When I go back home, no one is allowed to call me and ask me to go out to chill in HV or in town or stone or shop, FOR THE FIRST 3 DAYS.
When I go back home, I will only leave the comforts of my house if you're gonna ask me out to eat bak chor mee, chicken porridge, orr luat, stingray, sambal kangkong, hor fun. ( I will increase the length of my list soon )
And it'd be better if you drive and pick me up. It'll be quite embarrassing to take the bus when the buttons of my jeans start popping.
AF outings should only be limited to Newton or steamboat fests. And
bf, since I bought you yummy TimTams, the least you can do for me is to search for our BCM. I'll promise to bring back UNMELTED chocolate balls in November.
e*an said at
5:18:00 pm
As I prop my chin on my wrist, I smell a very comforting and somewhat endearing scent from the sleeve of my jumper. :) For the record, it isn't detergent, which is why it makes it even more special.
Hello, stranger!
e*an said at
1:40:00 am
Nothing beats retail therapy in the midst of a 2 week study break. x)
A tad bit guilty for overspending but nonetheless, it was worth the 45 min bus ride to
Garden City.
PS: Debbie, I swear I never buy as much when I'm in the city. Point proven; GC rocks.
I think Sportsgirl should consider having a VIP membership card. I'll definitely qualify for it. Already bought more than $350 worth of items from there. Hohohohoho.
e*an said at
12:21:00 am
In my mind, I see a myriad of colours, a beautiful backdrop coupled with people that actually matter to me.
The skeptical side tells me it's not gonna last, if it's actually gonna happen in the first place.
e*an said at
4:26:00 pm
Tricia Low, your birthday present has flown on SQ and can be found in sunnysingapore. Please wait for Mr K. Lo to contact you, then you two can have an awkward moment together.
Happy 19th, sweets.
p.s: I have no idea what's with the number of friends I have, with the same sounding surname.
e*an said at
4:07:00 pm
And we will only need each other, we'll bleed together,
Our hands would not be taught to hold another's,
When we were the special two.
And we could only see each other, we'd bleed together,
These arms will not be taught to need another,
'Cause we were the special two.
e*an said at
9:27:00 pm
5 signs of boredom:
- exploring the university campus in hope of finding animals in the Zoology faculty
- muching on dried fruits non-stop for 2 hours whilst surfing Friendster
- leaving Harry Potter and Cosmopolitan untouched for 23498912 years
- not attempting to start on a 20% worth assignment
- went on a joy ride with the smelly ang moh boys to get dvds
I'm swearing off chips, wedges, oil-dripping chicken and all the things that are making me horizontally challenged. Went to Dewsons and came back with dried fruits (that dont exactly taste that great) and apples of a different kind. Heard of Pink Lady, anyone?
Parents are coming over tomorrow with my mooncakes in tow. I want Baskin Robbins chocolate and peanut ice-cream now. But more importantly, I want K to come back soon. I have big plans in mind already. The 7 of us shall head down to Northbridge to satisfy my craving for mee pok ta since I can't get my BCM here, then K and I will go to the Perth Royal Show and then have a date in Kings Park. HAHAHAHAHA. Just kidding. I'm becoming more of a sloth than anything else. Would you believe me if I said I woke up at 1030 this morning but forced myself to go back to bed because "it's too early" and then reluctantly letting the sun rays into my room at 130pm?
I'm such an unproductive person. I worry for the company who's gonna hire me when I graduate.
e*an said at
5:52:00 pm

cruising on the highway

this is for
life is supposed to be like that, everyday

coloured lambs

ang moh kids are hardly ugly and annoying

risking our lives to have a snapshot done on a highway

my everyday companion
Road trip pictures are up
e*an said at
3:45:00 pm
Come back soon, please? I'll promise to keep quiet whilst you embark on your virtual journey.
*Just like an addiction.
e*an said at
2:19:00 am
Yet another wave of nostalgia..
Steffie's post brought back all the memories that I somehow left at the back of my head, after I graduated from college. I wonder how many people hated us back then. You have no idea how many stereotypings we got. From the brandings to the slitty eyes we got from other girls. And the public. x)
On another note, I'm leaving for my long awaited road trip in less than 12 hours. Not that enthusiastic about it anymore though. Iris and I only have each other to depend on. Now, I've gotta burn the midnight oil and finish up my OB quiz, tute and EBS assignment and lab. All by tonight.
Bye all you people who are reading this bull shit. Dad and Mom are coming over with snowskin mooncakes next week, which also means I don't get to stay in Hall and eat shit food. x)
e*an said at
10:55:00 pm
Someone borrowed the
party driver. Again.
2 more days and they still have the audacity to do this. I ought to run them down with the MPV.
e*an said at
3:40:00 am
The real randomness.
Kristin, Iris and I were prancing around in the back carpark with shorts and pull-overs. That was 2-ish in the morning. The temperature? I figure it's about 7 degrees tonight.
Got bored laughing and running around after a while and realised it was starting to get chilly.( I think our nerves died from the harsh climate here ) Decided to huddle in Kristin's car to bitch and gossip about how analistic "mature adults" could actually be.
The Party People finally came back after a night of pizza( without Iris and I ), Burswood ( without Iris and I ) and a tour on the other side ( without Iris and I ). The 3 of us hopped on whilst the Party People alighted, except for the driver of course.
A very disillusioned girl who calls herself Boss, ordered the party driver to get off his seat, took charge of the steering wheel and brought us for a joy ride, 1km down the road and back into the carpark.
Her name is Iris Long.
Yeah. We're the losers who'd rather stay back in Hall, listen to Bri-ish jokes and how to use "Hot Damn". Figured cultural lessons are far more appealing than stuffing my face with different varieties of pizza and getting bored at the casino.
e*an said at
3:14:00 am
Most people would think that the yellow skinned are the most cheapskate race right? Guess what? The whites are just as bad.
Hall's having this ball at some shady hotel tonight and the tickets are rather pricey for such a dumb event. I think it's $35 for non drinking tix and $70 for drinking.
My neighbour, Laura(ang moh that migrated here from South Africa), and my distant neighbour, Cindy(from USA) didn't wanna pay for the drinking tickets so make a quick guess on what I saw on the way back to my room..
Me: "Why are you drinking now?"
Laura: *already tipsy* "Ah.. cos we didn't wanna pay for the drinking tickets so I thought of this ingenious idea. Damn good eh? And guess how much it costs? $4.99!! 9.5% too!"
*unanimous laughter which turned into a howl from them*
Me: "Laura, I think you're already pissed."
Laura: "Hey! I thought I was being damn smart alright?!"
Er.. right..
So while the ang mohs and a few SingaporeanwannabeWhite make their way to the depths of shadiness, my little peewee league from Hall shall head down to Northbridge for dinner.
Whoever stays back in Hall to eat shit food tonight, is really the loserest loser.
e*an said at
6:03:00 pm
The Story of The Evil BedWell, one such bed resides in B409. It doesn't beckon you till the wee hours in the morning, but when you put your head on the pillow, that evil thing and its invisible arms will hold on to you, refusing to let you get off the bed. It makes friends with your handphone and clock so that when your alarm rings, you sleep right through it.
I woke up in time for the morning lecture but decided to give it a miss because I was too damn tired. That was 8ish. I only convinced myself to wash up at 1 plus. A pathetic muesli bar was my lunch. I must cut down on food intake. The jeans are getting tight. This I swear. I would love to put the blame on the dryer but I happen to have a brain( though it isn't cooperating with me during exams ).
It's such a sad life that I'm leading. I stay up everynight hoping that I'll complete everything on my to-do-list. But more often than not, there'll be at least one item not crossed out.
There's a MYOB assignment due next tues, along with Accounting and Macro tutes, EBS assignment and OB tute on Friday, EBS tute on Thursday. I know doing a business degree is supposedly more lax than other courses but I find 24 hours way too little. Don't get me started on my presentations and my Excel test after the holidays. FUCK SHIT.
Iris threw away her 2nd damaged brolly yesterday due to the dreaded wind here. The weather is just too cold to go to school. I'll be more productive in my room, completing my EBS tute for tomorrow. For now, I'm getting my sneakers muddy and risk getting my brolly damaged, just to make my way to class, listening to what debentures are. What a waste of time. I'm seriously lagging like nobody's business.
e*an said at
2:37:00 pm
Am actually getting quite sick of the kind of shit thrown at me. Discouraged, yes. What ever happened to the Aussie mantra of "minimum work, maximum results" ?
Someone obviously lied.
Not sure about those of you studying in Singapore, but I feel as if I'm living my life on a weekly basis. Monday to Sunday, press rewind and play. This goes on. I'm already in week 7 and I haven't seen any changes. This is one dirty race that I absolutely abhor. I refuse to put the blame on Perth and how it lacks fun.
e*an said at
11:29:00 am
"The Elbow Room Cafe is packed and noisy on this Saturday morning. A customer at the restaurant in Vancouver, Canada, half shouts across the room for more coffee. A passing waiter scoffs: 'You want more coffee, get it yourself!' The customer only laughs. Another diner complains loudly that he and his party are running late and need their food. This time, restaurant manager Patrick Savoie speaks up: 'If you're in a hurry, you should have gone to McDonald's.' The diner and his companions chuckle."To the uninitiated, the Elbow Room Cafe is an emotional basket case, full of irate guests and the rudest staff west of the Canadian Rockies. But it's all a performance- a place where guests can enjoy good good and play out their emotions about dreadful customer service.I took that extract from my Org Behaviour text. Haven't been to Canada but I'm pretty sure that chance would come. Afterall, my god-parents have migrated there and my parents would definitely pay a visit. And when that time comes, that cafe would be my first pit stop. Have always found the ang mohs' sense of humour rather intriguing. Can you imagine what would happen if a restaurant of similar concept opens in Singapore?
This is what I foresee:
"Wah!!! New restaurant! Must be the
first to try." Try without prior knowledge of the new concept. And when their egos get badly bruised in the name of fun, Singaporeans would do the only thing they do best;
Complain lor. Complain to the zeng-hu via the Forum page, complain to friends so everybody boycotts that place, complain to the manager, complain to the shop next to it, complain to any random passerby.
That's cos we have alot of pride. So since "customer is always right", might as well be the first to complain. First 5 customers to write in to the Forum and get their letters printed would win the lastest Nokia handphone.
Not a holiday for 2 to Paris, not a brand new car. Die die also must put handphone as top prize. Afterall, it's such a norm for people to upgrade their handphones after half a year what. Like that more
If you were wondering what's up with the sudden usage of dialect, that's cos my hokkien has improved. Too dangerous to bitch about the ang mohs in mandarin. Wanted to tell Iris something about the guy in the library but thank god I stopped just in time. On his table was a chinese dictionary. It wasn't any ordinary dictionary that we used for O/A levels. If my eyesight didn't fail me, I'm pretty sure the characters were fan-ti-zi. So beware. My suggestion to everyone is to brush up on your dialect if you're coming to Aussieland. Best if you use hokkien because their cantonese is motherpowerful. They can order dim sum dishes without pointing to the menu to indicate what they want. At least some of them.
Don't say I'm selfish and bitchy ah.. I already shared a valuable info with you people out there. THEY KNOW WHAT YOU JUST SAID.
Yes.. I'm even willing to share it with those of you who judged me even before knowing me. I know who you are. But it doesn't bother me. Just glad to know that people actually pay attention to the
AFs back in school.
Mean girls eh?
e*an said at
5:26:00 pm
Bf: I found 5 good reasons for you to come Perth and visit me;
1. I miss you.
You can wear 3 inch heels and feel at home.
3. I'll take you shopping at cool places. The city officially sucks.
4. They sell pretty earrings. Much much prettier than the ones back in Singapore.
5. Even if you cut your hair just like the one in your EZlink, I guarantee you that you'll be Cobra-free. I'm a living proof.
e*an said at
3:08:00 am