not a least bit shy about it.... today's gotta be the best day ever for me this whole week... many special thanks to dearie, veron, ulynn, guoyi, lynette, e'ching, clara, crystle, tricia, vanessa, theresa, jinghow, orange, jess, huihong, clarissa, marc and to those who wished me happy birthday and i've missed out!
some shout outs:
Dearie & Veron: i love you both a big time! you guys have been the best people ever... both your presents were darn unique in a nice way! thank you both, so so much! dearie, i know i still owe u yr present. will get u one soon!
Ulynn, Crystle, Clara, Boyfriend, Vanessa, Theresa: Thank you guys for grumpy bear!!! you ppl made a difference in my life and obviously, cj wouldn't be as fun without you bitching ppl! A kiss to all of you, *muacks*
Guoyi: thanks for the well wishes dude... and stop bullying me already, will you? hahaha... take care in sa eh?
Clifford and Jinghow: you both, stop suaning me!!! but thanks for the well wishes too!
Lynette: how can i forget you babe?! you really made my day with the pretty daisies!!!! how sweet can u ever get?! thanks for the dinner too... muahaha... flying chicken seriously entertained me!!! not forgetting the bitching session... gotta do more of these, more often... enjoy your halloween party on sun k? *muacks*
E'ching: cousin, cousin..... you haven't been coming to my blog as often!!! anyhow, thanks for the nice nice sms! i'll see you on sun and update you with the stuff eh?!
1T30, `03: thank you guys, so so much... didn't expect u ppl to get me a present... i'm fucking touched!!! special thanks to my ba-gua gang. ahhhhhhhh.... i'm really ecstatic! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok... done.. having bad gastric pain now... i shall go sleep.. happy halloween tmr to all u ppl!
* x)
e*an said at
11:34:00 pm
I'm still feeling pretty much pissed... school wasn't exactly fantastic either. who am i trying to kid man;
school has never been exciting in cjc... econs lect was darn boring so i tried to play project boyfriend. bah... my skirt's too short so it couldn't cover the phone much, besides, those sly econs teachers were lurking at the back. can't risk getting melvin's phone confiscated... i swear he'd make me do 2 hrs of maintenance for him.
Seems like the new j1 intake would consist of ching chiong neighbourhood school kids who cannot make it to anywhere good, and has chosen cjc coz it sounds cool. gross!!! i still believe that 1st 3 months students should only consist of sji, ij and cool school students... not some weirdo school who has a fucked up uniform colour.... hur hur... imagine the disgusting blue pe shirt they'll have to match with perhaps brown, checkered or an even more clashing colour... *frowns*
I gotta thank my lucky stars that i'm gonna get promoted... i can't stand the horrible thought of being stuck in this disgusting school for 3 years... i'd rather withdraw from school and go poly... it's not just about the uniform being fugly... its the whole environment; the rules are simply nonsensical... there's totally no logic to why we can't wear ankle socks. yes. up till today, the principle still hasn't given a logical explanation, saying that it looks untidy.. wtf? the teachers are pretty much fucked up... most of them can't teach, and i have to emphasise, especially
MY ECONS TEACHER... the other subject teachers are not of much help either but they're ok so i ain't gonna complain about that.
ulynn, crystle, theresa, vanessa,jinghow,ben,jasmine and those of you whom i've missed out,
PLEASE study really hard for your sup. papers and pass them!!!! i don't want to be promoted along with clara and tricia only... life's already shitty enough, i'm sure you guys wouldn't wanna be stuck with a bunch of kiddy ppl next year either!! anyone who needs help in math, i'm available after chinese A's... just don't ask me for help in chem or econs... shouldn't have even taken econs in the first place.. it's soooo not my cup of tea.
After attending 2 lectures on hydroxyl compounds, clara and i realised that we're gonna be pretty screwed in year 2.... organic chem is too much for me to take... it's suffocating and plus after what i heard about the math department pushing back the syllabus coz bro. wants them to give alot of major tests, i'm dreading school even more... ah.. not forgetting the bloody A levels... just took O's last year and i'm sitting for another next year?! Education is such a drag... i hate school. hate the chinese block periods, hate A levels, hate PW, hate the bloody pink biatch, hate having to meet people that i don't like, hate
YOU, hate
your lies, hate
your empty promises!!!!
clifford, thanks for cheering me up yesterday... but stop attempting to sing when you've already lost your voice...x) feeling a wee bit better after disposing what i shouldn't have kept for so long... hope things turn out better for you soon, too... i'm sure
she'll forgive you.. it was just a misunderstanding anyway... no hard feelings!
it just dawned on me how near chinese A's are.... like next friday and i haven't opened my file after the promos?! hahaha... i shall attempt to get some studying done, and soon!
*Don't turn your back on me, I won't be ignored (
Burn in hell, you mother fucker son of a bitch!!!)
e*an said at
6:10:00 pm
my poor boyfriend is sick!!! poor thing... sneezing the whole day and the whole nose was red! to think i didn't even notice that when i saw boyfriend in the canteen... hmph... boyfriend, i'm sucha lousy girlfriend... i'll give u a kiss when i see you to make up for that k? hahaha.. .crystle and steffie are down with fever, ulynn had to stay back for detention for zhaoing math lect... so the trip down to town was pretty much boring... with only clara, theresa, fiona and i.... my boyfriend wanted to go home despite much persuation from us to stay... thanks for the many many chocolates dear! i love you!!!! *muacks*
ahhhhhhhh.... i got the care bear for *ahem*!!! i think all of us are gonna start a collection of care bears... ulynn and theresa has the small one, clara, fiona,theresa and i are getting the bigger ones... only boyfriend isn't getting any... lousy~ Grumpy bear, i'm coming for you soon!! ahahhaa...they're soooo cute and huggable... can't wait till friday... bears and halloween! just the right mood... plus i'm promoted.. that's a bonus!
CLK should fucking get a life.... is there anything wrong with sitting on your classmate's lap when she doesn't even mind? that bitch who's unfortunately my form teacher, made a big fuss outta that coz my classmates told her we didn't like the way she was using tutorial time; talking abt discipline for 30 mins which is the same thing EVERYDAY, leaving 15 mins for econs...
SHE was the one who said she was willing to listen to our suggestions and yet,
SHE didn't give us a chance for rebutting after that.. she just ticked us off, etc etc, and had to pick on me for such a minor issue? wtf???? i bet she thought i was a submissive,well behaved and hardworking girl, coz she's always sung praises of me in front of my classmates... i totally spoiled the goody-two-shoes image of myself...
HAH first, i scored an E for econs, she's damn disappointed in me... and secondly, i shouted at her for making a big fuss outta sitting on my classmate's lap.. i was like " IS THERE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT?" she was stunned... but being her, she cannot lose in the verbal war, she went on saying that since i think there's nothing wrong, i should write down the date and time and what i said, compile it and give it to bro paul.... yeah yeah... forever using him as a threat... GIVE UP LAH.... i'm not intimidated... she should be in any case coz all the classes under her screwed econs badly... not a single A... how's that... plently of E O and F's for her...
ah.... fuck... not in the mood to blog anymore... heard smth that i shouldn't have heared...
*fuck you
e*an said at
6:49:00 pm
i can't say that i'm unhappy with my results, neither can i say that i'm delirious... i'm kinda disappointed with my econs... to think that i memorised the notes like crazy, and got an O... hell demoralising... if it wasn't for the CT results, i wouldn't have gotten an E... ulynn and crystle, don't worry for ur math sub paper.. i'll try my best and help u both... but try to be patient with me k? i'm not very good at explaining stuff.. x)
ah... everyone's in such a pissing mood... makes me feel irritated too... bah....
e*an said at
9:27:00 pm
e*an said at
6:38:00 pm
eeks... i'm having a fetish on these quizes.. muahahah
e*an said at
6:19:00 pm
hahahah... i'm not surprised... "fuck" to me is like a word i have to say daily.. my oxygen supply.. heh
e*an said at
6:02:00 pm
You've heard it all, thought about some, and tried a few.
You're approach to sex is cautiously kinky...
Which has caused a few lovers to brand you a sexual manic-depressive.
So sometimes you like it hot, and sometimes you like it cold.
In the end, it all blends into comfy bathwater tempreature.
You'll probably end up on the hotter side eventually, but what's the rush?
Advice? Try something new on yourself and your partner.
Maybe a new
waterproof vibe? Or a new
oral technique?
You're halfway to freaky, but you won't get their without plotting your map!
What's Your Freak Factor?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
e*an said at
5:49:00 pm
my hair is starting to get on my nerves... it's still so thick no matter how much i layer it. it just grows back to the same thickness within weeks... waste of money... perhaps this time, i'll endure and wait till december comes.. then i'll go get a nice hair cut and perhaps another round of colouring before returning to school. x)
i knew it lah.. PW was another waste of time. woke up at 745 just to make sure i'll be in school on time.. but my dearest grp leader was 45 mins late... bah... wasted time... did a few highlighting and writing which was rejected by
her coz she said it was irrelevant!!! argh.. how the hell am i supposed to know what i'm supposed to do when i've always been sleeping throught most of PW block periods... and thanks. she gave me the task of planning out the oral presentation and i'd have to give her the draft tmr... shite.. i'm screwed... fucking no idea what's going on and she's bestowed the crucial task of ORAL PRESENTATION unto me... thanks alot.
NOT! i'm so sure my group is gonna get really bad gradings for this utterly rubbish project... it's nonsensical to me. yes yes.. i know.. it's 10% of the A levels but what's done is done.. I've a sense of impending doom... but still, it's
her fault... for making such an impetuous decision on the task.. i can tell she's regretting it... believe me, i can...
the so called meeting ended at 1+ but we only spent 1 hr doing work. the rest was spent eating.. everyone was complaining that they were hungry so we trooped off to town. apparently, there's gonna be another meeting after flag selling tmr, i'm sooooo not going... its gonna be another waste of time.. besides, i've gotta brace myself for the lousy results i'm gonna get back on monday... i've got bad vibes about this results thingy..............
the school's gonna be really empty from monday onwards... the j2s are gone... arghh... btw, some guy suggested to bp abt changing the pathetic 2 lane track to a complete 400m, 6 lane track.. guess what was his reply?
" hmmm... i'm seriously wondering how is it possible to change a 2 lane, right angled track, into a bigger one with 6 lanes...." ahahaha.. i found the right angled part hilarious!!! ah... but he's still standing firm with his no ankle socks rule... so much for liberality... :|
ah... but there
IS something for all cj ppl to look forward to next year..
the opening of the Performing Arts Centre...!!!!! thinking and looking at the exterior is already making me ecstatic! can't wait to set foot into the building.. it looks cooler than the rest of the lousy school anyway... and least it stands out... *crosses fingers* hope they make us have lectures in PAC next year!!! and perhaps lots of public performances since WE HAVE NO OPEN HOUSE! ah... then i can invite
dearie over... if its open to students 24/5, i'm so sure that the few of us would make that our new chilling out area, with the rest of the school population that is. hmph... grandstand is gonna be passe... no longer can we sit there and not get zhao genged by those bastards at the bottom... i've realised the importance and convenience of the ij uniform. love it best!
i wonder if there would be a sji corner next year, and if there were, would it be the same one as where the boys' christianed? 1st 3 months was the coolest days in cj. everything else sucked, from the god damn orientation (besides mass dance) to the stinking canteen. not forgetting the rules. but the people there are wayyyyyyy cooler than 2nd intake... maybe it's because half the new j1's were made up of a sea of blue and whites, another large population made up by sji guys, and only a minority of those ching chiong un heard of secondary schools... 2nd intake was horrible!!! more of the disgusting people and weirdos... erm.. yvonne?! ahahahah... acting like a big shot. PUH LEASE.
if i ever get promoted, i'm gonna appeal to be a facil. together with ulynn and whoever wants to tag along.. its gonna be fun... checking out ppl... if we get a chance to that is... monday shall determine everything... no 2 A level passes and my hopes and dreams would be dashed. zilch left.
*stoned :|
e*an said at
5:31:00 pm
friendster is temporarily unavailable till 6.30am pacific time... i'm so not a geog student or a person with much general knowledge for that matter of fact, to know what/when is pacific time?! ah.. whatever... been down on my luck since forever... this is just another norm. :|
it amazes me when i hear about ppl my age, still have to let their parents make decisions for them??? i mean
hello?! to those ppl who are guilty of this, isn't it time for you to take up some responsibilities, to learn to be responsible for your own actions? can't you have some backbone and think for yourself? are you just gonna let your parents run your life, and deem what's good for you and what's not? oblige with what they say even though you have opposing views? it really doesn't hurt to make mistakes in life you know? if you're so sheltered and comfortable now, i really wonder how are you gonna survive once your parents die... tsk tsk
okay.. there's project work meeting for me tmr, which means we're actually
trying to get work done... goddamn the time lah... have to wake up at such god-forsaken hour on a weekend?! grrrr and i have flag selling on sunday again... what's wrong with the world!!! i know i sound like i'm a person full of angst... and i admit, i'm disgusted with the society, esp singapore..
i'm irritated with my life, my school, the many many hypocrites around me, things and people that shouldn't even be given life form by God in the first place...... it's so haunting!!! but of course, there are things that i'm thankful for.. my friends. and i mean real friends.. not just those acquaintances... they're redundant... heh. you ppl know who you are... i love you people!!! and i mean it.. not like some
ppl, who goes round saying " ohhh.. XXX, i love you.. you're my sista forever... i'll be there for you always k?" to all her female friends. *rolls eyes* yeah yeah.. WHATEVER... when in reality, they bitch behind each other's back really badly... having friends for the sake of
using them in times to come.. get a life... i feel so sad for you... you're whole life's screwed... pooey...
ulynn.. know who i'm talking abt yeah?! btw, can we really start our marathon?! i figured i'll really need that once i get back the results... to exercise and try to think positively that i'll still be able to take sub paper... ermm... i hope i don't get a double F that is... the legs are killing me... i need to get them back in shape plus get back our stamina to endure mass pe next year... i shall try to do at least 3 sets of grandstand next year.. my new yr resolution... hahah..not forgetting the leg lifts... shall we attempt to stop pulling the pe shorts now?! its embarrassing... i'm determined to get back the nice nice lines on the stomach... woohoo... i'm gonna have a nice flat tummy and tone legs next year... right... i can soooooo dream on... maybe we should ask F&S where they got the magic mirror from... make ourselves happy when we see that we have clara legs even if other things get us down... x)
aye... gonna find something to read now.... i just realised i haven't been reading... maybe i should get down to borders or kino to buy some books this weekend.......
e*an said at
10:27:00 pm
argh.... friendster is screwed.... the page is taking forever to load!!!! geez.... and i'm already on broadband?! wassup with that?!
quite pleased with myself... stayed at home all day.. my plan of isolating and shunning away from the rest of the world is working fine.. even managed to diss my parents off.. isn't that remarkable?! x)
there's only one person in the entire world that can make me get my ass outta the house; lynette ng... i'd do anything for that babe... that means sacrificing stoning time to go get some major bitching done! nette!!! i'm still waiting.........
i found some cd's to get... okay... i know i'm super lagging at this but u have to understand my financial status... i'm very very broke and my parents don't believing in getting normal goods for me?! so its like i have to save up and buy them myself!!! sheesh... okay.. as i was saying, i wanna get the linkin park cd, avril lavigne and vertical horizon's....
the internet is really sinful... i feel as if i've wasted my youth, doing unconstructive things on the internet...
*sweetie, i'm already missing u.. looking forward to seeing u on mon!
e*an said at
10:57:00 pm
This is the way that I'll state my independence,
That I'm no longer connected, to your memory.
This is the day that I'm making my defection,
That I claim back the affection that you stole from me.
I used to hear your music so loud.
But its so long, You're just another face in the crowd.
I'm letting you know...
No more sad songs.
I'm letting it go now.
Switch off, switch on,
I'm letting you know.
You turned out the light.
I'm gonna be alright
When I turn the radio on,
No more sad songs.
These are the words to describe all your offenses,
You said love in the past tense,
Then you let it go.
Haven't you heard?
You are no longer respected.
You are formally rejected,
From the one you hurt.
I used to have the longing to heal what was in your heart,
But now it seems I'm over the fear of this falling apart.
No more sad songs.
I'm letting it go now.
Switch off, switch on,
I'm letting you know.
You turned out the light.
I'm gonna be alright
When I turn your radio on,
No more sad songs.
e*an said at
2:51:00 pm

You're a Ruby. You are very outgoing and wild. You
are confident, yet sometimes you go overboard.
You are vibrant and full of life...just like
the color red.
What Jewel Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
e*an said at
1:21:00 pm
damn today... seriously.. damn it! i was already in a pissing mood in the morning, and my mom had to fuckin yell at me coz i was grumbling abt the car window, coz it cldn be closed?! what the fuck lah... she screwed it up and she turned the table around and dissed me off instead? ulynn, told you she's a bitch! now do you believe me?
i was really elated when ulynn said we had to reach school by 8... goddamnit... stood at the foyer and realised that we were
LATE... so now our super super clean record is gone. and we had some lame shit detention from 3 to 5?! gosh...... yeah... " go to the library and do some reading."
i was feeling dead sleepy the whole time during intensive chinese lesson..my eye lids were like drooping and eyes were dry. it felt horrible... before i knew it, i feel asleep.. i know lao shi wasn't too happy about it but she didn't fuck me up like the rest... i love lao shi sometimes.. heh
the whole day was spoiled by hearing ppl's incessant scoldings, screeching, yelling and whatsnot... that old skin was suffering from some mental disorder and yeah.. started her daily routine of scolding ppl... sheesh... PW was boring so i slept, and then she had to make this comment super loudly saying " I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU ALL COME TO SCHOOL AND SLEEP!!!! IF YOU ALL WANT TO SLEEP, THEN STAY AT HOME AND DON'T COME!!!!!!!!!!!" screw that bitch... i swear, next time if she calls me and asks why i'm absent, i'll just repeat what she said today... " yeah.. i'm sleeping...so i'm absent"
my life's seriously screwed upside down... i just realised that we have to do our PW oral presentation on the 10th of Nov and i have NO idea on what's going on in the group... i hardly contribute anything anyway... can't blame me... i hate the topic we're doing... Titanic.. how interesting can this get?! doubt we'll ace this.. it annoys me when ppl asks for suggestions and in the end, go ahead with her own idea... just coz she's the leader?! its an obligation rather than a group work! fuck it lah... i'm so gonna mug for the A's, do well enough to go to a well recognised university in Australia and get outta this shit hole singapore... then, no one would bother about how well i did for project work and stupid cca... damn the education system...
pooey... feel so good after typing all these... i despise my school... i really do. that includes most of the teaching staffs( from the most senior position to the lowly act big teachers), and the crazy fuckers who escaped from woodbridge... my school's a living freak show............
thankfully, i saw the ever cutest jerry ho after i decided to zhao 1 hr of detention with ulynn.. that made me a little happier... that guy looks good in anything i tell you.. from uniform to outside clothes... its amazing!!! dude, rock on and study hard!!! nj's a conducive environment to study, and pls make sure jess studies too yeah?!
no school tmr... i shall attempt to start studying chinese... and try to stop dwelling on how badly i'll do for promos.. all i'm hoping for is to be able to get promoted even without taking the sub papers... *crosses fingers*
*catching up on beauty sleep!
e*an said at
7:09:00 pm
Woke up early, only to find myself being almost late... Shan't dwell on it...
he didn't do it on intention anyway.
sam's gone. For a whole 7 months... His parents were trying to lighten the atmosphere but it was damn obvious lah... All I can say, is that I'll really miss that guy... So what if he has like severe mood swings?! He has been a very wonderful friend for 7 months and yeah... Let bygones be bygones huh?
crystal dear: don't be too depressed over his departure.. like i said, he's only going for a few months... ok.. it's easy for me to say this coz he's not my boyfriend but seriously... technology is so advanced nowadays... he's only gonna be a phone call away... if you miss him, just give him a ring! he'll know how to take care of himself over there so you don't give yourself additional stress ok? being deprived of a sex life is nothing... the rest of us are also deprived of it.. heh... look on the bright side, you get to catch up with more gossips?! steffi is really good shite at it... wanted you to come over to our table but figured it's better for you to be left alone for awhile... wipe your tears and cry no more eh? you look prettier when you smile... x) i'll fill you in on the stuffs you've missed out... all abt scotchtape and co. I love you girl!!! do cheer up soon if not i'm gonna be in the du lan mood again.. it's contagious!!!!!!!!
I really hope i'll be promoted.. the rumours are scaring the shite outta me... the rest of you, stop saying i'll do well ok? i know how i performed... chemistry and econs seriously sucked... i swear... i won't do well.. at most an E or perhaps and O... and gp.. urgh... you know what i'm about to say. crossing my fingers and praying i don't get any F's... hell not gonna waste the holidays studying for the sub papers... fucked up...
e*an said at
6:39:00 pm
I've seen beyond my childish thoughts,
to finally see the maturity that's screaming to be let loose.
Never to regret my actions, I told myself;
Afterall, both of us were being emotional during that period of time.
I can't just simply forget about the past,
way too many memories are present...
I really wish that I could say my feelings have been barricaded by all the painful words and actions,
but reality has proven otherwise.
Things have became too complicated for both of us to handle now.
I've heard alot of things but I chose to believe you.
Isn't that the whole point of being in love?
Pursuing the matter would only make my feel worse...
Maybe I've expected too much from you,
and gotten too little in return.
My heart felt as if it was pierced........
I used to think that suicide was the best way out but I've matured.
It wouldn't mean that your life would collapse if I ended mine,
I would just be a figment in your memory.
Getting rid of all these evil thoughts that I've been habouring all these while,
I hope that I'll come out a happier and stronger girl.
Being with you has taught me many valuable lessons and I really thank you for that.
I've learnt alot for the past few months and gained new experiences.
To inveigh against you, would be stupid and ignorant.
e*an said at
10:29:00 pm
okay.. so maybe the first aid course wasn't as bad as i expected it to be... was actually having loads of fun playing with the daryl bandage.. if that's how you spell it.. or maybe its DARRELL.. ahahahah.. the so called lecture was funky... learnt how to identify the degree of burns and what to do under what circumstances... i even passed the practical part on giving cardio pulmonary resuscitation!!! hah.... but i'll
NEVER aspire to be a paramedic... no way!!! okay.. so the rest of the peepz were laughing at me while demonstrating on little anne... SHUT UP LAH... the bloody rubber was fucked up! ulynn, who laughed the hardest, looked the stupidest when it came to her turn... *pooey* laugh summore lah!
arghh.... the j2's are leaving on thursday.... so nostalgic... that means
NO MORE of rubin and the many many eye candies... esp cheesedale... that sucks! the new intake had better have many cute sji guys... yes yes.. i'm sounding like a paedophile... so sue me!
ulynn's mom is being a bitch.. she doesn't allow her to come over to stay for the night.. pay back time's good huh babe? waking up at 515 is no fun at all.. but yeah.. it's samuel toh ming wen... i shall and i will...
e*an said at
6:16:00 pm
gosh!!! i just came home from the stupid cip... i thought it was bad enough to stone there and spot ppl wearing the pink pins.. i was sooo wrong.. we had to pair up and sell those cheesy pins and then spot them yada yada... being me, i was obviously MIA. as usual.. went to catch the rundown at the cathay cinema there... though i've been hearing good comments abt that show, i seriously don't understand what actually went on... maybe i should bleach my hair blond so you guys can call me a dumb blond.. hur hur...
maybe the reason why i didn't understood the whole show was becoz i was thinking about something else... after the show, i was feeling really crappy... ready to snap at anyone... veron provided some comfort... yy too.. thank you babes!
maybe i should leave things the way it is felt so bad pang seying yy.. that poor girl had to carry the ugly donation box and the pins to sell while i was slacking in the cinema... a thousand apologies! the sun tanning date is still on!!!
miraculously, i slept only at 3 am this morning, woke up at 730 and still feel energetic... plus, i went without breakfast, lunch and i think i won't be eating much for dinner... are these signs of depression?! my dearest cuzzie, lynette, cheered me up a little.. i swear it runs in the genes... we love to bitch.. it's our oxygen... but i have to say that i'm a bitcher bitch... she's more tame.. x) even have an instant disliking towards a certain someone... dear, call me when you want to meet up... i'll definitely show up.. you're simply one of the dearest cuzzie... e'ching too.. that is.. ahah..
joleen!!!!!! shite... i haven't been seeing you when we're supposed to meet... stop going to warren for a tan.. i've tried and tested.. it sucks! and there are the HDB ppl peering out of their windows, trying to check you out sia... go to the beach lah.. next time i shall accompany you.. i'm turning yellow... it's gross!
*bah... crappiness is coming back.
e*an said at
6:48:00 pm

My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
e*an said at
7:10:00 pm
fuckin pissed... seriously... though
YOU might not be reading this, i think you seriously suck... think i'll be at home the whole day, waiting for your stupid phone call?! think again... i can still live pretty much well without you... thought that i'll just be waiting in anticipation, hoping that you'll call? forget it dude... never... not now, not ever... think you can deceive me?! too bad.. my friend saw you in town... right..
" town's too far away... can we go somewhere nearer?"... just fuck off... i don't need you to ruin my life or think that you can run it for me... just stop calling me only when you're bored or there's no one else to accompany you... if you don't have a life, that's just too bad.. coz i happen to have one and i don't wish to sacrifice my social life just to please you... jackass
geez... some people are just so annoying!!! they should be sent to pluto where they can freeze their candy-ass dicks off... i already have a few in mind... anyway, went to holland v and saw 2 drop dead gorgeous guys... i swear!!! btw ulynn, the cute guy at zara isn't the one i saw today... can't mention any names in my blog.. will tell you when i see you on monday or smth... and yes... i saw "rosy cheeks" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! almost fell off the curb... he's still looking real good... as usual... oh yah.. chow yang said he's gonna assassinate yours and mine... or rather, he feels like... i think that's quite a good suggestion, don't you think so?
agree with me leh!!!
ah... damnit... i can already hear you whining noooooooooooooo... whatever babe...
found dearest lynette on friendster.. looking so good... can't wait for chinese new year *for once*.. only then will i be able to see her...
cip tmr again... this is absurd... coz i have to make my way to some ulu causeway point by myself?! nonsense man... where the fuck in woodlands is that located at?! okay... i'm gonna make myself sound like a spoilt brat by saying this but I DON'T HANG AROUND SUCH PLACES?! its like i don't even go to J8 and jurong entertainment centre? okay.. been there once way back in p6 coz of ice skating.. but personally, i feel that only ah bengs and ah lians hang out there!!! not trying to be cool or whatsoever but seriously, holland v is soooooooo much better?! ulynn: thank god we're living in this area... will die if i'm clara or the other poor darlings of ours... i don't even mind waiting for 7 for eons... arghhhhhhh
now the whole of sunday is going to be wasted... to hell with cheng lean kiow for choosing such a location to do cip... i'm dedicating my whole life to do charitable work for the needy... fuck it man... and then get cold stares and rude comments for unappreciative passerbys... thinking that i've nothing better to do on a weekend and rather beg ppl for donation?! swines.... FUCK SINGAPORE...
sam's leaving on tues... yeah.. that makes matter a whole lot worse... poor crystle... we're still here.. don't worry... can so imagine the scene at the airport.. i hate airports... ulynn, make plans with me on how we're gonna make our way there from
hur.. its like right
thur?! its like
durk and creepy and there might be some indian construction workers lurking ard, ready to prey on us?
furkright? sometimes i wish
neil & jermster, and
mt anderson have super powers to protect us in times like these....
e*an said at
5:57:00 pm
hahaha... which jc actually makes the students go back to school, just to do some National Education test? well, mine does... tsk tsk... it was boring... cabin fever was just pure gruesome... it was supposed to be a whole group of us, in the end, only ulynn, peter and i watched it... i'll give it 10 for gore but maybe a 3.5 for the plot? go watch it if you're bored... heh...
those silly peepz who decided to pang sei us and go play pool at ssc got themselves into trouble.. haha.. serve u guys right... *grinz*
some irritating members of the public from NTUC( according to kenneth), lodged a complain against the 20 plus ppl from cjc who were just trying to have some fun... just coz he couldn't get a table????? stupid fool... ever heard of first come first serve? i was right about Singapore, being dominated by imbecile ppl... ulynn added him to our TO-SUE-LIST.. heh... so anyway, bro paul sent monster mic, isaac lim and adrain ho right down to ssc, and ordered the students to go back to school to see him.. uh oh?! NO!!! clifford even had the audacity to msg me in his office... hur hur... just said paul told them not to wear sch uni to ssc anymore.. spoiler... poor chow... he wasn't even in uniform but i guess his bad records already made monster mic black list him.. prob think he's a regular there and the mastermind of all these... chow, you know better eh?!
down right boring... i'm so not looking forward to school next week... there's like 16 hours of first aid course that we have to pay for.... in other words,
I'M OBLIGED TO LEARN.... geez.... wassup with the school?!
saw lay kuan and zanura... both of them were wearing make up that i couldn't recognise them... seems like today is their graduation day... alright!!! *reminising about the past...* and then i bumped into zenn... looking so cute and cheeky.. as usual lah... ahhaa.. that girl...
going online is becoming more of a drag... shall indulge in some fine reading instead..
*ppl should stop being indecisive and go " I THINK"...
e*an said at
9:31:00 pm
fuck the econs paper to hell lah.... ulynn made me lie to her mom, saying the paper was "
okay lah" shiteeeeeeeeee!!!! it was far from ok...
the mcq was like crap... tys only helped me for 2 questions and the DRQ was atrocious... all thanks to jinghow... telling me he's 99% sure that its on market structure.. dang... demand and supply that merged with a whole lot of shite came out... to make things even worse, tan boey sey was stuttering...................... he's getting on my nerves. SERIOUSLY
ah... to hell with promos... its over.... caught Matchstick Man today with the usual peepz.... the counter lady was friggin annoying... some underage kids wanted me to help them get some tix for Underworld and the damn lady was ignorant enough to ask for my bus pass?! IMBECILE.... can't she tell that the ugly uniform i'm wearing is a college uniform and not some ching chiong secondary sch's?! she's gonna be on ulynn and i's TO-SUE-LIST... so far, 156, 7 and that rude lady at pac plaza's rip curl is in already...
ahahaha.. theresa and i spotted these 3 sec sch ppl, trying to act all blond and american, walking in the V shape formation, carrying the same bag, wearing the same shoe and socks, worst still, sporting the same fugly hairstyle...
oooohhhh.. how cool!!! we're buying the same stuffs and that makes us the bestest friends in the entire universe... *gag*.... we were having fun suaning them at the back.. bet they heard us but too hum ji to say anything... big bullies? nah...
ulynn's getting excited again... small trivial matters as such can really make our day.... my day has been made too...
getting ecstatic again... the day has been saved.. ahhaha... i think i'm gonna go on a movie marathon.. tmr shall be cabin fever... scare ourselves silly indeed...
e*an said at
9:28:00 pm
what can i say..... i hung up the phone with fat coz i claimed that i wanted to study.. i really did.. but temptation got the better of me.. saw the computer and yeah... i was online for 3 hours plus... was talking to a whole lot of ppl whom some i've just met not too long ago, and some i won't be seeing any time soon... was talking like i'll never be able to talk tmr.. !!!!
and then... ulynn called me at 12+.. i thought she was suffering from some quarter life crisis... i was half right.. that girl was tormented by some phone call she received.. elated, ecstatic, delirious for a few measly seconds when
THE ringtone was heard.. but then the contents of the conversation was just too unbearable... i've ever experienced the kind of situation whereby you lie to yourself... poor babe... seriously, heed my advice.. it's been almost 3 years!! come to think of it, your dream really depicts the truth... why don't you just TRY to do yourself this favour?? its not worth it!
sigh.... whatever your decision is, i'll be here for you always k?! *smucks*
sorry clifford... heh... was asking him to "hold on" for apparently 20 times because of unforseen circumstances... good attempt for trying to crack those jokes... but there's still room for improvement! if all fails, there's always me, your loser buddy 24/7... quit saying you'll retain before you get back the results.. maybe mdm tham would try to be a wee bit lenient towards you.. plus chan choo... she's like forever "3-legging" up to you... stupid fool...
tmr's the big day for us... sucks lah... whoever reads this on wed should get back to the tys and start mugging for the damn mcq's... farking waste of time but i don't wanna retain...
*if only i could say the same thing to myself...
e*an said at
12:55:00 pm
wad a disappointment... american wedding isn't as funny as what i expected... only a few parts were funny.. i thought it'll be majorly hilarious.. so.... what a let down... nonetheless, it helped me pass some time..
today rocks man!! i was jus thinking about orange yesterday and he appeared!!! haven't seen that guy in eons and i miss him!!!! hope you're doing fine in aussie and yeah... study hard!!!! *hugzzzz*
F u n g |[ how ya doing~ ]| says:
i like to look at edwin the way i look at gals
F u n g |[ how ya doing~ ]| says:
checking this guy's backside when he was bathing at the swimmin complex
F u n g |[ how ya doing~ ]| says:
wah damn hot okieS!
F u n g |[ how ya doing~ ]| says:
nice bod too!
hahahah.. wad did i tell you guys.. fung should jus go for a sex change.. muahahah
e*an said at
10:27:00 pm
ey ey... got convinced by fung to sign up for the friendster shite.... ulynn is promoting it like some hell interesting thing too... it had better be good stuff man..
hell boring sia... everyone is out somewhere doing something cool, i presume while i'm stuck at home, wasting my time, doing unconstructive things...
at least ulynn is doing nothing.. that makes me feel a little wee bit better..
tmr will be a fantastic day.. coz if nothing crops up, I'LL BE DOWN AT GREENLEAF WATCHING AMERICAN WEDDING WITH ULYNN AND VERON.... hoorayyyyyyyyyy
ulynn, i think i'm gonna laugh until i die... getting ecstatic already....
whoa... ulynn... u look fucking gothic in friendster... it's scaring me... its like the woman in the " stay in the light" show... muahahahahah
oh well....
*yawn... dreary entry.. this is bad... candy-ass bad...
e*an said at
3:24:00 pm

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
e*an said at
2:41:00 pm
is it just me, or does it annoy
YOU when someone writes down every single vivid detail of how their day went?! like oh... i went to this place, had this kinda food, what i was wearing, what i bought, what strangers commented about my behaviour...??!! kinda makes your blood boil, doesn't it?!
thank god
huihong isn't like one of them although she is one of them... nvm if you other ppl don't get what i mean... its a little secret between the both of us.
oh yeah.. got this thing to tell phua and swan:
i haven't received the invitation from the school yet... maybe it got lost in the mail or maybe fucking jansen is suffering from some vision disorder that she forgot to send one to me... whatever the case is, i highly doubt i'll be going back for the dinner... firstly, i find it quite meaningless. think about it... we're already keeping in touch with those ppl we can mingle well with so we don't have to exactly meet up only on that day. know what i mean? and secondly, you go back and see those ppl you don't really want to see?! what's the point right? i'm sure the 3 of us, plus clar, marc, tiff, qian, jess,hong and the rest of them whom we're ok with can meet up on alternative dates... it's gonna be a real let down i tell you... look at the camps, and the so called PROM NITE? gosh.. i'm going for the 70th anniversary thing already so yeah... rather spend the night checking out cool halloween decorations ard my neighbourhood with prob ulynn...
so that's that... count me out unless i went insane and decide i wanna go afterall... i'm sure hong will be in favour of this too... heh
ulynn... i think i'll go over to your place to watch american wedding on tues with veron... is that fine with you?
should start studying for econs now, if i'm determined to do well for the mcq...
*Can't you see that you lie to yourself?
e*an said at
1:16:00 pm
something went wrong with my msn and the whole contact list thing was deleted. could only find a few of you guys successfully but i think i missed out a whole lot of others, like crystle and sam for example... so could u guys like help me out or smth? thanks eh?!
e*an said at
12:50:00 pm
it never fails to bring back fond memories when i look at jo's photos in her blog...
it feels as if i'm back in stc, in my classroom when everything was simple... you never had to be wary of the friends you make, you know that they are never out to harm you.. most of them anyway... i miss every single moment there, the uniform, the badge, the ij bond thing, the ij song!!!! *sulks*
i can even say i miss Dolley's ss lessons... YES! i mean it... though the whole clique would
DREAD to go to the lousy, stinky humanities room where lessons were held, we had no choice... i swear none of us actually zhao-ed classes for the 2 years we were together... no balls, you can say... yep.. literally! But once we're there, the 8 of us, ( veron, me, tiff, qian, clar, marc, drey and xuez) would be in the world of our own, expt veron.. only her presence is with us... tiff and qian are simply the best of the bestest! hahah.. tiff, if you are reading this, the paper thing that qian always throw on the floor, hoping she'll trip and fall still cracks me up.. hur hur..
also the air con thing,
" ms tannn... up there!!!", about plasters stuck on her armpits?! and about her having a crush on you?!
those are simply the best days ever... if i was bored, i would go over to dearie's class and gossip behind the door while she was having A math lessons... hahahha
ulynn, crystle and i have been complaining about cj's fugly uni and how much we really want to wear back out nice nice pinafore... hmph... life's not fair.
cj sucks... no ankle socks? and claim that you're running a junior college? i think you should reconsider changing the school name to catholic secondary school... swine...
at least i still have my loves... veron, ulynn, crystle, clara, tricia... and those stupid guys, cliff, jh, raymond, and i have not forgotten about my gossip gang... love u guys..
thank god veron's here with me... though dearie's at the other end of s'pore, having the best time of her life in sajc, miss you dear!!! can't wait for next sunday to arrive! dying to see huihong and jess!!!!!!! and you of course!
e*an said at
5:52:00 pm
i haven't been touching this computer for like a month?! the last entry was done on a friggin lousy laptop that almost drove me nuts...
so here i am, back once again.. hahaha... exams were a total mess... i can only safely say that i'll be able to do relatively well in math and maybe chinese.... chemistry today sucked like hell.... it was seriously
BAD... to think i've spent a zillion years trying to understand hydrocarbons and still screw the question up?! that's remarkable right? arghhh... and
HELL, i must be lacking common sense... i didn't know how to use the friggin data booklet to find some shite so yup.. my nicely drawn up Born-Haber cycle has gone to waste.... 6 marks, excuse me... I NEED THOSE MARKS!!!
i can still go on and on about how buffer solution was done wrongly coz i went into a mental block, and mcq was a game of probability?! but i shan't... i'll just bore you people to death...
so to make up for all the badly done exam papers, i shall study really really hard for econs mcq... i have no reason to NOT finish studying since the paper's on thursday... at least i won't feel so bad then.. ahhaha
went to catch 28 days with the usual peepz.... errr... so so only lah.. not as fantastic as the newspaper claimed... all of us were in such a daze, my goodness.... and ulynn and i made MANY blunders today... " check out those clara-legs".. hahahah... we were checking out ppl's calves today, including chow chow.( who noticed more than the legs...)
and we saw a horrible sight...
a whole bunch of irritating p6 kids were making a nuisance of themselves at cine, trying to dance the chihuahua thingee.... i think they should be banned from orchard... heh.... and there were these 2 girls who were wearing some tube top?! HELLO?!!! it was practically falling off their chests! stupid morons... trying to look like some 17 yr old when they're lacking in assests and maturity?! GET A LIFE LAH... disgusting creatures... i swear all of us,( ulynn, me, crystle, sam, van, ben and cliff) almost died of laughing and the shock...
nonetheless, i had a great time with them... esp clara... we kinda drifted apart after 1st 3 months... *sobz*, but today made up for that... i love you babe!
sam, if you're reading this, i still want the lesbian pic to decorate my dull chem guide book! i'm gonna miss calling u san mu after you leave for canada.... and yeah... i'll be seeing crystle, pretty much alone without guys... WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LEAVE?!
but i'm gonna see you off. definitely...
*lost the momentum to mug...
e*an said at
1:05:00 am
oh... i just HAVE to say this
ulynn, i don't know if you're gonna read this anytime soon but anyway, after i received your phone call today, and hearing the glee in your voice, i realised that i missed it alot... or perhaps its the first time i've heard it... u must have been on cloud #9... don't ever wanna come back down eh?! ahahah... i know that feeling and i'm really happy for you dear... how is that possible for the both of them to send the same thing, at the same time?! way too coincidental to be coincident? i miss that kinda feeling... alot... maybe that's why i seem to distant from you guys nowadays... anyway, sooo happy for u and ur econs test! hahaha
e*an said at
10:46:00 pm
my my my... i've been MIA for quite some time i realised... anyway, special thanks to ulynn, crystle, ben, denise, rubin and phy... hahaha... that stupid loser didn't bother me much but thanks for your concern anyhow.. love you guys loads....
GP promos has passed and lets just say that it'll be a miracle if i get promoted to JC2 next year?! the compre was a total flop!!! ulynn thinks otherwise and i'm sure A1 crystle would nod her head in unison... guess that's just left with me... sigh.... i don't think i'll stay on to check out the new intakes... probably leave for a poly rather than to be labelled a retainee... no offence to the retainees eh...
i jus realised i haven't been spending enough time with my econs lecture notes so much so that the exam is next tuesday and i haven't completed my revision... the mock econs test on market structure isn't counted coz i only read through the notes... but i guess i still can remember a little of that chapter... i scrapped through the test anyway... ahhah... 15/30.
and those babes!!! sorry to always decline your offers to go study in town etc... i really can't seem to concentrate with ppl around... i'm wondering what i'm doing in school.. now i know why i've not been doing well... i promise i'll make it up to you ppl once promos are over k? you can count on that coz i would wanna have my fun before i get back the dreaded results....
btw, pink flamingo, who are you?!
jing how... you suck... stop calling me with that nickname.... before i turn nasty and make u impotent for the rest of your life...
gonna give myself a self declared holiday on friday.. school's wayyyy tooooooooo boring... my goodness...
*A home is somewhere where I am supposed to be happy but now, i think otherwise
e*an said at
10:15:00 pm