At 9pmChuan: I'm on my way home now.
At 11pmChuan: I just reached home.
Me: You took 2 hours to reach home?! You rode a bicycle ah?
Chuan: Tricycle. People refused to give way..
I happen to think that is fuckin hilarious!!!
e*an said at
11:35:00 pm
Now that my bestie is a legal driver, I can't wait to go on a pseudo road trip with her!! Basically, just me and her.
Look for me! Young, B
Cruisin down the westside - high, way
Doing what we like to do - our, wayHahahaha.. That'll be fun.
Sometimes I wonder why do I act the way I do. My mouth speaks even before my mind manages to think clearly, resulting in many squabbles which could have been prevented. And in certain cases, it leaves parties involved feeling bloody awkward. I like the way I'm straight forward with my words. But it's gonna be the cause of my downfall if I don't exert more sensitivity. I think I'm like Joss Stone's music. Either you love me or I totally disgust you.
And I would answer all your wishes, if you asked me to.
But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do.
So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do.
Dancing on the kitchen tops,
Yes you make my life worthwhile,
So I told you with a smile...
It's all about you.I think McFly's music can be so darn cute at times.
e*an said at
10:49:00 pm
Don't you think it's such a mood spoiler when everyone's so trigger happy and there just has to be this single soul who sticks out like a sore thumb? Like I've always said, if you find it so boring and you're so unhappy, then go home! Pfft...
Anw, last night's music was fantastic.
Biatch, you really missed out ALOT this time. But no worries, I'll update you in due time!!! Had my craving for Milo Dinosaur satisfied during supper last night. x)
Totally irrelevant but I think we should relive our childhood days of girly sleepovers. Yes??
The Princess Bedroom would be the perfect place. I have a small request though... *siao, would you mind removing the Sly poster and place it somewhere else? But many many thanks for everything hon!!
e*an said at
8:18:00 pm
The abbreviation for the word "friends", come in many different forms. The norm being, "frens", then it becomes "frans" then "fliends" ( since its the same number of letters, I don't understand why people can't spell it the correct way ).
Well, guess what? Some dumbfuck came up with another spelling!!!
How exciting right? It's the kind that will make any person who speaks decently, types normally, hates pEoPle wHo TyPe LyKe DiZ, go wtf!! Am I keeping you in suspense? Okok..
It's "phRendz".
Well, PhUcK/PhArK/fArK you!
e*an said at
11:25:00 pm
Feeling so bloody uncomfortable right now. I blame it on my eating disorders; either I don't eat at all, or I eat too damn much and too quickly.
Feels like tissues and cotton wool are being stuffed in my lungs and stomach and I really really feel like barfing. This is crap.
Anyway, I'm perpetually tired and dozing off at work when I'm in the midst of writing something. Doesn't help when my supervisor sits opposite me. I can't even count the number of times I had to cut up smaller pieces of paper and then pasting them over the mess I made. Reminds me of the time I was doodling in my sleep.. drawing a benzene ring during crazykhoo's gp lesson.
This is gonna sound unbelievable but I assure you it's 101% factual. I spent a total of 20 mins hibernating in the toilet cubicle. Sleeping that is. 10 mins in the morning, 10 mins in the afternoon. Don't ask me how I did it because I just did.
Work's so fuckin boring. It's worse than having to sit through 3 econs lectures straight. You should see me dash out through the doors of that god forsaken place when the clock hits 6. With daily practice, I think I might emerge top 3 of a 100m race.
This is how it is everyday.
4pm: All work's done. Act busy by answering phone calls till whenever, twirlling in my seat, doing whatever that keeps me awake.
530pm: My 15 mins toilet break.
545pm: Pack up my stuff and shut down the computer.
550pm: Write my timesheet.
555pm: Creep towards the door and adious. I'm gone.
e*an said at
12:07:00 am
A random conversation between the girls.
Steffie: *bitching about a certain someone*
Fi and Van: HUH?? Who's that??
Me: *Trying to help them with the identification*
Them: Dunno who la..
A while later...
Steffie: *bitching about another person*
Crystle and Fi: Who's that??
Steffie: Aiya fuck man.. Next time we must all bring the yearbook out. Then I'll just say " ok now.. everyone turn to page 56, first row, second guy."
Hahahahaha.. That girl's just too cute! Oh.. page and row number aren't accurate. Don't bother checking.
e*an said at
11:50:00 pm
I didn't realise how much I missed the girls until we met for dinner on friday night. After seeing
steffie's new template, nostalgia hit me hard. Smth like when you open a bottle of ethanoic acid and the vinegarish smell stings your nostrils.
We have a tendency to dicuss the craziest things. The last time, it was smth abt different kinds of shit, farts and the expression people have when they have a terrible stomach ache. Hahahahaha..
Then on friday, the topic about
cum being the best hair gel was brought up. I quote from my
"we discussed if cum was the best hair gel and wondered if the gatsby factory played porno on a huge screen while their workers jerked off into the bottles at regular intervals."x)
Don't ask. This always happens when we meet.
Remember the drug add? This is our new version.(said in the most ahlianish way). Steffie says it best. Chao ah lian wannabe!!!
Wo men zao shang shi student, wan shang shi sister.
(we're students by day and sisters by night)
You fu tong xiang, you nan tong dang.
(we go through thick and thin together)
... Wo men wan 'E', smack 'K'...
(do drugs)
-Then we changed this part-
gao nan ren...
(flirt around)
Ru guo you yi tian, bei CNB raid, ni men yao lai kan wo.
(if one day, there's a raid and I'm arrested, the rest of you please visit me)
Ying wei wo men zui da de di ren, bu shi wo men zi ji, er shi bie ren.
(because our greatest enemy is not ourselves but others.)
My Hei-Mei-Guis, iLu
e*an said at
12:25:00 am
I'm pretty good with directions. Self discovery not too long ago.
Tricia is fuckin weird I swear. Just yesterday, all 8 lifts in my office broke down. Ok. 3 were under repair and the remaining 5 broke down. She works on the 7th floor and I, on the 4th.
So anyway, we had to walk down the staircase during lunch break and she said she was gonna die. And then, when we got back to the office, there was like some congregation going on outside the cargo lift. So we said, "fuckit.. lets walk up".
Was dying by the time I got to the 2nd floor. Heels are a certified killer. Tricia just kept going on and on and on and soon, she was out of sight. I only heard "eh.. your level liao. bye." Her stamina is phwoa...
Tricia also jay
walks across main roads with vehicles travelling at >70km/h like she owns LTA. Yeah.. And I was
running for dear life. Which reminds me, who's the one who's also scared of jay walking across main roads? Was is
mo or
"I don't wanna die a virgin!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *runs*"
AFs made a pact with
dailydoseofLido, anklesocksrock, mickysockssuck, shortskirts, "why so xialan??", fucktherulesandletshavefun, fighting for the 2nd cubicle to bathe after mass-pe.
I rest my case. Love!
e*an said at
12:28:00 am
I think this country has a very screwed up education system. Yes. If you have been reading my blog religiously, this wouldn't be the first time you're hearing this.
NUS will win hands down. No doubt it's
NUS, but goddamnit. What's the first thing that comes to your mind when someone tells you she's got ABB for the exams?
"That's a very good set of results.. surely can get to do almost everything except Law and Medicine" Right?
Not sure about the Arts faculty there but obviously the Science faculty has super duper high standards that only allow
exam smart-asses from Top 5 to enter. Generalising those who have done well as being smart is just wrong. Being smart doesn't equate to doing well in exams. Those just know how to spot questions and regurgitate the whole chunk they've memorised. Typical Singaporean kids. Spoon fed since young. Who the hell has even heard of Ten Year Series abroad?! At university level even. Tsk tsk.
Oh.. how can we forget that the stupid government rather offer scholarships to those damn PRCs (and hoping that they'll stay here to work and contribute to our economy. continue dreaming pls) than to allocate more spaces for local students who haven't done as well.
This isn't reality. This is just the damned education system here. No straight A's? Sorry, they'll shut the door in your face. Please be reminded that I'm refering to the ohsosoughtafter science related courses.
Not everyone can afford an overseas education and its not like their grades are pathetic to the core. So where do they end up? In everyone's second choice after NUS, the less prestigious NTU is it?
Fuck man. The country is already small to begin with, the basic thing to do is to ensure that those who qualify for uni, get to enter. If they continue giving those foreigners spaces in the uni, it's gonna piss many parents off.
What would pissed parents do? They'll send their kids overseas and tell them never to return. Afterall, this country favours foreign
talents. It'll be the same old when they return. Jobs would be offered to them instead of locals. I think by then, the parliament would wanna consider changing the name Singapore to something else. Won't be surprised if PAP would eventually be governed by Mainland Chinese.
e*an said at
6:49:00 pm
A few issues that got on my nerves today.
1. An old aunty trying to hang out with young vicious women who practice backstabbing in order to climb up the corporate ladder. Quick.
See, that group itself, is already wrong to begin with.
But what irritated me was that they started a conversation about real and fake Gucci and Louis Vuitton bags for almost 2 hours. Sometimes, I highly wonder if those ladies who try so hard to be high class, can even pronounce Louis Vuitton properly. (read: LOO-IS VEE-TAUN) *roll eyes*
Lady A to B: Eh!!! New bag ah! Real or not?
Lady B: Real la! I paid alot for it ok.. Design nice hor?
Aunty: *rushes over to see what the commotion was about* WAHHHHHH.. Gucci ah.. Sibei sui (damn pretty) leh! Real one or what? *scrutinizes every inch of the bag* Eh.. how come the prints so blur one ah?
A & B in unison: Real one what!!
Aunty: Aiyo.. must be very expensive hor? Wah lau.. Yesterday hor, I very tempted to buy a BER-BERRY (burberry) bag leh. But I think better save la.
See what I mean? Can't even pronounce Burberry. It's like this competition to see who can purchase the most number of Grade A immitations. If you ask me, I think all their LV, Gucci and Prada bags are fake.
2. Already pressed the button for the lift when this lady came along. Guess what? Her itchy fingers got attracted to the buttons too. Fuck man seriously.. Would the extra pressing make the lift arrive faster? NO! It's the same thing in buses. Ding dong ding dong... gives me a headache man.
3. I have a very lucky top that says,
-during NYE, I got so wasted and Chun had to drag me from sommerset to his car which was parked opposite cine. No fuckin worries, I'm sure.
-today, I wore the same top and I was caught off guard. Thank god for some kind soul in the office. No fuckin worries.
How many times do I have to wear the shirt to get rid of the bad luck?
I knew it was too good to be true. Thought it was worth the risk but I'm starting to doubt. It's like a merry-go-round. Back to square one.
e*an said at
11:08:00 pm
Its rude for anyone to eat directly from the pint when he's not a family member. Threw my B&J away in case my tongue starts to decompose. (think The Exorcist)
Happily went to Cold Storage to get another of my 2-twisted but it was sold out. Mofo. I'm gonna start pasting "DO NOT EAT" on my ice-creams from now on.
But you see, I got myself a packet of Tim Tams instead. Sinful. But I like. KitKat and Time-Out are overrated. Tim Tams should be every chocolate addict's staple diet. Learn from British Airways I say. They give out those stuff unlike other airlines that serve horrible food and snacks.
Vanessa: I can't believe you finished all the vegetables! EVEN THE STEMS!!
Me: Err.. so??
Tricia: Ya!! She's siao one. Really veggie queen.
I mean, at least they look normal and I love green..
e*an said at
11:31:00 pm
Some people just push their luck too far. It would be good if you could just
SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop retaliating for the sake of retaliating.
You're not as good as you think you are. Sometimes, listening would be a much better option.
e*an said at
11:51:00 pm
Dear Econs, it's too damn sad that we simply do not have an affinity with each other. But you know what? Too much of sadness would eventually lead to hatred. And that's how I feel towards you.
Perhaps you've been the scapegoat for far too long. I know MOE hasn't been very kind to you.. what's with all the Keynesian Theory and the irrelevant dead ppl's theory that's fed to you? I know you're in a difficult position but I still blame you. But I blame myself even more for choosing you over Physics. I must have been a very confused person back in 2003.
I don't like you at all. You know why so many econs teachers in cj are old and unmarried? Because you're cursed. I told myself that if I ever fail my A levels because of you, I would have no future and hence, would proceed on to SIM and graduate with a some degree. Then, I'll go to MOE and beg them to let me teach econs in cj. I know it makes no sense. But that's how I feel when the econs teachers teach. MAKES NO SENSE.
Too bad that's not gonna happen! x)
I think you should just,
1. Lock yourself inside the PPC curve.
2. Hang yourself with other curves. You've got a vast variety to choose from. From AVC to err.. whatever. I can't remember.
3. And when you're dead, go down to hell to pay a visit to our dear Keynes and fellow monetarists. Tell them to make up their minds and stop assuming. Pointless studying assumptions right?
Yours sincerely,
E'anAiya.. I miss my bf too damn much. I miss my happy pill also. Fuck
e*an said at
12:49:00 am
Just some observations. Poly grads from 10 years back have absolutely no PR skills whatsoever. It becomes worse when they graduate from NTU with some stupid degree and still end up being a teacher.
Ya ya. Whatever you,
you and
you say.. Just a truck load of bullshit that people should never EVER believe. Rudeness just ticks me off. Especially when the bullshit was
hollered prior to the event. Three words, fuck off, bitch!
All I want and need now, is to have some live rock band infront of me. My dearest
bf and I would be singing off tuned and dancing spastically to the music.
Anyway, congrats to all those who have done well and
DESERVED it. On the contrary, I'll shove a lorry up your stinky arse if you've done well and obviously do not deserve it. And to those who have used unscrupulous means during the exam and still screwed up badly, I pity you. You have no dignity and moral values. Serves you right btw.
You know.. there's a limit to cheating. I know hardly anyone can claim that he/she has never cheated before. Including me. It's perfectly fine to sneak a peek at your friend's answer during a small test. And that's it. To bring that urge to school exams and national exams is just totally uncalled for.
e*an said at
11:58:00 pm