♥ Sportsgi
rl!!!!! Oh yes I do. I've spent more than $1.5k(it might be more..) on their yummystuff to date, I think they ought to make me their valued customer. For once, in the 19 years of my life, I managed to go into a shop that's having a MASSIVE SALE and come out with at least ONE sales item. x)
Next up, Live!
Iris, it's just too bad you aint got enough money cos I'm not giving you a single cent. My money is MY MONEY. You can go work your ass off since you're so bad at saving. MUAHAHAHHAHA
e*an said at
4:35:00 pm
Authorities in Queensland are really hilarious. As reported by Seven News, "low risk prisoners are used to help clean up the damage caused by Cyclone Larry ..."
They really know how to make efficient use of their country's resources eh?
Anyway, Prosh 06 is next Wednesday. I say kudus to NO CLASSES and a great deal of fun all in the name of charity. Flag day in Singapore stinks! Mambo Red is this Thursday and erm.. MA mid sems in 2 weeks, so is the 15% microecons essay which falls on the same day. Then, it's 3 cheers to the 1 week Easter break before I drag my sorry ass back to uni for more mid-sems. Eeeeuuuuckkkkkkk!
e*an said at
4:37:00 pm
HAPPY 22th, KENNY!! I hope you enjoyed yourself yesterday with the double surprise. I know your lack of friends like Kow, Sithu and Harley (+ girlfriends) didn't make your 22th that much more exciting, but hopefully, the great seafood dinner+company of other
genuine friends from Perth we had at The Boatshed made up for everything else. I ♥ you.
Stupid Man-U fan.

2 of our guests, Kristin and Fernandi


Tell me you're already drooling..
K's medium raw beef sterloin

This is the shamless photowhore, Aunty Long

This snapshot freaked Fer out. Hahahah

Miss Maud's cakes are soooo sinful

Okay.. and I got myself a nail art manicure for only $17 bucks! Wheeeeeeee
e*an said at
11:04:00 pm
So I just finished my half fucked essay half an hour ago, made Kenny cycle to SS South Entrance 15 mins before cut off time and then I strolled to the library to return 10 books. T.E.N friggin books!
It was a real crappy work. Will just cross my fingers and hope for the best. Writing essays obviously isn't my forte. A 78% for last sem's OB essay was truly a fluke.
Anyhow, the weather is chilly but the Mr Sun's out. And and and... Fridays spell
LATE NIGHT SHOPPING! I really shoudn't be wasting it by confining myself in the small room. Jap test and FAB tute can jolly hell wait.
e*an said at
4:34:00 pm
note to self: never procrastinate again!Right.. 5 hours worth of sleep last night and zilch rest ever since. I have to finish my whore of an essay by 4pm. Which explains why I'm still up at 6am. But FUCK IT! 1200 words for 10% is so not worth it. My asshole of a tutor is being a demanding+difficult prick. China is boring. I don't give a flying fuck about it's contradictions undermining it's prosperity. I don't care where it'll be heading for in 10 years time. I just feel like shredding my essay into pieces and throwing it at his face.
e*an said at
5:55:00 am
It's that time of the semester where you see seniors you've never met before, decked in different coloured graduation gowns.
I look at them, at their friends, at their proud parents and wonder, how will mine be like.
It'll be another 2.5 years that I have to slog through just to shake the vice-chancellor's hand. I can only guess that, that, will be the proudest moment of my life.
e*an said at
9:17:00 pm
Today is a (very) cold and windy day.
I haven't started my (bullshit) essay on China which is due on Friday. Who gives anyway. Pffttttt.
I need to go to the library (now).
But its so chilly that I'm tempted to take my candycolouredscarf out to wear.
e*an said at
7:33:00 pm
So... we were hungry at 1am and decided to head to Vic Park for chilli mussels last night. I love!!!! On our way there, we saw a huge Booze Bus. Haven't personally experienced road blocks here or in Singapore so this was really some kinda cheap thrill. I took a video of the policewoman giving Ping a breathelizer (spell?) test but curse my uni moneybox, which ran outta credits. Can't show you people how the Aussies do it here. It was pretty cool I must say. x) The driver in front of our car was pretty damn fucked-too many passengers at the back, no seat belts on (thats $150 bucks each, for the driver and whoever didn't buckle up) and most probably, exceeded the alcohol consumption limit. Tsk tsk.. all these uni kids!
So what they do here is to ask the driver to park their car on the grassy curb/road divider and get in the Booze Bus. Wait till they sober up and then erm... take some action. Those people in the BB were stoned as hell I swear.

where we had our chilli mussels. I know it looks dodgy but trust me.. they had a plasma teevee ok!



mini coke bottles


we ordered 2 bowls of this

triggerhappy with his garlic bread dipped in chilli sauce

baby mussel

When I was happily eating my supper, this ang moh guy covered in blood came towards us asking "ada orang tau chakup melayu?" HUH??? There were 3 tables of youngsters at the back yard and we were all friggin scared like shit. K was chanting "don't turn back. don't turn back. don't turn back."
Okay, firstly, why can't he just speak english? Thank god there was a fence between him and us. I didn't dare take a snap shot in case he turned beserk. But really, his shirt was bloody. After some commotion, he left.
I'm a damn bad story teller as you can see. And on our way back, the BB was still there. Ping got tested and we drove back home safely.
e*an said at
2:29:00 pm
<3sha>-nasty milkshake bf, don't you cry.
If it helps, I'll try to call you more often.
Wait for me to return and I promise you I'll shower you with lotsa lovin' since the dumbbunny has somewhat shrunk to nothingness, and is unable to take my place for these 4 months.

PS: I couldn't find any decent picture of us. So there you have it. Us+dumbbunny+sister after graduation ceremony. CJCnomore!! x)
e*an said at
8:40:00 pm
Fuckin 3am and just as I was about to call Aunty Long to brush teeth, she tells me to check out the Beef Pies on friendster. Our search results led to uncontrollable shrieks and laughter.
Ninja turns out to be yet another "you can call me (insert any exotic english name here)"
Beef cake has a fucking hilarious display picture.
And whaddya know.. Beef cake wannabe actually is a chicken in disguise, has a clip on earring and a fake paste on ang kong to boot!
e*an said at
2:49:00 am
e*an said at
9:49:00 pm
The story of Buckers, the cat.
e*an -dirty little secret- says:
anw, how's buckers?
you damned imbecile says:
bucky la!
you damned imbecile says:
not buckers
you damned imbecile says:
as mad as ever
e*an -dirty little secret- says:
i like to call her buckers. its cuter
e*an -dirty little secret- says:
has she grown big?
you damned imbecile says:
sounds like fucker you know
you damned imbecile says:
you damned imbecile says:
not a kitten
e*an -dirty little secret- says:
omg. what if she comes to your room at night and shows u her slitty eyes
e*an -dirty little secret- says:
you damned imbecile says:
what the fuck
you damned imbecile says:
she is in her own room
you damned imbecile says:
e*an -dirty little secret- says:
where's her room? the little hamster cage?
you damned imbecile says:
you damned imbecile says:
the guest room
e*an -dirty little secret- says:
or does she have those house kinda thing
you damned imbecile says:
you damned imbecile says:
you damned imbecile says:
in the day she runs around the house
you damned imbecile says:
climbs on my damn roofe*an -dirty little secret- says:
is she toilet trained
you damned imbecile says:
thinks she is cat woman
e*an -dirty little secret- says:
how to get her down?!you damned imbecile says:
yea! only shit in the litter bin
you damned imbecile says:
erm she gets back in
you damned imbecile says:
quite a scardy cat, you knowDon't really fancy kittycats but Buckers get 10 stale fishes from me!
e*an said at
2:45:00 am
I never knew an old wound could still hurt so much.
I never thought discarded memories were actually etched in my mind all these while.
e*an said at
1:48:00 am
iTunes is a pretty cool device, especially when your computer is connected to a LAN line. People in the hostel listens to pretty damn good music. Sadly, I can't rip them off.
PS: DJ mama, come online soon.
Did I mention? I'm taking Japanese as an elective this semester and it is
quite fun although it takes up alot of my time with all the ting xie I have to give myself. Heh..
In other aspects, it's still same old same old, except for the fact that I've abstained from midnight snacking! Well, most of the time anyway. I thought about it for quite some time, weighed out the consequences and decided to do away with those evil food. In fact, I've taken up Yoga with Kristin, which btw, is boring. But my resolution this year is to pesevere. It started with swimming lessons which I got tired of, then it was some stupid art class in primary school which I quit cos it was boring. Then I decided to leave the gymnastics team after 2 years cos the teacher was being a major bitch. Fast forward to secondary school-I stopped piano lessons cos "my prelims are coming but I'll come back for lessons after the O levels.". I never did. And I was only 2 grades away from finishing. And vball in JC. So there you have it, my history of being a quitter.
I've been calling the Melbournians on a rather regular basis, all thanks to free talk time and friendly neighbours. And.. yeah. That's about it. I still miss my girlfriends and the HollandV duo alot.
PPS:Sorry for this very lame sounding post.
e*an said at
2:05:00 pm
A shitload of fun and I'll let the pictures do the talking.
The yachts at Matilda Bay
Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
Natasha, Nicole, Aunty Long, Daphne, me and Kristin; all set for the BBQ
Then I headed to the city with Nat and whaddya know?? They were giving out free drinks! Being the typical Singaporean, we couldn't resist freebies... especially if the ang mohs were all so kiasu as well.
So there! A nice BIG cool drink under the 37 degrees sun. *mmmmm
Then we saw bimbos. Check out her Levi's skirt that didn't fit too well. This blowupdoll was bobbing her head and lip synching to some music.
Then it was to Cottesloe over the weekend and we met another bimbo wearing heels to the beach. -_-
But we also met little Josh who's sooooooo cute I couldn't resist taking a picture with him. Say it with me now, I LOVE ANG MOH KIDS!
Jo, Aunty Long, Mel and I
This is a bloody unglam picture of me but I posted it up anyway cos the background is too darn pretty.
Jeanne, Mel, Aunty Long and I
Then the night saw us watching "A Knight's Tale" with my ang moh neighbour, Kristie. Kristie loves big pickles.
And has long toes. (Nails painted red.) That's Aunty Long's feet beside Kristie's.
Just to add on, we played with the yellow board Jo was holding and it was damn fun!!!!! Although I scraped my knees, hip bone and butt on the sand when the wave threw me off the board. It was good fun bobbing in the sea and even when the hugeass wave came too quickly, pushing us under the water and causing us to take in so much salt water, I'm more than eager to go back to bake myself silly.
PS: I think drowning is a very scary way to die. I know cos it felt like that when I was submerged. Even for a mere 5 seconds or so.
Okay folks. That's all you have today. The 37 degrees heat is making me very cranky.
e*an said at
3:17:00 pm
On the way to MA lecture today;
Aunty Long: Eh!! Today got thunderstorm leh. You think my umbrella will break again? (she broke 2 last sem already)
Anyway, Tan B.S has found his way to my uni, became my MA lecturer and has somehow attained his PhD and is now known as Dr. V Chong. I swear today's 1.5 hour's introduction to MA has turned me off more than ever.
Somehow, my nightmares never seem to leave me alone. I keep getting flashbacks of the time where Rachel and I were listening to music in class. We weren't quite sure if TBS was talking to us when his fore finger pointed in our direction but his eyes.. Oh nevermind. That's not the point. The similarity between Dr. Chong and dear TBS would be the way they speak.
TBS: "Opportunity cost (10 sec interval) is defined as the amount (7 sec interval) of other products that must be given up (blink, look around and 10 sec interval) to obtain an additional unit (15 sec interval) of a particular product."
Dr. Chong: "MA (pause) in-for-ma-tion is used (pause) for planning (pause) and (pause) control
decisions. It involves goal setting (pause) and how you go about (pause) achieving them. Just (pause) like how (pause) you would aim (pause) for a HD (pause) in the finals."
No shit. This went on for an hour and half. I can't imagine this 2 hour lecture going on for 13 weeks. This is only my first.
e*an said at
3:37:00 pm