Got this off
Van's blog..
1) Was 2005 a good year for you?
Not exactly.
2) What was your favorite moment of the year?
When I fell in love. x)
3) Where were you when 2005 began?
At some sleazy house party themed "Britney".
4) Who were you with?
Biatch, Chun. Think Rubin was there too and I can't remember the rest of their names.
5) Where will you be when 2005 ends?
I'll be out for sure.
6) Who will you be with when 2005 ends?
Swan, Kenny and his big group of friends. I would wish for my
AF crew to meet up though.
8) Do you have a new years resolution for 2006?
To be less of a brat, be nicer to Kenny, have more
AF outings when I'm back. Stupid bitches! 2 more months before I bid goodbye again ok!
9) Did you fall in love in 2005?
For sure.
10) If yes, with who?
11) You regret it?
Never will.
12) Did you quarrel with anyone in 2005?
Of course la.. almost a weekly affair with my folks.
13) Did you make any new friends in 2005?
14) Who are your favorite new friends?
People in Uni, Kenny's friends..
15) What was your favorite month of 2005?
16) Did you travel outside in 2005?
To Australia.
17) Did you lose anybody close to you in 2005?
18) What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2005?
Erm.. Saw 2?
19) What were your favorite songs in 2005?
I hate this survey already.
20) If you could go back in time to any moment of 2005, when/where?
2005 was a bad year. Never wanna relive the shit again.
e*an said at
12:54:00 pm
Christmas was celebrated in a rather personal way this year. A quiet affair, if I might say so. But it was good fun. Plus, everyone that I've missed, is back from Australia and the UK. x)
Looks like I wont be going anywhere during this holiday which means the last holiday was about one year ago, in Sydney. I've never liked Sydney that much anyway. It's too similar to Singapore. But because my DebbieDearest will be coming home with my loot (she'd better!) from Sydney, I might like it a little more than Singapore.
Speaking of Down Under brings me to the topic of school. Not exactly a semester that I'm particularly looking forward to. It's the same feeling I had before I left in July-of dread and despair. The kinda shit certain individuals give you is able to drive you insane. But the people you call friends are a million miles away and there's nothing much you can do but cry within the four walls you call your makeshift room. Ulynn is right; the closest people you meet and hang out with everyday in Australia will never ever be the same as those you have right here. Thank god for the 2 "lyn(n)'s" I have in Melbourne. Only a cheap phone call away. Deb's gonna be joining the D.U gang reeeaaally soon so........ x))
Bloody ecstatic ok!
Just yesterday, BunnyMo mentioned that she might have been delusionally happy. Not too long ago, Gracie said the same thing. I'm beginning to wonder if it's the same with me. With us.
Sometimes when you don't ask questions, it's not because you're afraid that someone will lie to your face but because you're afraid they'll tell you the truth.
e*an said at
3:42:00 pm
Yesterday, I met a samaritan. Yesterday, I met my angel.
e*an said at
12:50:00 pm
I just drew up my planned timetable and so far, it's looking pretty damn cool!
No more 9am classes, no more coming out of the LT to greet the sunset during winter, no more Friday classes.
This should have been my life as a Commerce student since day one. If everything goes well, say hello to 10am classes, 4 days of school per week and classes that end at 4pm!!
The school's admin staff should just hurry up and put up the timeslots for my Asian Biz tutes. Hopefully, I can fit it in on a Monday then all I have to do is to cross my fingers and pray that I get my first preference. Uh-huh.
On hindsight, the thought of going back to school is rather nauseating. Being unable to find a job stinks.

Bad taping. Hur hur hur.
e*an said at
2:40:00 pm
My boyfriend should have daily hand paraffin sessions. It brings handholding to another level. x)
On a different note, playing tug-o-war with monsters (
K being the rope) is my latest nightmare.
Oh Kenny, please stop playing Dota by Christmas too, will you?
e*an said at
1:24:00 am
Believe me when I say that tomorrow, Monday that is, is gonna be a bad start.
Bad week, bad month and a bad ending for 2005. 2006 will be equally as tragic, if not worse.
e*an said at
12:06:00 am
I just had my first meal after 24 hours. I'm praying very hard that I don't end up hugging the toilet bowl for the 8th time.
Yeah.. I'm down with food poisoning.
In times like these, I'd choose lao sai-ing over vomitting.
e*an said at
2:26:00 pm
Our pet hermit crab, Superman, died.
I suspect its babysitter from Mauritius murdered it. Someone told me he has been trying to get our poor crab high. On what? I don't know. But I'm guessing, he has been smoking weed in his room and exhaling into the cage and giving it VB instead of water. I don't know where the carcass is now but I hope he had the decency of disposing it properly.
It was 2 good months of having Superman as a companion.
e*an said at
2:20:00 pm
I've been suffering the aftermath of last night's supper with the uni people.
Well, it makes me pretty elated, seeing my stomach getting flatter after every visit to the toilet. Have tried yoghurt, prunes, prune juice, bananas, papayas etc.. basically the things that can make you shit without popping pills into your mouth. And the winner of all winners would be......................................
Don't believe in all those trashy advertisements saying "Weight loss guaranteed in 2 weeks!" and be tempted into buying weight loss pills. It just makes you shit- Their so called detox programme. So expensive summore! Might as well head down to Newton Circus, order 2 plates of or luat and finish all the chilli they provide. Go home for a good sleep. Tomorrow will be a better day.
Disclaimer: Only for households with toilet seats.
Don't come biting the hand that feeds you, or in this case, the mouth that offers good advice (and helps you save money). If you lao sai until your legs tremble because you have to squat for 20 mins, which might then result in you losing your balance and getting your leg trapped in the hole, and then you have to call the fire brigade to knock the ceramic to free your leg and blah blah blah blah blah... don't you dare shove your medical expenses in my face.
You have already been warned.
e*an said at
1:19:00 pm
We were on the issue of a father having too many sons and when he finally had a daughter, he nearly bawled his eyes out.
leaving in two weeks (my dearest friend) says:
cos after seeing penis out of the hole for so many years he finally sees a hole out of a hole?
I rest my case.
e*an said at
12:37:00 am
With gore, blood and a interesting twist to the story, Saw 2 is a must watch.
DEBS: I refuse to email you. Please bring back KKs for me okay?
Hmmm.. fairly intersting way to be spending my Saturday. This is the first time I've been doing something productive ever since my return. Next stop; getting my CV done and start on the savings plan.
*Summerlovin indeed
e*an said at
2:45:00 pm
So maybe, this is how it'll feel like when I grow old; unmotivated to do jackshit, unwilling to do something useful with my life, unable to foresee myself studying (in 2 month's time).
And it's been like that for 3 weeks.
How about isolating myself? Void of human contact might bring about peace and serenity. But you know that's impossible. Only because commitments exist.
And please don't ask me what's wrong. You know I don't like that. If I wanted you to know, you will eventually find out.
e*an said at
1:05:00 am