I think my Yakult has turned bad. I didn't bother keeping it in the fridge cos since the weather here is already goddamn cold, I thought maybe I could keep it in my room. Wrong move.
Keep refrigerated/store below 4deg. celcius. The yakult sits under my heater.
I'm actually quite sad about it because the only flavoured drink I have in my room aside from Nescafe's 3in1 mix would be a packet of weird tasting Pokka greentea. Guess it's time for grocery shopping this weekend.
Onto other less interesting rants..
Mid semester exams gotta be the WORST thing that ever happened to me. I shouldn't be getting such pathetic grades with the amount of effort that I put into preparing. Lets just say it's way way way more than JC days. I think I've adopted a wrong studying method since 12 years ago. Bummer!
And to think, "Hey! Midsems are over. Finally can watch Wedding Crashers, Willy Wonka and whatever up to date movies that Aussieland has available. *big smile*". I look at my post-its and realise I have an Econs assignment due next tuesday, an Accounting assignment worth 20% due the week after next, presentations and trust me, there's more. SO BLOODY ANTI-CLIMAX.
My "ihavealife" notch has just plunged to 172364 feet under.
And just to let you guys know, blondes are
really dumb. I swear this upon my two front teeth. Do not trust them.
This is Debbie's hypothesis as to why they can enter a state uni and do a prestigious double( ie, Law and Commerce)
Debbie: You think what.. either they fuck the Dean or they are just plain lucky.
e*an said at
12:32:00 am
LOSERBUDDY: You're not forgotten. You owe me a treat when I get back. Because I said so. But don't worry; due to my vast knowledge on how you always bust your pathetic NS pay in one night, we can settle with cheap food. Newton-style or you can be the chef. I'll send some loving from Down Under right away.
e*an said at
1:48:00 am

I miss my sweetheart.
e*an said at
1:09:00 am
I know it's hard to straddle in between two boats that are threatening to sink, but it really sucks to know that I'll never ever be first.
Rule of thumb; drop your commitments and leave quietly.
And don't ask.
e*an said at
11:21:00 am
As much as people would mock or cringe when we speak of Air Supply, I happen to think it has to be one of the best rock bands in their era, and until today. I doubt radio stations would even play music from Simple Plan or the wannabes, 10 years from now.
I say support old school music, please.
e*an said at
1:11:00 am
I spoke to Lynette on the phone. That 12 minutes plus had to be the only good thing that happened yesterday.
I love you, Lyn. The next time I go over to Melbourne, promise you'll go skiing with me ok?
I saw the first signs of Spring, 2 weeks back in Hall. As I strolled to EBS tute today despite being late, I noticed that the plants near the clock tower have started to blossom. I'm pretty sure they are roses but I can't say for sure cos I can only see leaves. It's pretty cool to witness the bareness of that ugly looking thing last month, only to realise that it's gonna grow into a shrub of pretty, nice smelling flowers. That's the good thing of studying abroad. Cos being cooped up in tiny Singapore, you often overlook the small and fun things in life. Just how often do you get to see 3 naked guys running into a lecture theatre, posing nude infront of a crowd, have their picture taken by some anonymous and then running out? People just laugh it off, knowing it's in the name of fun. Including the lecturer. This will never happen in Singapore. Probably get sued for outrage of human modesty. Perhaps boring ol' Perth has made me establish a close bond with my environment.
That sounded bullshit-ish.
But seriously, I never gave two fucks about how I dipose my litter back at home. Until here. Was munching on gum and asked Iris to dispose the wrapper for me. Her response was,
"Just throw on the floor! Don't care la.."
I lectured her for one minute after that. If you guys knew who her father was, you'd be disgusted by her behaviour. Eeks. Bad Iris.
So as you can see, I am very protective of my campus grounds. It looks far too much like a park than a uni. The animals( peacocks, ducks, CROWS(eww), parrots(Kenny thinks it's a red headed pigeon. I think it's a parrot), people walking their dogs, cute little ang moh kids from kindergarten having an excursion in my campus..
So I hardly dread going to school. The difficulty lies in crawling out of bed cos seriously, the weather is DAMN good to sleep in. And maybe going for boring lectures and sitting for exams are not exactly my cup of tea. Speaking of which, my first exam starts tomorrow at 4pm and another one on Monday at 6.15pm.
Am highly doubtful as to whether I can survive the cold because honestly speaking, the heaters are as good as none. And that's if I'm lucky enough to have heaters in the LTs.
e*an said at
4:42:00 pm
e*an said at
6:12:00 pm
Kristin: Wanna gym on thurs or not ? I'm going thurs and fri. At 4 pm. No excuses this time ah!
Me: Cannot!! My paper starts at 4!
Kristin: Oh wells no Gym this week then.. when indo mee every night takes effect dont come and cry ah.
Fuck.. she sure makes me feel DAMN guilty.
e*an said at
6:03:00 pm
Why do I always get the weird, outoftheway, idunnowhere LTs to sit for my mid sems?!
If it's any consolation, Math is over and done with(at least for now). 2 more to go.
Fucking 4pm and I still have a lecture to attend. I mean, it
is an aussie system afterall.
e*an said at
3:37:00 pm
Thank you, fuckers, for attempting to rob me of the
only thing I hold dearly to in Perth.
e*an said at
8:21:00 pm
Let's just say my first experience was quite the experience. If I actually manage to stop playing the role of a murderer, I might pop some champaign and celebrate. Oh joy!!
Last night saw Iris, Kenny and I wrapped in notsothick sheets watching Love Actually till it neared sunrise. I still love that show.
It's a Saturday. People are having a soccer match at James Oval, people are yum cha-ing at Northbridge, people are sleeping in. What the hell am I doing, trying to study for the math test on tuesday? Seriously.. I ought to get a life.
Well, at least there's the road trip and my new hobby to look forward to.
e*an said at
12:03:00 pm
Me: That brunette is from my macro tute.
Iris: Say hi to her la!
Me: I dont think she recognises me and I think she's racist.
Iris: You mean she told you??
It's been raining like shit and I bet the highest temperature didn't hit more than 14 degrees when the sun's up.
People who know me well enough will know how I
HATE to carry an umbrella even when it's raining. I'd rather be drenched cos I think it's damn aunty-ish.
Ya la.. siao.So anyway, because this is Australia, and the weather is crazy, I decided to use one.
This was what happened.
Iris: WAH LAU EH!!!!! I tell you, I'm gonna become Mary Poppins and fly away with the umbrella la!
2 mins later...
Me: Iris, I think your umbrella is spoilt.. the top is flimsy.
Iris: OH FUCK SHIT!!!!! Fuck this weather I tell you.
A few hours later...
Iris: Eh.. the wind here very scary leh.. it makes howling noises, like wooooo. Last time I used to read story book then they always describe the wind howling nonsense. Malaysia don't have.. Singapore also don't have right? First time I'm hearing it. And I'm scared.
e*an said at
12:07:00 am
School's getting so stressful and tough, it isn't fun anymore. Half the time, I feel like ejecting myself out of Perth and go home. I don't care if I only have a piece of crappy A level certificate cos all I wanna do is hide under my own comforter and sleep my remaining life away.
e*an said at
11:45:00 am
Anything beats staying in a shady hostel room, especially by yourself.
Last night was a total blast hanging out with Kristin and Iris and then having a sleepover over at Kristin's place.
Caught this really bimbotic and predictable show on dvd called The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, or something along that line. Propaganda shit I swear. But I loved it. Then it was bitchfest on the Queen sized bed till the wee hours, only to get poked in the ribs by Kristin at 9.15am.
It was hilarious when we were comparing our maids and how lazy and dumb they were.. and on how Indonesian maids always like to mummur something that sounds like they're cursing your entire family. Tricia will vouch for that.
I love Kristin. We do wonders with her small red car. Drove up to Vic.Park for orgasmic tehtarik, prata and nasi goreng, that for once, don't taste like shitty Asianfoodwannabe. We are going for Dim Sum tomorrow again. Honestly speaking, I rather grow fat shit on Asian food rather than fucking Red Roosters or any ang moh food that tastes like it's soaked in oil. I say Clean&Clear ought to design extra large film strips for Dominos to soak up the grease that flows on top of the pizza.
This post is utter rubbish. Maybe I should fuck this and get down to finish up the 128470937204 tutorials, quiz and assignment. I will open up my textbooks and study tonight.
e*an said at
2:51:00 pm
You know something is very wrong when you space out big time whilst reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
e*an said at
1:11:00 am
Finally. The tutorial/assignment/lab question papers for EBS have been reduced from 5 pieces of paper to just one. And its only due next thursday. The sense of accomplishment was magnified after I filed my tutorial.
Been sleeping at close to 4am every day and trying to crawl out of bed at 8.15am. Not cos I'm a changed girl; from a slacker to a mugger. But cos I stone too much. I mean I have changed considerably after coming to UWA. I used to do every single math tutorial way before it's collected. But only math. Econs tutorials were non existent in my life. Even during tutorials, I would be put to sleep by Kuah's monotonous voice and hence, I had no clue whatsoever when I started studying for A's. As many of you would know, cj's notes are too wordy and useless.
BUT, I have been faithfully doing every single fucking tutorial BY MYSELF. I do seek help from people but I haven't resorted to copying blindly without understanding. Yay!! That includes macroecons( the bane of my life ) and the bloody excel work for EBS which took up 2 hours of my time.
Anyways, I guess the consequences of consecutive late nights have finally kicked in. I can feel my body breaking down. Sore throat is on it's way and the people around me have already developed colds. Yeah.. and the ang moh guy living on the floor above mine has mumps. Bummer.
On a brighter note, I have not given in to temptation and hence, I shall stay back to finish up my OB tutorial and follow Iris to the library to research on the 1982/83 recession in Australia if the weather permits, while the rest head to The Paramount for Mambo Red.
I know. I can't believe I'm actually this disciplined either.
Mid sems are in 2 weeks' time. I believe I'm still fucked for econs.
e*an said at
4:51:00 pm
How I wish I could surrender my soul; Shed the clothes that become my skin; See the liar that burns within my needing. How I wish I'd chosen darkness from cold. How I wish I had screamed out loud, Instead I've found no meaning.
e*an said at
9:06:00 pm

"this is my heart." hahahahahaha!!

my very neat table, once upon a time.

gracie lou freebush*, snack on this daily and I'll guarantee you gain some weight. $1 only!

randomness at 3-ish in the morning.

food glorious food. mmmmm

I so love the clouds. Looks like a postcard huh?
e*an said at
8:52:00 pm
I found a new past time. Jogging in the cold is too much for me. I will surely die of hypothermia. So today, I postponed dinner till 10.30pm cos I was too busy chasing after tennis balls from 7-9.30pm. My fingers were freezing in the cold. Felt like 6 degrees. I was damn smart to be clad in an oversized t-shirt and fbt shorts. I felt like a chicken, feathers plucked, goosebumps appearing, preparing to die. Heh.. But it was a shitload of fun playing tennis. It's time to bid farewell to love handles and fat cheeks. FUCKING OILY FOOD AND FATTENING AIR. Mid sems are in 3 weeks' time. Roadtrip(hopefully it works out) in 8 weeks' time. Can't wait can't wait. OH!!! Kenny, May, Brendon, Jit and I went down to Northbridge for yum cha today. So fucking good that we're going back next week. With Iris Datuk Long the next time. I know la.. Making a big hoo ha just cos I had dim sum. But, Crystal Jade isn't available anywhere here ok. Plus, I've been craving for some decent food for weeks. Just to quote someone: "I close my eyes and I see you throwing deep fried chicken wings at me. I want to rub sambal stingray all over my body, mess up my hair with sambal kangkong and paint my toenails with belachan." This is the end of my weekend fantasy. It's back to more boring and confusing lectures tomorrow. And I'm finally going to sign up for the bloody theory test. I need to learn driving. Pronto. Hopefully 3-4 lessons a week will guarantee me a pass the first time round.
e*an said at
11:02:00 pm
I would gladly kill myself if that's the solution to a fucktard-free world. No apologies for being an overly compulsive and anal bitch though. Yes. I have some major issues with myself. So what?
This just has to happen every goddamn fucking week.I just wanna quit school and go home now.
e*an said at
7:15:00 pm

my definition of true beauty

a magnificent view of Perth City and Swan River

the picnic crew

I particularly love this picture. x)
Had a picnic at King's Park over the weekend. Too lazy to upload all the pictures so make do with these. On the whole, it was a Sunday well spent; even if that caused me to stay up till 3am for two consecutive nights, just trying to finish up tutorials. Simply because I'm the world's biggest procrastinator.
e*an said at
12:44:00 am
While deciding what takeaway we want, Kenny said this:
Kenny to Janice: Tell the uncle we want the omelette with cai bor(preserved white carrot) .
Right.... but it was fucking hilarious at that point of time.
Earlier on, he said this:
"I'm gonna start pissing ice now."
Enough said about the horrid weather today.
e*an said at
5:53:00 pm