Today has gotta be the worst day of my life.
e*an said at
1:20:00 am
Been rather busy with the wedding and now I'm sick. Arghh!!
Anyway, now that my sister isn't gonna share a room with me anymore, I get to listen to the radio until I fall asleep(which is much later than my sis), talk on my cell till I die from brain tumour.. and erm, basically I get to enjoy the privacy I've always yearned for.
I'm just thinking, when I go back to Australia next year, my parents will be the only ones left in the house. Things could get pretty lonely considering the fact that my house isn't exactly very tiny. 2 old folks, a maid and a highly annoying labrador spells trouble. Maybe my house could be a day care centre for Ianna. x)
The reason why I haven't been blogging regularly is because I haven't been doing anything ever since I came back. The weather has been nasty, my plans have been put on hold because of NTU's ongoing exams, I haven't caught Potter, haven't seen the
other 5 girls, haven't eaten so many things because I've been spoilt by Kenny and have refused to travel by bus just to eat. Going to town and coming back by bus is still fine when it comes to meeting people who don't drive. See, I'm pretty adaptable.
Speaking of which, town sucks. Shopping sucks and this season's clothes is fucking hideous. I'll just make do with the clothes I bought from Aussieland. Which really isn't alot to begin with. Sigh!
Phua: It's this huge packet containing a mixture m&ms, peanuts, raisins and other things. I can't remember the name but my friend from Montana offered me some and it was addictive. If you do see it in the supermarket, help me buy back ok? Thanks.
I have nothing left to say, or rant. Life
IS getting mundane. I'm thinking of lying on my bed, listening to George Michael and eventually falling asleep. Dinner and other late night activities can wait.
Might book an appointment with the dentist to clean my teeth and at the same time, remove the wisdom teeth on my lower jaw. At least that would give me a valid reason not to eat. The whole bullshit on transportation problem sounds lame after awhile.
e*an said at
6:19:00 pm
I crave for the lifestyle I led in Perth. Minus the continuous ( well, sort of..) mugging.
It might have been boring and slow, but I find it painfully difficult to cope with the mad-rush I face back here.
e*an said at
11:59:00 pm
Lyn, I hope accounting went well for you today and that you're well prepared for stats tomorrow. Bag that H1 and update me ok? I hope your facial expression wasn't as horrid as mine when I opened my exam booklet. Hahaha!
e*an said at
9:17:00 pm
You know, I have a thousand and one things to complain about this punysnortofanisland.
Like how the dreadful weather has made my hair dry AGAIN. Like how you can light it up and set it on fire. Like how the bloody sky looks so polluted because it isn't a nice shade of blue with big white puffy clouds. Like how the drivers here are so rude and reckless-up yours too, thank you. Like how the humidity and heat wave almost killed me. Like how the trashy "How To Make Your Trip In Singapore An Enjoyable One' clip on Qantas made me even more sick than I already was. Just imagine retarded lady by the name of Wee Tee, speaking with a phony ultra cmi accent coupled with enthusiasm that just makes my hair stand. For fucks sake.. if the STB was the one who gave her the position of playing host to hot ang moh lady, they are definitely giving a very bad name to Singapore. I couldn't help but tsk-tsk loudly in my seat. But you know what? I shouldn't. Because people like Lyn and Ulynn are so gonna slap me.
And one last note, what's the hype about flying alone and sitting alone in the aircraft? Do I look like I need to be accompanied by someone 24/7? Fyi, I love to do things alone, especially shopping. And I dare say I do pretty much everything myself, except for eating and maybe packing up my room.
e*an said at
12:48:00 am
So the exams are over. So what?
I'm too lazy to drag the lugguage out from under the bed and start packing. As usual, I'll do last minute packing tomorrow night and most probably forget to bring back something important. Yeah.. maybe I'll head down to the airport without my fucking passport.
Everyone's at Burswood gambling their time away. I requested for my sorry ass to be sent back to Hall simply because I've been lazy and haven't showered for 2 days.
As much as I hate to admit it, it feels weird that my shorty friend isn't around anymore. I mean we always back out on things together. No more #270.
Hello Iris, if you're reading this. Breathe in some London air for me, will you?
I on the other hand, will be spending another 2 stinking days in this place before I leave on the jet plane.
The weather was awesome today. The flies were not. I can't believe I actually bitched about the weather. When it's cold, I bitch. When it's 25degcel, I bitch about it being so fucking hot. It isn't hot-hot per se, I just haven't experienced this kinda weather for a long long time. Probably not accustomed to it. I cringe at the thought of braving some major heat wave once I come out of Changi Airport. And as usual, I always don't spend my weekends properly. Instead of being at the beach, I was controlling my gastric juices from coming outta my mouth due to excessive reverse parking.
Everyone's not back yet. Aye.. exams finish already is it? Haven't even sat for one paper yet la! You'll be eating the my jet plane's dust whilst sitting for your paper. MUAHAHAHAHA.
Fuck. I'm so bored. I need teevee and OC episode 5. It's been too long. Way too long.
I think I'll start packing now since there's nothing to do.
e*an said at
12:17:00 am
Mmmm... ze air is sweet.
I battled the exams, got slapped left and right after a few papers but I'm still sitting here. So even though I don't see any High Distinctions coming my way, I guess I'm still a winner simply cos I survived it. With erm.. undeniably some wounds and bruises.
Will just cross my fingers and hope for the best. Maybe I'll die of a heart attack 1 month later when I check my results online, but that's another story for another day.
I haven't been to the city frequent enough. They built a new Diva outlet whilst I was MIA-ing. So I did what I had to do. Bye bye $40 bucks in 10 minutes.
Come Sunday, I'm gonna drag my very unreluctant boyfriend to go shopping with me. No.. not to pay for my buys,( btw, I really hate girls who make their boyfriends pay for their shopping. No money then don't buy la..) but to help me carry my buys from the supermarket. My hands must be free to hold the Sportsgirl shopping bags. Heh..
I'm outta here.
K just connected back the teevee.
e*an said at
1:51:00 am
K says we have to set Superman free. x(
He's the hermit crab we bought at the Perth Royal Show. I told him I wanted to keep his shell as a remembrance though.
It is quite heart-wrenching to see him being the hermit he is, hiding in his shell all day.
e*an said at
6:06:00 pm

Iris, me, Kristin; sisterhood of the travelling pants

Okay. Seriously,

Trying to relive his childhood aspiration of being a honkie cop

You see, you see...
e*an said at
3:41:00 am
Oddly enough, today feels like a friday night gone wrong; ie, I shouldn't be holed up in a room that is the size of my toilet back at home. (Yes... home is not very far away. I can smell the food already. And my
bf's hair too!)
You know, somehow I have this really horrible feeling that when I go back to Singapore, it's not gonna be the partyeveryweek, shoppingeveryday, chillingovercoffeecumpeoplewatching. The only place I'll be chilling at would be home, with my Potter book in hand. So bloody fucked up I'd say.
K got me the book like what.. the day of release? And I haven't found time to finish it. Maybe 1 of the 5 hours on the lonesome plane ride home would be dedicated to reading it. Apart from that, when friday comes, it's time to repay the 500 odd hours of sleep debt.
I haven't had the luxury of taking afternoon naps ever since I came here. Today's one felt really good. x)
My parents have really made a wise decision in sending me to boring ol' Perth. In Singapore, they had so much trouble making me stay at home, complaining that I waste too much time outside yada yada.. Now, I will stay at home out of my own free will. Hahahahahahahaha.
Bf, you can take 7 and visit me. I know you don't like going out either unless it's with me. Or at least I hope so.. Bake cookies, yes?
The favouritest thing I enjoy doing apart from rushing into Sportsgirl would be doing laundry. Maybe I should tell my dad I wanna quit school since studying really isn't my forte. I'll stay here and make
K pay me big bucks for helping him wash clothes, cook, wash the dishes
cleanly, make his bed, fold his clothes. Basically, I'll be his domestic
helper girlfriend.
The weather is being a bitch again. It's like Melbourne in the making.. like 4 seasons in a day. And the flies? OMG. Don't even start opening your mouth to speak. The hp will be my new form of communication come Feb. Disgusting pieces of shit. They can be as big as the size of the nail on your ring finger.
e*an said at
9:28:00 pm
Hunger pangs seemed so foreign for the past 2 weeks or so.
Missing out on breakfast and lunch, and then skipping dinner because they were serving steak
and pork..
And then I have to put up with this bloody stingy neighbour who haunts me day and night, just for a packet of Indomee in exchange for (lessthantopgradequalitykindofrice) porridge she made for me.
Firstly, not like I used up the whole bloody packet, please. I do not have a classroom full of boys undergoing puberty, residing in my stomach you know. It was a meer what.. 1/4 cup!?
Her: Aye! Are you hungry? I overslept and missed dinner.
Me: Erm.. alright I guess. I didnt eat dinner either.
Her: I got rice.. can cook porridge. You want? (read: she
Me: You cooking? Ok la.. just a little bit will do. Thanks.
Her: Ok! Then you can give me a packet of Indomee later ya?
Iris says I should have paid her 20cents instead of exchanging noodles for it. Come to think of it, I
loogi-ed 30cents. But not like I can buy anything off the shelf for 30cents. Pfftt..
But aside from her stinginess and the retarded questions she bombards me when she knocks on my door, she's alright I guess.
I know you guys wanna know what kinda retarded questions she throws at me right?? Ok, actually, I'm itching to tell also. Hahahaha!!
First of all, I really
hate it when people do a series of rhythmic knocking on my door. Blink182 isn't holding an audition for a new drummer in my room.
So I open the door and she greets me with a very enthusiastic "hello!! what are you doing?"
What does that mountain of books you see on my table seem like to you? Can't you see that the website I'm currently on screams "SCHOOL PROPERTY"? Maybe next time, I should ask her to come closer to my laptop, point at the lower righthand corner and indicate "see, it says 'local intranet'. I'm studying la.. in short."
Nevermind that. I tell her I'm studying and she repeats,
"oh.. studying ah?"
"so you busy la?"
"ya.. quite. first paper's on saturday."
"mine's on thursday!! faster than yours."
"oh... (don't you have to study??!) then u better get going."
"hai... i'm damn sian and i got a headache again."
"*takes panadol from my drawer, shoves it into her hand* na.. go take some and sleep early k? bye!"
Sheesh... alright. That's it for my morning rant. Bye people.
e*an said at
11:08:00 am
You cut me down to size
And opened up my eyes
Made me realize
What I could not see
e*an said at
8:43:00 pm