to that! And to Kenny: there's still tiramisu in my fridge-ALL THE HARD WORK, PAIN AND LURRVVVVEEEE all in that container alright!

Show some love y'all!
e*an said at
3:58:00 pm
Mr Keanu Reeves lookalike spoke to me for the first time today. x))))))))))
e*an said at
3:10:00 pm
Edit:There's a guy in my tute class who looks like the much younger version of Keanu Reeves. His name is Andrew and he is damn friggin hot! Over the short span of 45 mins, I found out that he is doing a very uncool degree; Agricultural Science/Commerce, this is probably his last sem/2nd last sem which means he has spent TEN semesters in Uni, and erm.. he's really bloody hot. I don't mean to say that I think Keanu is a looker but maybe, just maybe, I'm fairly intrigued by the fact that there's a celebrity lookalike RIGHT IN MY CLASS! If there's a Paris Hilton duplicate, you can be very sure that I'll throw dungs straight at the rhinosurgefied nose of hers.
Feeling very generous with pictures today. This was what happened during my 2 weeks in Singapore and when the boys came over for a visit.

"Cold like shit, leh!"
Everyone's been asking me how's the new house coming along. Everything's neat and bare except my room.

My nice&quiet neighbourhood.

The front yard. One little fish just died and I made Kenny bury it.

Stuff that'll never make sense to me in this lifetime.

And this is Daphne's room (door). She's damn lazy. Sleeps before 12am everyday, wakes up in the morning for a 2 hr lecture and goes back to bed before 1pm.

Bored at Ikea.

Mr C.J.C

"Oh hello. Now just get lost cos I'm busy."

At the Loof..

I have cock-eyed friends.

At the Loof again.

Hi girls!

We the fatfreaks!!!!

No need for any introduction.

e*an said at
2:11:00 pm
My sis just told me that my handphone bill amounted to about $600 while I was in the states and HongKong. My dad's in Indonesia and won't be back till Thursday evening (which is the stipulated time that I have my weekly conversation with the family). I hope he still remembers that I've paid him $300 bucks in advance.
Never been afraid to call home and speak to my dad (or mom). Well, until now that is, even though we're 2348612 miles apart. Cos my mom is one person who'll remember shit like this and screw me upsidedowninsideout when I get back. Not once. Not twice. But at every opportunity she gets to nitpick.
I'm scared shitless.
PS: Kenny, it's all because of you. If you start to have those monologues with my dad again when we get back, you know why la huh..
e*an said at
3:18:00 am
I've been deprived of the internet for close to 2 weeks due to the inefficient workers here. But that doesn't matter. Aside from catching up with gossips, I'm glad I managed to hear some good news in months.
Ching, I'm so damn DAMN proud of you. I kinda guessed that SMU wouldn't be It for you and I was right. Was told to read your post and it honestly hurt to see you reject that offer you've been waiting for so long. But more importantly, it was worse to see you give up your perhaps, 15 years long childhood dream of becoming a vet. You worked hard for it and proved everyone wrong. I know I should be feeling ecstatic for my soon-to-be-NUS-Med-School-graduate cousin but it just isn't happening. I'll be honest with you. Not because I want you to join me in Perth but because it truly sucks to trade vet science (what you've always always wanted) with something which society deems as a prestigious degree. Not sure how I should continue this but my one regret now is the lack of time spent with you during the 2 weeks I was back. And with your upcoming hectic schedule and Mr Smelly Feet Curry's departure to the UK, I don't know when we'll be able to sit at mama's house and just joke and laugh like the old days.
I miss you and as cliche as this might sound, I hope you'll only look forward even when things get tough, and not regret on the choices you've made.
e*an said at
12:02:00 am