Yahoo weather forecast says the maximum temperature is 20deg C and the minimum being 6deg C. But under the current temperature, it states "1deg C".
I opened up the window just to double check with my senses and it vaguely resembled the touch of an ice cube on bare skin. No wonder I can't feel my toes anymore.
If this erratic weather continues till Monday, I'll be bundled up so thickly like a
bao before I head for my 9am paper. Balls to early papers in Winter which last for 3 hours.
I'd rather sweat till my panties are drenched in the Singapore heat than to have my brain, fingers and toes freeze in the cold. Argh!!!!!!!!!
e*an said at
2:25:00 am
I've this mega huge craving for all things Bengawan Solo; the sponge cake my mom always buys for breakfast, the
jiu cheng gao, the green balls coated with coconut shavings, the yellow kueh also coated with coconut shavings, the sticky rice stuffed with spicy shrimp paste, the blue rice with a tuft of shredded coconut right at the top. To top it all off, I would also like the brown rectangular pastry that is extremely elastic and those colourful balls in one packet.
I cannot concentrate because all I see are not words but all these orgasmic images of food floating in front of me.
It's about time I go home. Home is where food is abundant 24/7. Home is not a place where everything on the menu is pasta, penne, linguine and potato with leek. It's where I can find chilli stingray and where doctors don't go "sorry?" when I say I'm "heaty".
4 months is a long enough torture for me. And I can't even stay long enough to enjoy my mooncakes.
e*an said at
2:36:00 am
Why is it that everytime I have some major news to share with people I ♥, none of them can be contacted?
3Sha, this news will rock the boat you are sitting in now!!(But I guess when you read this, you're already home. Why don't you get auto-roaming, you bitch!)
Rat+Mar+Grace: This doesn't even concern you guys and I even have this feeling that
G won't even know who the hell I'm talking about, but who gives!
This has gotta be the funniest nonsense I've heard all month, all thanks to
I need to tell someone in Singapore. I need to tell someone in Singapore. I need to tell someone in Singapore.
e*an said at
8:54:00 pm
I remember making a list of things to do while I'm here. It included horseback riding and getting my licence. Checked!
Over the weekend while everyone was pretending to be hardworking, I dragged Kenny to the outbacks for an adventure.
Never fancied small dogs but this one's so adorable!

The stables stunk of horse shit but here's a closeup picture with the culprits!
Ching, this one's especially for you. I found a German Shepherd pup!! x))) This is MY kinda dog.

So we trotted along the beach....

Postcard worthy picture, I might say.

I look like a kid for some weird reason. Must be the hair and the face.

And we rode through bushlands.

This is my girl, Sizzle. Highly problematic but still lovable. Don't know why there are orbs. But since the animals aren't kicking up a fuss, I don't see why I should be paranoid.
Yeah, I know my face screams lard. No need to keep harping on it already. At least I have
Lyn and she has me.

Me: What do you call a male pig?
K: A boar.
Me: What do you call a female pig?
K: I dunno.. what?
Me: A ham. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
K: Ham? Very funny meh? You're a ham.
Me: It's actually called a sow. Can't believe you bought my bullshit.
K: Sow? I thought that's for rabbits.

e*an said at
5:21:00 pm
Keep your paws to yourself, missy. Because, if I ever decide to get into a bitchfit, you'll probably be so sorry that you were ever related to me in any way.
I don't really get it. What sort of negative karma have I accumulated in my past life, that I can't seem to avoid having to cross paths with people like
them. If Kenny hadn't been keeping my sanity in check, I can't guarantee that I won't drive my pen through that ugly looking eyeball of yours.
Brand new start, my ass.
e*an said at
1:10:00 pm
Look what I got in the mail!
Well, Kristin and I concluded that the cameras at City West are lousy. Though the truth is that I've been stuffing myself silly with 4 slices of pizza daily. No less. I shouldn't have gone to submit my log book and take the HPT on a bad hair day.

BEFORE (note that sharp chin existed and chipmunk cheeks didn't)

This is for Lynette, who claims that she hasn't seen this at the newstand.

No prizes for guessing which MTV this is.

e*an said at
1:40:00 am