This is how I spent my CNY.

Super kawaii! ^_^

at my place

family portrait
It's time to introduce you to, Ianna Wong...
e*an said at
6:06:00 pm
Leaving is such a sweet sorrow.
e*an said at
12:19:00 am
You know what? No one understands why I'm showing a lack of interest in any festive season. I partake because it's either some tradition thingy or I'm being dragged outta my house.
The thing about me is that I don't like to do things by force. I will oblige because I respect you. But don't make things difficult for everyone. To put it simply, half the time I'm made to attend something that I don't really give 2 hoots about.
I don't see the need to be shown the same things, over and over again. It would be nice if everyone would just kindly leave me alone, once in a while.
e*an said at
1:56:00 pm
e*an said at
9:09:00 am
Five of life's simple pleasures that I like most:
- Waking K up at 3am, asking him to talk to me about anything random that comes to mind.
- People watching at Lido, back in JC with the entourage. We didn't care about anything back then.
- I love how bf would walk me back to class every morning after assembly and we would talk and talk till Chiamster chases me inside. Nothing beats a morning hug from her.
- I miss taking 156 with Yoo-Leen on the days my mom can't send us to school. Waiting for her was a bitch but waiting for the bus was THE bitch.
- Sitting next to Swan all the way from Sec 2to4. We had our little box filled with gummi bears, ichiban sweets, 10cents seaweed, sourpower.. you name it, we have it.
5 memorable things I remember:
- Scrapping my knees badly during PE cos I had to piggyback Swan. I fell but cushioned her fall so she was alright.
- Running away from teachers for almost all my life. There's always something I'm guilty of.
- I sucked so badly at Physics I thought I was gonna fail it during the O levels. When we had to connect circuits to light the bulb, mine never did. The aligator clips were everywhere but there was no current on the voltmeter. Basically, I understood jackshit throughout the 2 years that I swore never to get involved with Newton's 3rd law ever again. (in anycase, I got a B3 for that so I was pretty glad)
- In Maris Stella Kindergarten, I was the only kid in my class who wore khaki coloured girly sandals instead of socks and shoes. Hur hur.
- Baking cookies and making tiramisu. My virgin attempt at making pastries with Yoo-Leen and bf.
e*an said at
4:29:00 pm
I love walking to the train station for a few reasons. Firstly, I don't have to rely on the never punctual 92 bus that does a detour around my neighbourhood. That saves me some cash. Then, I get to pass by really nice looking houses on the way to the train station. I love houses painted in white with HUGE green plants as deco. A mixture of Balinese and modern style I'd say.
K, remind me to show you ok? I'm sure you'll love it as well.
If I'm lucky enough, I get to see maids walking dogs. I particularly enjoy walking pass this house because the golden retriever would sometimes be basking in the Sun on the balcony. A very pretty sight indeed. Did I mention that I'm a sucker for white fured goldies?
And I think if you live in a landed property, you should have a garden. It's so stupid if people smear cement over the grass patch and cover it up with tiles. What's the point dude?! If I get to live in a landed property again after I'm married, I'll make sure my husband doesn't become one of those fools.
Speaking of fools, my dad told me that my irresponsible neighbour's german shepherd has been taken away by the pet hotel people in the morning. She finally thought it was high time to do some spring cleaning after boxes cluttered her driveway for months and well, she decided to throw her dog away too. The dog has been ill for a long time and the owner hasn't been taking care of it. He fell into the drain and was howling the whole night before my dad and maid pulled him out of it the next day. The poor fellow wasn't well fed, hasn't had a bath in months and he broke his already weak hindleg. In breaks my heart to see him in such a state even though I don't even know his name. His fur wasn't even shiny but a shade of dull grey, unlike Fox. When I come home from work everyday, I see him in the same position as he was in the morning. All he could do was to stare at me with his pitiful eyes as mustering the energy to give a fierce bark wasn't within his means.
He didn't make a single sound when the people took him away. I guess he knew what was going to happen to him.
I saw an old collar in the green SembCorp dustbin, along with boxes and some old cloth. The dog isn't coming home anymore..
e*an said at
10:54:00 am
Time goes by, so slowly (in the office damnit!).
I'm gonna balloon to my pre-Australia state at the rate I'm munching on Korean tidbits Jean has placed on her table with the instruction, "Take take! Help to finish."
Lunch consisted of 2 prata kosong and 2 packets of guava. So much for losing weight after returning..
Another 1.5hrs before I get to go home. Well, not exactly since I've got a dinner appointment. And Chinky New Year's round the corner. Oddly enough, it sure doesn't feel like a festive season this year. Perhaps the annual routine of having steamboat at my place has been disrupted or maybe, we've all grown up. Afterall, both my sisters will be having reunion dinner at their in-laws', leaving me alone with the old folks.
I haven't bought new clothes (and don't intend to anyway), my mom hasn't bought pussy willows so I can't hang the red packets, no mandarin oranges have been delivered to my place cos Uncle Albert's nursery has suffered alot of damages due to the rain and my dad hasn't hung up the red cloth (banner sounds wrong) outside my door for the fear of Orange ripping it. Oh wait. I think he already spoilt it last year.
To date, I only have a stash of new year cookies and Bangawan Solo's Kueh Lapis in the kitchen and one miserable hamper with a picture of a lion's head. My niece is the only one who's intrigued by this.
I've made this list of what I abhor during CNY cos I'm very very bored at work.
- Relatives commenting, "wah!! hen da le hor?" -How much more can I grow? Puberty is so over for me.
- Relatives serving fizzy-less fizzy drinks.
- Relatives giving used notes in ang pows.
- People asking how am I adapting to Australia. For the twentieth time.
- Long car rides to visit relatives I don't like.
- People who shove ba kua in my face and when I say, "no thanks.. I don't eat pork", they say "you are muslim ah".
- Relatives saying "ni de jie jie dou jie hun le.. ji shi dao ni? ha ha!"- HA HA HA. I like your sense of humour.
- Disgusting remixes of CNY songs. I cannot emphasize enough on this point. It irks me right down to my bones.
I'm just thinking.. how long more can such traditions (ie, CNY, Deepavali, Hari Raya, Mid-Autumn Festival etc) carry on for, before the next few generations completely strike them off from their annual calander.
e*an said at
4:49:00 pm
Is it really worth it to gain the friendship of one and lose contact with so many other people at the same time? What happened to us?

e*an said at
12:32:00 pm
Some people are so deceiving they don't even deserve a space to exist on Earth. You hypocritical piece of walking lard.. I'm so tempted to call you a fucking *** but I have greater plans in mind. Just wait. Maybe one day I'll just decide to tell the story titled, The Wimpish Sibling.
It defeats the whole purpose if I have to spell things out time and time again. My whole weekend sucked so badly. With the exception of my
I miss you so damn much, Tricia!!!
e*an said at
11:43:00 am
I have abso-fucking-lutely no bloody idea how these stupid bankers can actually call the helpdesk and ask for a
-guide-(me-along-with-this) to submit their expense claims. And you call yourself a graduate, when you can't even be bothered to attend the fucking training before you call and ask rubbish questions that can be found on the reference guide? (if you actually bothered to get your big fat ass off the chair in the first place?!)
I'm so fucking peeved right now. Makes me wonder how did they manage to land a job in a bank. Stupid shitheads. You know.. the kinda questions they have are like,
Caller: I have an invalid corp code red flag. How?
Me: Go to "My Info" and fill it up with the new 10 digit one.
Where is "My Info"? I can't find.
Fuck you la.. it's not even a valid question to ask. How am I supposed to answer that when it's staring blatantly in your face? Like what, "oh.. it's 3cm below the top right hand corner of your screen with a man picture"????
Or you get questions like;
Caller: I keep getting directed to another portal!
Me: Close all your browsers and open just one, then
type in the website I'm gonna give you. *proceed to read to him the URL*
and before I could even finish reading, this rude man cuts in and shoutsCaller:
I DON'T KNOW WHERE IS IT!!!Well fucker, if you could just calm down and listen up instead of acting like the whole world owes you a big favour, then maybe you can
The best call I got so far was from the lady secretary.
Caller: I'm a delegate for my supervisor and I get the red flag saying he is an approver only and cannot submit expense claims for himself. What's the meaning of this..
Me: I guess VPU side hasn't updated his profile after Singapore went live. But you have to wait till tomorrow before u can submit the report cos Global would take some time.
Caller: WHAT??!! I spoke to Richard (some senior staff) about this last week and he promised to settle this problem immediately! Do you want me to speak to Derek Monkman (my manager) about this? I know him and I see him everyday. *continues to shout and rant about that Richard guy and how irresponsible he is, and that she's gonna raise this up to the CFO*
Me: I'm sorry but I can't do anything about this.
Caller: Let me speak to Richard!
Me: He's not in today.
Can you put me through to a more senior staff? Not that I wanna bypass you but because if you are acting as the middle person, no one will know the seriousness of this case and this can't do.. you know what I mean? If my manager has to incur some interest-rate charges due to the wait, I'm gonna be in deep shit.
Well, it's not really my fault if you chose to do this till the last minute right? And in anycase, I do hope you get into deep shit for deafening my eardrums and for being plain unreasonable.
All of them ought to be sent for some anger management course. And because I can't shout back at them, telling them to fuck off and get a life, I have to supress my own anger in the office. Guess who gets my shit at the end of the day? Kenny does. x(
e*an said at
11:20:00 am
My cousin's entry touched my heart in more ways than one. Perhaps it's because I've been through the same experience as her 2 years ago or perhaps, it reminded me of the love I had for my dog.
The bad feeling developed since Monday and I prayed silently that when I come home from school that day, he would still be at the front porch to greet me with his wagging tail. He did.
Before getting into my mom's car reluctantly the next day, I ran my palm over and over his head, whispering the exact words I told him the day before. But this time, he didn't keep his promise. My sister smsed me at 8plus telling me my dog at passed away and the Mt Pleasant people are on their way to collect his body for cremation. The only thing I could do was to sob uncontrollably unto Ulynn's shoulder for what felt like an eternity.
I dreaded going home because I didn't wanna adapt to the "new" environment. It was a serious case of self-delusion; I didn't want anything to remind me that my dog wasn't around anymore.
For 15 years, he grew up with me. I have to admit I wasn't the best owner because I never enjoyed helping my dad or sis bathe him, tortured his poor nose by pinching it, pulling his eyelids down and up, instructed him to do tricks though he hardly listens to me.
It's been almost 2 years. He has been the most wonderful dog I've ever had. I hate to say this but although Orange is so much more obedient and complying(?), he still can't replace the dog I affectionately call "Fox". Looking at how my niece tries to command the labrador to "goway!" (go away) or to "teed!" (sit), I wonder if that was how I behaved 17 years ago.
Ching, I have your back.
e*an said at
4:59:00 pm
K: I'll drive my 1800's chariot over at 6.45pm? Prince charming style..
me: I wish it was a chariot. It looks more like an oil spurting machine to me.
K: What the! Ok la.. Sorry no money to upgrade... Then the oil machine will be there later..
e*an said at
9:02:00 am
All things Perth are getting weirder.
- UWA's SSS (Singapore Student's Society for the uninitiated) is organising some pre-departure clubbing event at Cocolatte. ??!!
- The Straits Times published this long article about Western Australia which I find very amusing.
No, but seriously.. they made everything sound so interesting, it actually makes people forget that it's Perth they're reading about.
e*an said at
11:32:00 pm
Drifting in and out of employment, but anyway, my new boss is a thousand times better than the old fucktard from the opposite building. Finally another nice looking thing to add onto my CV.
Last night was spent at my sister's place with
K being extremely nice to my niece. She's so lovable afterall.. why am I not surprised. Anyway, was watching Nat Geog and to my horror
(as well as my sister's-didn't know that my general knowledge was so poor), chimpanzees, gorillas and orang utans are not classified as monkeys. They are called apes. Apes are not monkeys. I bet more than half of you idiots reading this don't know this either. So it doesn't make me feel so stupid. Har har! With the exception of Gracie of course! And Mar since they are best friends.
Fact #2, chimps eat meat. They feed on the young of their own kind and in the rural areas of Africa, they sometimes steal toddlers and infants from their home and bring them back to the jungle where they feed on them too. I've always thought that they were all herbies.
Wasted holiday. Before you know it, I'll be on a plane back. Hostel, shitty food, dodgy bathroom, accumulating sleep debt, struggling with economics and new subjects, feeling the void as well as PMS syndrome at its peak. It's the same old vicious cycle. You'll never be able to comprehend this sorta feeling unless you're also far away from home. I'm gonna offend some people here but honestly, friends made in Uni aren't exactly the most sincere and genuine souls around.
e*an said at
12:48:00 am
K up-ed his cool factor (ahem) once again by being so enthusiastic when I told him I wanted to go shopping. We came to this shop and then uttered the exact words simultaneously; "THIS ONE!!"
My new shoes are looking damn
bloody sweet. But on a sad note, my Birks that I've tried very hard to keep clean cos it's white, has started to grow mould/fungus/green stuff on the footbed. No fucking idea how it got there but it looks too gross to wear now. I would love to put it out to give it a sunshine bath but the weather isn't being cooperative as of late. Any idea how to get rid of those nasty things aside from sunning?
e*an said at
11:58:00 pm
Just a thought.. if underwired bras are designed to prevent/slow down the rate of sagging of boobs, why not design underwired panties for sagging butt cheeks? Might be a little uncomfortable when you sit but hey.. no pain no gain right?
e*an said at
11:41:00 pm
Let's see.. it's been some time since I came back. People have also gone back after their short-lived vacation. Soon, it'll be my turn to bid farewell to the earthlings that rule Singapore once again. Come to think of it, 4 months in D.U passed
pretty quickly but the 3 months here is passing even more quickly. Before you know it, we'll all be graduating from Uni and ready (or not) to conquer a whole new obstacle. But we'll be somewhat in limbo from the time we graduate to finding a job. (people who manage to find a job even before they graduate are just plain lucky. pui! ya.. I'm a sour puss okay?)
I somehow suspect this will happen even before we throw those
party hats up into the sky, posing in front of the camera with a phony grin and holding that stupid certificate that almost everyone has. Of course Daddy and Mommy will breathe a sigh of relief knowing that their youngest daughter has finally completed varsity (with Honours or not, whatever!).
Btw, my dad hates the taking of pictures with your cert unrolled. I went to my sister's convocation in Melbourne back in 2000 and my dad gave her a good lashing when she did that. His reason; Don't be so haolian. Everyone is a graduate nowadays. Besides, you only completed a Bachelor's degree. I never quite understood his stance on this though. Oh.. I just remembered UWA doesn't provide party hats unless you're doing a postgrad degree. Bummer!
Back to my point, I think people will begin to feel this whole new emptiness during their last semester. It's rather sian if you think of it. Bye bye to 4 months of holiday annually and say hello to 14 days per year, 21 if you're lucky. Prepare to get politically stabbed in the back, get your income and get your income taxed. And maybe it's a good time to learn about stocks and shares.
Don't you think studying is a better option? At least you're only responsible for yourself. Be selfish while you can.
Had dinner at Brazil yesterday with Kenny, Sam and Kow. I tried chickens' heart and felt like I was gonna throw up. Maybe it was psychologically induced. It was chewy like gum and tiny. Tasted not bad initially until I remembered I was eating the innards of a bird. But overall, it was a good experience. Headed across the road to Venezia where we met Queen Kong.
This holiday wasn't well spent. I haven't been going out much but I've been spending quite alot. It's not like I have a stable income flowing into my bank account. POSB and Westpac. Driving's burning a hole in my pocket. Shopping isn't the culprit till I next go back. My wardrobe needs a major revamp. Realised Iris and I wear like shit when we go to school. Cos it's Summer, I need more presentable clothes. It's so embarrassing when the 7 of us head to some fine dining restaurant in Northbridge and then I'm always wearing the same shit I wear to school. When Winter comes, I'm determined not to freeze to death in my thin as bedsheets Roxy jacket. Kenny got me a spankin new jacket! x)
SO.. I'll be ever ready to embrace a whole new school term with:


timetable, assets=liabilities+owner's equity(kenny's detailed explanation in week2), tute questions and test dates

textbooks, stationary and whatnot

doing my own laundry. to hell with clothes that cannot be tumbled dry.

this is how Singaporeans are stereotyped as the people who have noodle parties in the pantry every night.

creaky bed and lumpy comfortor.

ah... Woolworths or what the Melbournians call Priceline? Good stuff. Better than NTUC.

Sad to say my friendly neighbour, Laura, who kept a kitty in her room is moving out. x(
e*an said at
3:44:00 pm

Look at what Daddy got me for Christmas!

pink Beetle with eyelashes!
Yeah right. I don't even have my license yet.
e*an said at
10:57:00 pm
NYE gives me a reason to drink alcohol like there's no tomorrow. Yesterday was fucking fun hanging out with Swan, Kenny and his usual entourage. We did the unthinkable, said the most absurd stuff, acted like we were sober before the 3 girls were dragged into cars by our boyfriends. Thank God for responsible boyfriends who don't drink cos they were driving. Heehee!!
The only downside was that I stank like Bangla workers after that and my hair reeked of those snow spray shit. They pissed us off so badly. They were seriously EVERYWHERE, spraying that shit on EVERYONE. Come to think of it, I should have kneed those assholes in their balls. It's(their toys that suffer from ED) such a nuisance to society. They rape girls, transmit HIV blah blah blah. Might as well let me damage them. I'll be the heroine of the future.
Soph, Sam and I were just talking about the description we'll be giving the police if we ever get raped by one of them; he's of average height, has moustache, greasy hair with the same kinda hairstyle your gramps has, thick lips, wearing a checkered shirt, pants and black slippers you find at Mustafa.
If you think of it, they all look alike. I wouldn't be able to differentiate one from the other.
The great night ended with Swan and I at Phua's house. What a great way to end oh five, waking up beside my 2 best friends. x)
e*an said at
12:20:00 am