Greetings from the 3rd most boring state in Down Under

The world just crawls by in Perth. And the sun rays sting my eyes.




Aunty Long and the vulgar looking bolster

Aunty Long doing her job

This is ME.

Paul, the bully.

The weather here is quite nice. At night that is. I finally can open up my windows when I sleep. In the afternoon, the heat is just terrible. Apparently, the 40degreesplus heat wave hasn't arrived in full force yet. School's starting tomorrow and I haven't done my laundry.
e*an said at
9:36:00 pm
For those of you who genuinely care, I'm back in Hall, safe and sound. I've been unpacking and packing like shit, had a major trouble with the Bio washing powder that spilled out from the box onto my bags, utensils, floor, magazines, blah blah blah. So.. I had a hard time cleaning up. My room's in a fucking mess and since I've got a spankin new ixus 55, (much love to
K who paid half of it and caused the Bio washing powder trouble) I'll post pictures up when I'm more or less settled.
I think its the air here. Makes me hungry at this time. Never did happen in Singapore. In fact, my appetite shrunk by heaps. Oh wells, as long as there's no Domino's or Indo Mee as supper, I guess it wouldn't be a problem.
Bye people. Will be back soon. I hope.
e*an said at
11:28:00 pm
The house is empty again. Things never fail to remind that my time here is short.
Had a really good talk with
Lyn over our little tea party in her garden. Her mom made nice pomelo+honey+lime drinks for us cos I'm having a streak of bad luck (ulcer on my left tonsil this time). She says it'll help soothe the pain and so I drank it. That's a source of comfort. You can call it delusion. Isn't that how we live our lives once in a while? For some, it's an everyday affair.
finally met up with missymar over breakfast. x) Can't help but emphasize the fact that I absolutely love having funloving friends as neighbours. And because she managed to find my house with little aid, she deserves a
gold star sticker. I have to admit my house is quite ulu. Just imagine I have to take 10 mins to walk out to the nearest bus stop.
I love my friendly neighbours but a certain parasite seems to have found its host right in my neighbourhood. But we'll leave that as that.
As Lyn says, it's a brand new semester with brand new friends and brand new subjects. For me, I think I've got a brand new room with freshly painted white walls and blue curtains. Maybe I should be more enthusiastic about the new term although........... oh nevermind.
e*an said at
1:44:00 am
Oh yeah. About Valentine's Day.. I drove the car and am quite pleased to say that after 3 months plus of not practicing, I can still drive pretty well. Of course there were hiccups; I nearly buanged the car on the right whilst reverse parking but again, I think I did a pretty good job. Better than Iris who can't handle a small Holden but parks the MPV like a pro. Heehee!
Then we sat down by the beach to gaze at the stars. Hahahahhaha. I'm serious! It was a nice change from the Orchard crowd with big bouquets of flowers. I'm proud to say that I'm against flowers on Vday cos it's a waste of money and they die in no time. I threatened
K with a breakup if he bought flowers for me. The roses in Australia and 10 times bigger, prettier and lasting in anycase.
Then we saw 2 black devils. Or rather, he saw them. That was some scary shit for sure.
The next day, we drove to Deb's neighbourhood and stopped for a bitchfit. Some things still stay the same. Don't you just love it when your friendly friends are also your friendly neighbours? You just drive/walk/jog to their place and holla. Plus everyone's Down Under or about to go. Quite cool, quite cool. Hopefully, it'll be Melbourne this coming Summer and then to Sydney the next. Lyn, Yoo-Lynn, Debbie, *yeah(?). x)
We haven't been making use of our gardens. The only time I actually hung out in the garden was with Yoo-Lynn on her broken swing. And we were trying to test whether it could still withstand our weight without giving way. Hahahahahahahaha!!!
Debbie's garden looks barren, *yeah's looks nicely trimmed but underused. And I've never stepped on Lyn's. It's always "let's go upstairs". And the only time I hang out in my garden is during CNY.
My maid took out my lugguage to sun yesterday. It's time to pack up my life once again, and head back into that confined space that I have to call homeandroom for the next 4 months. I've already had an overdose of people I love but then again, you can never get enough of them if you love them..
lyn (one more time before thursday? just the twoofus, of course). I never believed in friend-hopping. Just a few really close ones and those will stay with you with the rest of your life.
You know, I always think that your weight says something about your attitude towards friendship. I know it sounds like rubbish and you're laughing at me but honestly, I have seen people who keep losing weight and then they lose alot of friends. Blame their "pattern" of course. And look at my fat Kenny! The more weight he gains, the more friends he makes. Of course there are the in-betweens. They are the people who friend-hop. Tsk tsk..
I think I'm more of the constant weight kinda person. Even if I lose, it's only a little. If I gain, it's only a little. In the end, it all comes back to equilibrium.
And by friends, I don't mean the friends who you make out of popularity. Not the ones you meet in clubs but the ones you meet over coffee. Not the ones you only have fun with but the ones who gives you positive criticism.
e*an said at
11:41:00 am
The wound is healing (I think) but the cheek area around it has been infected. It looks ugly. Imagine this; inflamed inner cheek that it overlaps the molar. Oh.. and pus is oozing out. It blocks the wound and I can't see it anymore.
And everytime I chew something, I end up chewing the inflamed area. I'm NEVER taking out the other one. Unless that one fucks up.
Trip to the dentist is gonna hurt like shit. I know it cos I went back on Tuesday and he ended up helping me squeeze a little bit of the pus out. I swear I wanted to die there. It's the kinda pain that makes your limbs go weak and you feel like vomiting.
Maybe I should have paid the $800 instead and get the fucking wound sewn properly.
Don't you
just hate fuckups?
e*an said at
8:05:00 pm
Who ever said that guys were problem solvers was obviously lying. Big time.
I think my wound is healing nicely.
2006 started off on a bad note and I can tell it'll end even more tragically.
I have wasted more time than ever since I came back for my summer vacation. Seems like I'm always waiting for someone, waiting to do something, waiting for something to happen.
No mood to do anything, no mood to do nothing.
I'm fucking broke. God knows why I'm spending more than I'm earning.
Given a choice, I'd turn back time and wish that none of this would happen. It's adding even more problems on top of the existing ones. Made a mistake by overestimating myself.
I regret. I regret. I regret.
Have I been happier? No.
Hate to go back to school. Hate to go out cos it's a waste of time. See, that's a fine example of waiting. Waiting for your turn, waiting for people to make their guest appearance. Waiting for your turn to
speak. Waiting to do something constructive for once.
To end this, I hate it when people go round discussing this trashy blog. It's even worse when you make up your own fairytale and end up fabricating all kinds of shit. What's so interesting that I've said lately?
e*an said at
3:42:00 pm
The novocain is wearing off.. slowly, but surely. The last I remembered feeling before drifting into a disturbing sleep was when I bit hard on the gauze, it wasn't that painful. Now, it feels as if I have a gaping wound on my upper left jaw and a cut on my throat as well. Fyi, the wound is on the lower left. In short, it's starting to hurt like a bitch and I'm feeling awfully sore-ry for myself. Pun intended of course.
I should thank my lucky stars the doc didn't have to do some damn drilling and causing bits of my tooth to fly all over and maybe, risk getting a REAL cut on my throat.
This shall be the chance to tell you how the thing went. Okay? Please la.. I'm feeling so lousy and K is nowhere to be found.. Just let me rant awhile.
Anyway, the doc administered what felt like 4 shots of novocain with a 9 incher(needle). I wanted to die but honestly, it wasn't that bad as compared to the one I was given when I was 13. Waited for my cheeks to swell so I'd look identical to a chipmunk and my lips as full as Jolie's..
Then the nurse covered my face and body with the green cloth. The kind you see in ER. Makes you feel like you're in a real hospital. Then I closed my eyes immediately because even though my vision was green-ed, I could still see and the doc was holding some really freaky looking instruments. There was alot of cutting, jabbing, wrenching, jiggling, tugging, more jiggling of my fat tooth, one sharp pain,
"this looks good.", felt a thread going in and out a few times, and voila! It was done. All in 15 minutes.
Okay.. I'm about to bang my head now. The pain is FUCKING UNBEARABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
e*an said at
4:44:00 pm
Bummer!! I've got my surgery scheduled on Friday which means I don't get to go for Charlene's gathering which I'm sure would be good fun cos.... it always happens that way. So nobody's to ask me out for coffee or shopping or whatever because I'm already very sad.
So to
mar, whoever is reading this and thinking of hanging out, do wait for further notice. Ie: a notice saying that my swelling, headache, bleeding, screaming, headbanging, pillspopping and sulking have become something of the past.
Yeah.. and I have to go through this shit again when I returned in June. Turns out this other tooth is impacted. Woweeeeeee!!
Onto happier news, I slept on a bed of
m&ms yesterday.
e*an said at
12:02:00 pm
I hate myself for not being able to take care of erm... my teeth. Gonna consult a specialist regarding my wisdom tooth because I hate my own orthodontist.
Check this out, dude..
- Spent $65 on normal scaling and polishing last Friday.
- Gonna spend easily another $100 odd on X-ray and whatever consultation fee the other dentist is gonna charge. Today that is.
- Surgery at my regular clinic is gonna cost $450 per tooth. I dunno how many I have to take out. And I dunno how much the specialist is gonna charge. All the novocaineeeeeeee!!!
- I most probably have to make new retainers because my teeth have shifted blah blah blah. That's another $100 odd?
- Gotta go back tmr for filling. $50 per tooth. I have 2.
Well, I can only pity my daddy for having me as a daughter. But then again, I get to have clean straight teeth unlike the big ugly horse looking teeth that you have.
About another 17 days before I leave my nice nice room, good home cooked food, Tricia, Clara, Daphne, Chow, family, extended family, Ianna and shopping.
Then when I get back, I get to call Optus Friendly Yoo-Leen in Melbourne and webcam with Lyn cos she's not very phone friendly. All the assignments and crap, all the walking!! Fuck. I'll be spending Easter break holed up in my room.
*Lyn, what's your Easter plan? You're coming back? I only have a week cos my Winter break is extended to a month. And And And, if everything goes according to plan, I'm domesticating my way to the East Coast in November! HELLO TO YOU LYN(n)S!! I'm getting quite excited!!
e*an said at
12:25:00 pm