The poor mind has been stuffed silly with an excess of Fiscal Policy, AD and AS over the span of 4 days. Yes. I'm
that slow with revision. But, remember this is no jc bullshit, just touching the surface and proceed to teach another crappy topic. I hope this will eventually pay off.. though I'm not having any high hopes, fearing the disappointment I'll have to face at the end of the day.
Yes, as I was saying, due to my incapability to focus on yet another 20 pages of Monetary theory and policy, I decided to make myself coffee.
The bright red Nescafe packet has been sitting in my cupboard for a long long time, along with one miserable packet of Pokka greentea which tasted funny the last time I drank it, and one box of unopened Lipton tea. My war reserves on the other hand, have been wiped out. And it's not even the exam week!
Hmm.. that was 2 paragraphs of utter rubbish.
Birthday was erm.. alright. I had a hugeass strawberry cheesecake with 19 frickin candles stuck on it. Most memorable birthday gift was the trip down to Albany highway, driving through pseudo forests with gravels under the wheels, reaching the final destination to check out where Perth gets water from. The dam's huge and some asshole tried parachuting from the top. Poor bloke died cos the parachute didn't open.
Did I mention that I was driving at 100km/hr with a L plate? Australia's cool in this sense I guess. :)
And many many thanks to everyone for the well-wishes!; my very 2 best friends, lyn and the
AF crew in particular.
The second msg from Singapore only came at 5ish in the morning and prior to that, I was complaining to K that everyone forgot about my birthday. The next thing I know, one msg came in from Atlanta and then the next was from my favourite
Last note before I end, lucks to all the exam people. Which is like, everyone?! Exams' such a bitch. I just wanna pack my stuff into smelly boxes and leave this place that has screwedupweather and shitassfood.
e*an said at
10:27:00 pm
What hurts the most?
When people become nonchalant and insensitive. What makes it worse is that I can't be that whiny 12 year old brat who kicks up a fuss just cos things don't go her way. Learning to put on a brave front and saying, "it's ok.." is part and parcel of growing up. Right?
And of all people, it has to come from
Not changing my stance on certain issues, has got to be the wisest decision I've made.
e*an said at
12:31:00 am
My first paper starts in 10 days' time. I hate sitting for papers on a Saturday morning.
My alarm clock failed to wake me up today. As a result, I had only 10 mins to make it to school when Kenny called, waking me up from my sweet slumber, asking where was I.
On normal days, I would have told him to help me copy notes, but today, I said,
"I'm coming now!"
Almost went to school in my sleeping clothes; ie, an oversized bright yellow Albert House t-shirt and fbt shorts. But thankfully, I had some decency to change into a pair of jeans.
This was what happened. Changed into jeans but still in big yellow tee.
Left the room but realised I was wearing my sis's warm jumper that says:
Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia.Now now, being the girl with strong school spirit, how could I step into UWA's school grounds bearing the name of yet another school?
Cursed loudly and went back to change my jumper.
Something bright caught my eye when I was about to leave my room for the second time; yellow tee is too long and has exposed itself underneath my Speedo jumper.
Cursed again. And again. And again.
Took off jumper AND yellow tee, picked some random bra from the drawer and wore jumper. (Yea.. you heard me right. I went to school without a t-shirt underneath. Only realised that when reached the LT.) Then on the way to school, I had to prance around for about 20m to avoid the bloody sprinklers.
Looked bloody stupid for sure.
But to make up for that horrid morning, it was worth every bit to go for Wally's lecture.

That was my Wednesday morning adventure for you. Now, it's back to Fitting Models. Sigh.. the tough life of a uni student.
PS: I didnt brush my teeth this morning either. Hahahahahaha
e*an said at
5:08:00 pm
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverseWhen the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
e*an said at
1:56:00 am
e*an said at
1:15:00 am

these are hermit crabs. Kenny's a proud owner of Superman.
If there's anything worth staying in Perth for, flowers in Spring win hands down. They cheer me up immensely.
e*an said at
9:04:00 pm
The future's looking fucking bleak.
Look at the time now. I've been sleeping no earlier than 3.30am EVERY GODDAMN FUCKING DAY ever since school started. Weekdays and weekends don't seem to make much of a difference because I take too much time to understand my notes. By the time I'm done with the "ohh.. I see..", 3 hours have passed. I kid you not. Getting down to doing tutorials literally squeezes my brain juice dry.
So it's the same routine, day in, day out. I really wouldn't be complaining if I get to see
some results. But no.. this isn't the case.
Time is so not on my side.
Not sure if you call this stress. Cos if it is, I can bet this is a hybrid.
e*an said at
3:13:00 am
Looking at old photographs on a saturday night, isn't the wisest thing to do.
Horrible blue skirts a tad bit too short and blouses that aren't supposed to be tucked that low. I miss my
I'm coming home soon, girls. I've left my comfort zone for too long.
And to my
best friend, thanks for calling. You made my day x). Sorry for the abrupt end to our conversation cos I pressed the wrong button and I didn't have enough credit to reply your sms. You know I love you. Just hang in there!
e*an said at
10:44:00 pm
Can someone please leave a tag if the news reported anything about any bank robery, bomb hoax, terrorist attack, natural/man-made calamity in Perth?
I was cruising along the city streets when the drama happened. First it was the sirens, then the police car weaved in between the big parked bus and another car. It was like something out of Initial-D, only not that fast. But really, the skills of the policeman was superb. Trust me, I really wanted to bring out the kaypo-ness in me but I was holding up traffic at the back so I didnt manage to catch any action.
3 things I really want to do now:
1. Eat my yogurt that's not exactly within reach. Lets just say it requires me to walk about 50 metres in the cold and 4 flights of stairs up.
2. Go back home. This has been such a horrible nightmare. Major mistake in coming to Perth, just to compete with kiasu AND selfish Singaporeans, and the top 20% in W.A. Whoever said blonds are dumb, obviously lied.
3. Sleep and never wake up till the weekend comes. I'm really really sleep deprived.
To anon: If ranting about school and boring ol' Perth makes me a drama queen, then erm.. okay...
e*an said at
9:31:00 pm
The love I used to have for statistics is lost. Thanks to ANfuckingOVA.
It used to be so simple and straight forward with only one table to use. Now, there's so many abbreviations and 4 fucking tables to use.
I see a resemblance here. With 3.5 weeks left to exams, lecturers are rushing to complete 2 VERY heavy topics. Back in Sec 4, my social studies teacher made us go back to school during study break to complete the topic on Venice, 2 weeks before O levels.
e*an said at
12:02:00 am
Save those excuses cos I'll never believe a word you say from now on.
Seriously, how hypocritical can one get...
e*an said at
8:57:00 pm
2 guys from UWA bagged the Nobel Prize Award for medicine. :)
It was featured on BBC news for 3 days.
I haven't felt such strong school spirit after I left IJ. Just a thought, I could have accidentally-purposely walked pass the camera man and voila!! I'm on WORLD NEWS. Hehehe.
e*an said at
6:12:00 pm
You know you're not the studying sorta person when:
-you have short term memory
-you have short attention span
-you hate reading the textbook and making notes
-you find econs a bloody chore
-you realise every "fiscal policy" word turns into dancing packets of maggi mee
-you make an excuse to visit the scary toilet every 15 mins when you're studying, but can wait for hours and hours before visiting it when you're out chilling
But I'm really very hungry
e*an said at
11:23:00 pm
Been surfing some blogs lately. Blogs of people who are having an overseas tertiary education. Basically, it comprises of parties after parties(REAL parties with booze, chicks and hot ang moh hunks), going to the cinema to catch the latest flick, going for more parties, shopping and whatnot. Then it struck me; for the 3 months I've been in Perth, I've done NO partying and I haven't even been to the cinema. Like wtf? And its bad enough that Australia doesn't show alot of movies till 2 months after Singapore. Pfft. Shopping here sucks ass and I think I've contributed a fair bit to their economy, judging from the amount of stuff I buy from Sportsgirl. Kenny and Iris can vouch for that. They can be having this mega sale but I end up buying a $70 skirt, a $50 odd blouse yada yada. In short, I come out buying stuff that aren't on sale. Me having expensive taste? Yeah.. maybe. Majority of my shopping comes from Sportsgirl and I'm quite pissed that they dont have a VIP card so I shall stop my bad habits like now. I'm collecting Havaianas for Summer like nobody's shitass business and I have this HUGE scar on my back thanks to Iris. If it doesn't go away, I'm gonna cry. Like I haven't collected enough scars on my body.. How to go suntanning at the beach like that?! I'm leading such a loserish life in Perth. Seriously, everyday, its school and back in Hall. The "fun" activities are trying to run away from the British bloke who is seriously scaring me and err. the internet? He carried me up like a rugby ball and wanted to throw me into the rubbish bin. You know what Iris and I did after coming back from EBS tute? We stood in the garden for a good whole 20 mins, smelling the roses and questioning why they grow so well here and not back at home. HOW SAD IS THAT?! It was like "oohhh!! roses! so pretty! *rush over to smell* WAH!!! damn nice smelling! come smell, come smell!" "these roses are bloody huge! oh! and they use fertilisers also. chey.." Tonight, I'm going to the Guild Village. It's Spring Fest. Anything beats eating Hall food. Even the pigs won't eat it. Actually, the main reason is because Spring Fest sounds so cool. You know as a kiddo, all that trashy Sweet Valley books have made all these "fests" sound so cool. And now OC. I'm becoming even more loserish than I was before. To up my cool factor, I'm going to head back to school. I heard there's Takopachi. Anything sounds better than err.. Fish & Chips. I think whoever has been keeping up with my daily boring rants have this super bad impression of Perth. Esp Phil. Right?? Actually, its because no one has a car. And it's quite embarrassing to travel in the diesel powered Scooby Doo.

ratty old van
this is how we should be travelling. in style. Kenny.... :)
Dunno why there are white specs on the picture. See, this is how cool things can become uncool. Tainted by some small seemingly insignificant THING. But when many of these things come together, you'll see the difference. Well, click to enlarge. Such a beauty!
e*an said at
5:36:00 pm
Listen to
this. Hahahahahahahahahaha!!
e*an said at
1:42:00 am
The ang mohs still think we're from China,(!!!!) have "lice and nooders"(rice and noodles) as our staple food and we hold "noodle parties" every night in the pantry.
Okay, maybe the Singaporeans are over doing the supper with Indomee, Maggi and whatever that tastes like home soil, BUT, to make such a stupid comment like having "noodle parties" every night is just absurd. I told one guy to try it and he said it looks disgusting. O K A Y.
And they have been taught so many hokkien swear words, they just overuse it.
Say if they see any asian along the corridoor, it's just a verbal vomit of "cheebye, whar lao(wah lau), pundeh, len tiao(lan jiao)". Coupled with either an aussie/american accent of course.
e*an said at
2:05:00 am
Krispy Kremes on the way back from Sydney! Ok, I'm damn sua ku but I haven't tried them before but I've heard from ppl like Ulynn, that it's supposedly quite good. So I'm gonna go collect them tmr. Already getting high on the thought of sugar.
I went for a jog along the Swan River with Iris and totally died. I guess I managed to cover only about 2 clicks in total. Sigh. And I didnt even manage to jog the whole way to the old brewery. Double sigh.
Well, there's always the gym. I reckon I'll burn more fats in the gym than doing the scenic jog business. Maybe I'll get to meet some hot ang moh instructor. HAHAHA.
Everyone's moving outta Hall next sem leaving me and my cj counterpart to burn the block down with our cooking.
Oh, K bought this hermit crab from the Perth Royal Show and it's damn cute. I'll post the picture up soon. And I bought the Spongebob, M&Ms, Yupi and Freddo showbags. And I've got a new soft toy. x)
Uh.. a totally bimbotic post, but I like to get in touch with my past sometimes.
Really got no business to be feeling fine and dandy when I've only done 1 outta the 4 items on my blue post-it.
Bye world, hello birds who wake up at 4.47am. I hear your noisy chirping/crowing every morning.
e*an said at
11:56:00 pm
Dinner cooked by Iris and myself was downright awful. I'm never cooking porridge again. I might just stick to baking cookies and frying eggs.
I hate management. I'm swearing off all management units next sem. Took 1 bloody week to do my assignment and I'm still not done with it. And that's all I've been doing for my 2 weeks holiday. Well done, E'an.
List of things that are screaming for attention:
-EBS excel test on tuesday and I still have no idea what's the diff between NORMDIST and NORMSDIST. Like fuck off already?! Can work out the answer using my brain and write it down on paper cannot is it? I hate IT.
-FA presentation that's supposed to be submitted to the ang moh leader BY tues. I still don't know what the question is talking about.
-Exams are in a month's time.
-My brain's officially juiced from all that research. I HATE OB!!!
*poor brain of mine*Basically, "fuckaroos" is my mantra.
e*an said at
3:10:00 am