With P10's revamp, they are playing the songs I used to hear when I was still wearing the blue pinafore with the belt at my waist.
e*an said at
1:32:00 pm
When will this parental shit ever stop?
People have said that I'm demanding, self centred and selfish. I say that I'm just full of angst. According to my sister, my parents have been very lenient and always try to give me 80% of the things I request for. But being the brat that I am, I choose to get pissed at the 20% that they don't give.
Fuck. Who doesn't?! Call me a late bloomer. Someone who's still undergoing puberty at 19. I don't fucking care.
I might eat my words in time to come, but for now, I think leaving for Australia is gonna be the best thing that ever happened to me.
To those who still treat me as a worthy friend and want to send me off;7th July 2005(Thursday)Flight at 7.25pmTerminal 1Do not attempt to bring bouquets because the Australian Immigration is strict with what people can bring in. No chocolates, pastries or any cowish products. I gotta finish all that in the plane and I really don't wanna become a fat shit even before I set foot on their soil and breathe in their fat air.Just being random here, I really should have gotten my licence here. With all those stupid rules and regulations they have over there, I can only get my international licence by end of next year. Grrrr..
I would love to put my clothes in the pretty black Guess lugguage, fly first class and ask for wine, hire a limo from the airport to the hotel and breathe in cosmopolitan air.
But since I'm a poorfuck student, I have to make do with the fugly lugguages, suffer from leg cramps in economy class, drink OJ, take a damn cab to the hotel and breathe in air that smells like a combi of dunk, freshly cut grass and old people.
e*an said at
12:52:00 pm
Quote of the night:Yingjie: E'an.. you're such a bimbo la.. Reuben, you're such a himbo.
Reubs: Fuck you la,Yingjie.. you're such a dick!
Yingjie: So out of point can?? Really damn himbo.
I brought the boy out to town and met many many people.
Biatch, Mark, Yingjie, Melvyn, Reuben, Jay, Clifford, Em, Letta . I hope I didn't miss out anyone. And
mysterious guy.
It seriously felt like the old days when we hung out in the canteen trying to mug for the A levels. Nostalgia's the word.
I'll let the
pictures do the talking.
Oh.. and I
really hate my hair.
Lastly, a very
e*an said at
11:55:00 pm
School hasn't even started and I blew about $15K of my folks' money. Overseas education is sure bloody expensive. Heh.. but I'm still gonna negotiate about my monthly allowance. Current amount as of 2 days back stands at AUD$300. HOW TO SURVIVE LIKE THAT?! I need cash to pile up on top grade lettuce and italian dressing. I need cash to pay for my handphone bill which I can already foresee, hitting sky high. So you see, $300 is not sufficient. My dad refuses to see from my point of view and ends the conversation with, "You're going there to study.".
To all who've been asking, I am more or less done with getting ready.
Left with
texbooks(aussies sell them 3 times the price I can get from the clementi bookstore),
will find time to iron my clothes)
, cup noodles,
story books,
laundry bag,
long socks and
Oh.. did I mention? I went for the pre-departure seminar and found about 2 potential friends. No, I haven't said hi or anything. Instead of listening to what was being said about the mediterranean weather(fuck the weather! and the flies!), I was scanning the room for cute guys and girls that could become potential friends.
Cute guys stand at zero. Yeah.. that place breeds boring people. I shall shiver and freeze to death in bed. Somehow, I think my room will be dirty, my bed is gonna be shitty and the heater is gonna be faulty.
Called the hostel people and the nice lady at the other end told me not to bring bed linens cos they'll provide them. YA RIGHT! Expect me to sleep on a bed sheet that contains unknown
residue? I seriously doubt Dynamo, Softland, Attack or whatever brands the aussies use can kill them all.
I'm bringing my room over there.
e*an said at
11:59:00 am
Debbie's(I've big fugly fulloflard thighs) reason on why she shouldn't continue studying if she fucks up her poly grades:I've big fugly fulloflard thighs says:
you see..
I've big fugly fulloflard thighs says:
the stupid fishball noodle man drives a merc
I've big fugly fulloflard thighs says:
is rich
e*an -sleeping through the evenings, singing dreams inside my head- says:
OKOK.. enuff of that analogy
I've big fugly fulloflard thighs says:
and has zero qualification
I've big fugly fulloflard thighs says:
i conclude
I've big fugly fulloflard thighs says:
i must sell the best YU YUANMIAN!
e*an -sleeping through the evenings, singing dreams inside my head- says:
you become yuyuan size first la
I've big fugly fulloflard thighs says:
why must i be a yuyuan!
I've big fugly fulloflard thighs says:
are you trying to make me grow fat!?
I've big fugly fulloflard thighs says:
you are evil!!!
e*an -sleeping through the evenings, singing dreams inside my head- says:
e*an -sleeping through the evenings, singing dreams inside my head- says:
but yuyuan sellers are yuyuan size themselves!
e*an -sleeping through the evenings, singing dreams inside my head- says:
realised that? so u might reconsider selling yuyuans
I've big fugly fulloflard thighs says:
I've big fugly fulloflard thighs says:
are you sure...
I've big fugly fulloflard thighs says:
I've big fugly fulloflard thighs says:
then i will sell sugarcane
e*an -sleeping through the evenings, singing dreams inside my head- says:
no meh?
e*an -sleeping through the evenings, singing dreams inside my head- says:
She is hilarious, I swear! And fyi, she doesn't not have
fugly fulloflard thighs. Neither is she yuyuan sized.
e*an said at
12:33:00 am
feel as if I'm being denied of many many many things once I leave Singapore.
For instance, I won't be able to watch The OC on tv anymore, I can't read the new Potter book when it hits the bookstores here , I can't go sun tanning at Sentosa, I can't do this can't do that, can't do any damn thing.
And Iris is nowhere to be found, until the 11th of July that is.
I wonder if people would feel as depressed and lost if they were in my shoes.
Chok said something that made me ponder..
"Never put too much trust in your friends... learn how to use ur enemies.
Hire an enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend... becos he has more to prove."
So really, who are friends? Friends who stay as friends throughout a lifetime, friends who backstab and in turn become your enemy, enemies who hated you because of clique-conflicts but in the end, turn out to become pretty close friends with you.
Who can you trust? I say no one but yourself. And your parents.
Not your siblings, not your spouse, not your other half, not even the person whom you call your bestfriend. Just think about the times when we were in school. How many times have you told people or heard from people this phrase, "shit man.. I didnt study.. I'm soooo gonna fail."? Wow, and when the test comes back, you(they) ace it?
People lie because they wanna succeed. In every single aspect of life. So you know, they don't really care if you get hurt or left behind in the process of winning the race. It's all abt me, me and me.
Don't point the finger at me and accuse me of being cynical or skeptical. You know deep down in your heart, what I said actually has some truth.
e*an said at
2:45:00 pm
Once again, some people have proven themselves to be
just another.
How about learning new words today? Heard of "
copyright" and "
You're still as stupid as you were 2 years back.
e*an said at
6:01:00 pm
Nice weather; not scorching hot, nor is the sky threatening to rain. At least not anytime soon.
Life's been pretty much the same. Staying home seems to make me feel more at ease.
I know.. with less than 3 weeks before my departure, I should, by right, be going out and painting the town red with my friends. But, I think I might have lost the drive, the zest and the whatever fuck to do things.
To see things in a positive light, it's better to be accustomed to this kinda lifestyle right now. Afterall, I can't imagine how life can get any more interesting (or at least be the same) over there. Nothing interesting to write on, and I doubt this blog would get more interesting in the months to come. Good bye.
e*an said at
4:00:00 pm
I just realised that alot of my clothes require handwashing. So damn doomed when I hafta do all the laundry myself.
e*an said at
12:02:00 pm
The must-have on a 21st century IJ girl:
Belts with safety pins/slits.

Low belt, like this.
Half the fun is trying to escape from teachers who confiscate the safety pins. Of course we still have one bunch hidden somewhere else.
Well, just reminiscing about the good ol' days. x)
Why short skirts are better than long ones
Er.. because I said so.
Ok folks, sorry for the extreme narcissism.
I shall now introduce my sleepover club.

From left to right,
Pinky, the pillow. A valentine's day gift from Fatblob.
Grumpy bear. My 17th birthday present from the AFs.
Tigger. A present from Swan in sec 2 cos it was International Friendship Day.
Bear. Had it since I was 2.
Eeyore is blocked. Macdonald's friendship gift. Swan took Pooh.
Heart. A gift from Sam Chng during V.day in err.. sec 3/4. Can't remember.
White tiger. Phua got it for me during one of her holiday trips.
Sylvester. My dad redeemed it for me eons ago from Shell.
e*an said at
10:42:00 pm

This is
THE sex siren.
Wah lau eh.. how hot can these pair of legs get man?!
Gorgeous bag, even more gorgeous legs. This is what you get after training day in day out since primary school days.

This is the legendary, Jessica Lai.

My other favourite cousin, Lynette Ng. Obviously very trigger happy. x)

The best combination you can ever wish for. iLu girls.
e*an said at
11:39:00 pm
This whole blogging thing is becoming tedious. Rubbish can't seem to be regurgitated with ease anymore. You have no idea how many times I had to press the backspace button.
Anyways, with so much time(and yet so little at the same time), I decided to plan the things I
die die also hafta accomplish before I return home in November.
Here goes.
1. Get my driving licence.
2. Take up horse back riding.
3. Learn how to catch crabs.
SHED OFF EXCESS WEIGHT GAINED BEFORE I RETURNSo boring right? Too bad there isn't any snowy mountain.. if not I could add "learn how to snow board" to my list. Hahaha.
I mean I only need to attend 18 hrs of lectures and tutorials PER WEEK.( I think?? ) Now I don't think that's cool. The place is boring enough, now my timetable isn't even packed to the brim?! Shiiiteeee. Die
At this rate, I think I can do my laundry every damn day, iron my panties, bras and socks, AND still have time to count the number of dead animals that got run over by vehicles.
Or maybe, I could make the library my best friend. I don't think I can excel in my exams just studying the notes and textbooks. This is a more feasible option isn't it?
Note-to-self: I must change my studying method. I must be positive. I must not be online 24/7. I must not kid myself.
e*an said at
12:06:00 pm