Kenny has been playing Dota with a 13 year old kid who's msn is filled with weird cheena-pianged emoticons. I hate emoticons. Don't "wu suo wei" me. He even has a Playboy emoticon that says "LOL". That's just so gross.
He's either hiding his gay side or he's hiding his gay side. I can't believe I've been dating a paedophillic gay all these while.
e*an said at
5:42:00 pm
I miss home very much. My bank account is drying up very quickly. So for now, I have no choice but to curb my spendings. After paying the agent, I'll be seriously seriously broke. And if my dad asks why, I'm gonna lie. If he asks if I've been shopping too much, I'm gonna lie. Sorry daddy. Shopping in Singapore isn't half as appealing for some queer reason. Hehehe.
Bye bye Currie Hall. You've been the suckiest hostel ever (room, toilet, food, housemaids) and majority of the Singaporeans who reside here have been the suckiest bunch ever. Leaving you gives me the same pleasure as leaving CJC. Balls to your stupid rules.
e*an said at
8:44:00 pm
It was nice chilling at the front lawn in Uni after so long, looking at the ducks and soaking up the afternoon sun rays. The weather was downright horrid this morning but the sun came out after 4pm.
So today was good.
I didn't need no sunnies or beach towel. I just dumped my bag on the grass, kicked of my shoes and felt the prickly carpet grass under my feet after a long long time. Watched the different kinda people that pass me by, occasionally giggling at the dressing of a few individuals and almost suffered from stitches hearing what stuff a tipsy Nicole can come up with.... Laughed even harder when we found out she had been having a few drinks at the Tavern with her friends at
3pm. It's rather amazing that Uni has a pub yet you don't ever see drunked people staggering to class.
Today made me lose track of time. Exams don't feel like it's only 2 weeks away. Spoiler.
e*an said at
8:07:00 pm
I was in the lecturer's office enquiring about some Chinese units that I thought of undertaking as electives.
She gave me a passage from the Chinese Advanced 2 (which essentially covers things from lower secondary course material) and told me to read it. That was fine. She then handed me another textbook which was Chinese Specialist 1. I read 10 words and told her I couldn't continue because I couldn't recognise the characters. To put it simply, I'm appalled at my Chinese standards. It's beyond disgusting. You would expect me to come up with something better considering the fact that I came from Nanyang Primary and I speak Mandarin fairly frequently at home.
I would expect myself to do better. It's really shameful when I stutter when being asked to read a passage when I bagged a Distinction for Orals both in O and A's.
I don't get it why people would find it embarrassing to tell others you speak Mandarin at home. What's embarrassing is to call yourself a Chinese and yet you can't even string a sentence properly. And honestly, I dont find it funny at all when people purposely add an ang moh twang when ordering food at hawker centres.
When my Dad told me not to be so haughty just because I can speak Chinese better than most of my
jia-kantang friends (because Chinese isn't even spoken properly in Singapore and he thinks that my Chinese is horrid) , I didn't understand why. When he told me to sit and watch CCTV and listen to the news on Ch 8 (it's the only program on Ch 8 he doesn't mind me watching because the rest are "trashy"), I didn't understand what the fuss was about.
But now, I do. I finally feel the urgency to buck up my mother tongue. I finally know what my father was trying to tell my sisters and I for the past decade. This isn't entirely about the whole 'China becoming the next super power in the next 10 years or so'. You can call it pride, but I don't like the fact that the ang mohs are sneering at us behind our backs because we can't even speak our own mother tongue properly. And that is exactly what is motivating me to brush up the language.
I might sign up with the Asian Studies department to go on a China Field Study for 2 months.
Am still disgusted with myself. Yuck yuck yuck.
PS: Gracie, you and I will
only converse in Mandarin when I get back.
e*an said at
9:57:00 pm
e*an said at
1:04:00 am
Perhaps people do change for the worse after marriage. If people can't resolve their differences prior to marriage, what makes you think they can do so after they've tied the knot? As the word suggests, it's a bloody dead end. Personally, I think it's better to end things before you even start a new phase.
I'm having a fucking bad week because people who deliberately blow things out of proportion really do exist. Your grandma wasn't lying to you about that. To put the icing on the cake, I've been having some shitload of bad karma that involves meeting walking contradictions, people who just HAVE to have the last say and people who just wants you to ask them anything so they can say "no" in your face.
Gimme a break y'all. I'm not your fucking middleman/miss please-hear-me-out-cos-XYZ-is-giving-me-a-shitty-time-again. If you're unaware, I have my own fucking problems to deal with. The whole world doesn't revolve around you. Your problems aren't of utmost importance. Maybe what you can do is take a step back and reflect on why this is happening to you and stop blaming everyone but yourself.
People who only know how blame others but not themselves deserve to be shot dead with an M16. Remember that each time you point your punypudgyfinger at someone else, the 3 friends of your punypudgyfinger are pointing back at you.
PS: Swan+3sha, I'm not refering to you guys.
e*an said at
12:22:00 pm
Debbie doesn't know her own name!
e*an -here I am, as perfect as I'm ever gonna be- says:
can u stop d/c ing!!!!
e*an -here I am, as perfect as I'm ever gonna be- says:
nvm la.. i like u better. i'm all for team deppy remember
debbie [i <3>i am not! msn is throwing me out!
debbie [i <3>what deppy!
e*an -here I am, as perfect as I'm ever gonna be- says:
maybe msn is anorexic!
e*an -here I am, as perfect as I'm ever gonna be- says:
deppy is u what
debbie [i <3 ness] says:
debbie [i <3 ness] says:
that is the lamest i have heard
debbie [i <3 ness] says:
hello i am DEBBY not DEPPY
debbie [i <3 ness] says:
debbie [i <3 ness] says:
i meant DEBBIE
Debs, your name is Debbie. D.E.B.B.I.E
e*an said at
1:32:00 am
I guess it all boils down to being prejudiced. Oh well, not as if I care.
At the mo, I can only think of the food I yearn to devour. Discoloured roast chicken just doesn't make the cut. Other things just hafta wait.
Shopping in small alleys have been making me blow big bucks. BIG
BIG BUCKS. Nonetheless, I'm still very very much in love with clothes I buy here but will only wear in Singapore. 100% silk clothings are just too delicate to be washed using the horrid tasting water here.
♥ to the rat in UK, the 2 people in Melbourne who sometimes call to see if I'm still alive, the HollandV duo and the boys who think they are the HollandV duo. Even more love to
3sha (will promise to take more pictures with you),
Phua and
Swan-who has taken up all sorts of sporting activities after knowing her loverboy (rollerbladding+jogging?!?!).
I'm the girl who carries a laptop and a stuffed
Barney at the airport.
e*an said at
12:19:00 am
Today's our special day.
And I love you; for who you are, who you've been and for believing in me when I gave up on myself.

What a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
Brighter than sunshine
Let the rain fall, I don't care
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
Suddenly you're mine
And it's brighter than sunshine
e*an said at
12:28:00 am
Oh, the joy that Fun Factory brings!
Sexpo tonight. I will try to take pictures of ang moh with big titties.
Edit: Will post the pictures up when I'm not feeling lazy. I couldn't take the topless ladies cos those pricks known as security guards threatened to confiscate anyone's camera/phone if they are caught taking snapshots of those ladies. But anyway, we went to view the peep show and it was fucking bad. Wasted $2 on that. The lady kept slapping her saggy ass which was such a funny sight. And erm.. the event wasn't even worth $20 and the interrogation by the stupid prick at the door. All in all, I was highly disappointed in Club X Sexpo (people googling for porn better not end up here..). The only interesting thing had to be the strip dance by Miss Nude Australia. She was hot.
e*an said at
5:09:00 pm
Remember the time when lao shi made the whole class read a passage from the textbook back in secondary school? Remember how lao shi always made sure the whole class read at the same speed? Well guess what? There's this individual in Japanese Beginners 1101 (I stress,
BEGINNERS 1101, not even 1102) who loves to speed read. I mean fucking hell, people in class are already having difficulty memorising new vocabulary and then there's this bitch who rambles on and on as if Japanese is second nature to her.
For fuck's sake, go enroll yourself in the advance class and maybe you'll realise that you're not such a genius afterall. It's seriously very very distracting when her thunderous voice drowns out those of other's and to make matters worse, she tries to act all kawaii with all the intonation.
I get it when you idiots have learnt Japanese back in high school and of course, its easy for you now but it doesn't hurt to follow the speed of the class when it comes to reading right? Just like you don't see the Chinese shouting out the kanji's.
Such people really piss the shit outta me. Or rather, people who are over eager to participate.
You people know what I'm driving at right?
e*an said at
9:34:00 pm
My favourite niece turns 2 today. She said she wanted a Barney picture on her cake but the adults gave her something else instead. It's so sad being a kid and celebrating your birthday with an adult cake (ie, no cartoon pictures). But she should count herself lucky. You people should really see how she's treated at my grandma's on Sundays. Strutting around like a princess already.
It sucks not being able to be present for the kiddo's birthday for another 2 years. But I guess, by then, she would have already made some friends from kindergarten/playschool and my sister wouldn't have to ask the relatives to substitute as friends. x)
e*an said at
12:39:00 am