seriously... you ought to get a fucking life?! at least do yourself a favour... how come so hum ji?! leave your name down if you wanna bitch about me and my school... in the first place, your mentality is seriously lower than that of a 3 year old child?! hahahahaha... i find it fucking hilarious that you have so much free time just to go to people's blog and portray your childishness..... you're the lowest life form on earth... god knows.... cjc sucks... stc sucks..... is your vocabulary that limited? tsk tsk.... at least i have an education... you behave like you've never been to school... acting like a barbarian.... go reflect on your actions, you loser, mother fucking son of a bitch!
e*an said at
2:47:00 pm
ahhhh.. pure bliss to feel the key board clicking away under my fingertips... i'm in school using the lousy computer but nonetheless.. the home's computer is still pretty much screwed up!!!
having a free period now coz it's PE and i don't have to attend any single period PE's till next year... school has this policy of letting students who got silver and above for NAPHA to be exempted from it... i got a silver
*beams*.. eh.. quite a great accomplishment ok.. i used to get like bronze back in stc?! hahah
so much things happened over the week and i didn't have a chance to blog it... hmph... but yesterday was funny.. ben almost corroded his fingers but
DAMN!... he didn't die.... hahaha.... he was surprisingly sitting with the guys the whole day and not with us... wassup with him?! anyway, to the "V" shaped formation ppl, i love you guys !!! esp
jess.... i miss you a whole lot! thanks for being there babe!!!! love you and we'll meet up soon k? oh yah.. don't be so over sensitive.. it's not true! ahahha... * muacks*
dearie, missing you already!!! can't wait to see you after promos!!!
sigh..... i think i better stop here and get on with my revision...
*You can be right here in front of me, and I'll still be missing you...
e*an said at
9:03:00 am
dearie called me during math lecture today, just to ask me if i wanted to go watch turn left turn right.. ahaha... yes. i answered it during lecture time and i was being pretty bold about it. the teacher's darn slack plus i didn't know what shite permutation he was talking about. might as well make myself happy for a few minutes, talking to dearie right?
the show was draggy... and yup.. i have the same sentiments as the others, who have already watched the show. it's so...
ARGH!!!... go catch it... the soundtrack is good too...
ulynn: i'm sorry for your phone MIA for the next few days... may it rest in peace in whoever's drawer; bro paul or monster mic. all of us are praying for its resurrection soon... have u gotten beckham yet?
ohkay... time to do some studying!
dearie... had fun today, all the rain made everything so nice... we should have done the yu zhong man bu thing. heh... love you lots and lots and lots! smucks!!!!!
e*an said at
9:58:00 pm
i nearly broke the test tubes... but of course, since they belong to me, i didn't... hahaha.... sharveen set zaibo's paper on fire.. it was darn hilarious... chem prac was the most nonsense ever this year.. i was using the distilled water and playing with the nozzle, showing tannie and lemon chicken how
"powerful" his little brother is... it was darn pathetic... came out in droplets.. ahahaha.. and suddenly, the teacher came from behind and was like " E'An, what are you doing????" i swear i could have died from embarrassment... told him i was testing out the nozzle... he bought my story. i think. whatever... it was hell boring otherwise... no kick. Qualitative Analysis sucks... boooo.. oh yeah.. lemon chicken, its
LITTLE brother.. not big brother...
pinky was cranky today... during econs, melvin sharveen and i were just talking a whole lot of nonsense and i ended up laughing hysterically.. anyhow, i think she must have found me reallyyyyyy amusing coz the next thing i knew was that she looked at me, and her face was scrunched up and twisted... a gruesome sight... and that made me laugh even more, i swear i had to use my file to cover my face coz her face was hillarious... yeah.. she found me funny so she ended up laughing too... it was disgusting... be warned.. she looks even more horrible when she cracks up... *gag*
got back chinese and chem paper... cool stuff... my teachers are proud of me...
*ELATED* aiight.. aint gonna continue with this ranting...
*peace out
e*an said at
9:08:00 pm
aiiiiii.... some asshole went suntanning on saturday and was checking out Quiksilver bikini hot babes... now he's back in school. looking all nicely tanned and yeah. red too... i'm soooo jealous!!! i look like a sickly yellowish banana next to him?! eww... YOU! lemon chicken... i've made a pact with yy, ferene and jasmin to go sun tanning after promos... and i'll be in a nice shade of bronze.. i hope.. hur hur.. i got this darn feeling ferene and jasmin will back out?! seems as if yy and i are the only 2 ppl keen on making our skin colour darker?! hahah... she's a
dodo.. so she has to make herself look more.. *ahem*.. ahhah...
I'll be the bikini hot babe then! errr ok... am i making everyone puke????
ooohhh... pinky me got herself new visions!!! how ultra cool... it acts as a magnifying glass cum visions for her.. friggen ugly i must say.. since it enlarges her horrible eyeballs so that we can see it even clearer... school was basically a total shock... ah pek came to school with this
GROOVY hairstyle. Tannie said he looks like an elf... Zaibo came into class and nearly died... thank god there were window grills or she'd have fallen out.... I, have no comments... he looks just as corroded face...
school sucks.. i hate pe... i hate playing volleyball. we're not even PLAYING the darn game.... at least ulynn's class gets to do funky stuffs like rope climbing.. FU CHEE TEONG IS THE MOST BORING TEACHER EVER... bloody hell.. my classmates should thank me for requesting the drain expedition... although it was stinky and wet, plus cob web like stuff were stuck on our hair, i'm sure everyone had fun... though they planned on murdering me halfway in the jungle.... its better than playing volleyball! i'm sick of it lah! yy and i were so slack during pe... hahah...
i have to apologise to ulynn.. sorry babe.. didn't wanna go to borders to get the beckham book today coz it was darn late and yeah... i wanna do integration 4... muahaah... accompany you on thurs k?! love ya....
its 10 now... gonna catch friends and then continue with my gp assignment... gave up on integration... way too tough.. and i thought i was zai coz i cld do most of 3... spoiler....
*i wanna be a bikini hot babe~
e*an said at
10:15:00 pm
got a serious shelling from my dad... coz i slept at 3. woke up at 11, went downstairs to read newspapers and i fell asleep on the couch again. that was at like 12... i can't help it!! i'm clueless on why i get so tired and drained these few days... and i have absolutely no interest on studying, talking... its like as if i want to be in the LEAVE-ME-ALONE kinda situation... i'm seriously not as enthusiastic about going back to school as i was before.. firstly, it means that promos are drawing closer and closer and i haven't done much shite studying... secondly, there's always the long tuesdays that i have to endure, or
rather, it's a continuous one..
btw, ulynn: jus read someone else's gb and i saw the word fugly.. oh no... its not OUR word anymore... but getting some vision, still prevails...ahahha.. we need to come up with our own vocabulary... like a morse code.... but then again.. the bitching has somewhat stopped already... sigh.... ehhhhhh ... there's always lemon chicken and those loser guys around right? if u ever wanna pick a fight with stalker, i'd gladly do the bitching with u and crystle, and san mu can throw pins at him... fucking wussy...
i'm not surprised if he finds his way here.... since he went to your site and ripped my photo off from it...
Terence: get a fucking life and stop trying to stalk other girls... just look at yourself in the mirror... know where you stand ok? its not surprising why you have no friends even though u claim to know the whole of cj... you're just a mother fuckin wussy with no backbone.. which guy would
CRY when attacked with pins? and at the age of 17????? awwwww... go home and cry to mommy... tell her that all your school mates
hey!!! i've regained my bitching power! hail to the princess! ahahhaa...
*Pain and pleasure are seperated only by perception...
e*an said at
3:15:00 pm
e*an said at
1:15:00 am

I'm sure it's no big surprise to you that your
romance is The Princess Bride. A heartwarming
tale of "Twue Wuve" that has giants,
Spainards and swashbuckling. You really do
think that love can overcome anything. You may
be a touch naive but your heart is certainly in
the right place. You've probably got one of
those relationships where proper nouns have
been replaced with "Snookums" and
"Pookie Pie". Eww. Beware a cuteness
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life? brought to you by Quizilla
e*an said at
1:13:00 am
damn it.. smth's really wrong with my computer.. either that, or the fault lies with blogger... the screen takes forever to open! and i can't seem to tag...
ok.. since i can't tag, i might as well say it here...
guoyi: hello!!! was darn surprised to see your name on my tag board! heh.. remember our vandalism pact eh? pink and colourful markers are from me! x)
cheok: i miss you!!!!!!!!! miss your presence in front of me and the talking cock about ms ho and the coconut bras!!! now there's this idiotic asshole in front of me who disgusts me big time!!! miss 4a'02 loads!
jerry: i seriously hope you're not one.... myscene??????? hmmmm....
wenqi: i hope its a joke.
school's reopening soon. that means there'll be double period pe's without MASS PE... hurray!!! can't wait to see all those babes!!!
e*an said at
12:32:00 am
ewww... i saw this certain girl, who digs her dandruff out from her hair, roll it into a ball, puts it into her mouth and starts chewing it... yes... i know it's very disgusting. i didn't believe it when SHE first told me but then, i saw it with my own eyes... beyond disgusting.. lost focus on my work... being me, ahaha.. yes the ba gua me.. i went on telling wai lee about it... she was darn shock and hui ling was confused.. muahahah...
ahhaha... there were some inscripts on the wall saying" charlie's a gay..." and the funniest thing was that charlie found it... yay~~~~~ so much for his cockyness...
no fate means no fate... didn't see guoyi on my way there.. muahaha...
overall, it was boring.... lousy!
stupid MAN. screwed timing wrongly for ulynn and i.. see lah.. now i have to have tuition alone again... silly girl is watching movie... eh girl... he said the DEFAULTED time is 730 for weekdays and 530 for sat!!! oh well.. he's coming over soon.. better go get ready... ulynn, i guess i'll only see u on monday..
e*an said at
5:38:00 pm
You said goodbye, I fell apart.
I fell from all we had, to I never knew.
I neede you so bad, You need to let things go.
I know, you told me so
i've been through hell, to break the spell
Why did I ever let you slip away?
Can't stand another day without you,
without the feeling, I once knew
I cry, silently
I cry, inside of me
I cry, hopelessly
Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again.
I cry, cause you're not here with me
I cry, cause I'm lonely as can be
I cry, hopelessly, cause I know I'll never breathe your love again
If you could see me now,
You would know just how,
How hard I try, not to wonder why
I wish I could believe in something new
Oh, please somebody tell me it's not true
I'll never be over you
Why did I ever let you slip away?
Can't stand another day without you
Without the feeling, I once knew
If I could have you back tomorrow,
If I could lose the pain and sorrow
I would do just anything,
To make you see, you still love me...
e*an said at
11:57:00 pm
grossed out... found out two fucktards from stc are paedophile lesbians... YUCK... for heaven's sake... go find someone older than you are, especially since you are passives... you 2 reallie gross me out like fuck.... losers...
e*an said at
6:35:00 pm
mother fuck shite... i just typed a long entry and it got deleted.. today isn't a good day... e'ching and i were walking along heeren when this weirdo came up to us and asked us to search for his contact lenses coz it fell out from his eye. ????!!!!! i mean who in the right frame of mind wld put on contact lenses in the middle of a bustling Orchard Rd?? ok.. so we were looking for it but to no avail.... i told him to take a cab home since he was complaining he was as blind as a bat with only one side of proper vision... said he had a headache and yeah... so we carried on searching.. ironically, this 2 ah bengs came along and helped search for it. yes. ironically.... we have stereotyped ah bengs as useless scumbags of our society, haven't we?! bloody piece of shite.... that guy was irritating lah... told him we cldn find it but he was holding us back, asking us to find... i told him most prob someone must have trampled on it and its gone.. he insisted anyhow... and then, he said" hey guys.. you're on Gotcha!!"
IMAGINE THE HUMILIATION WE FELT!!!!! we wanted to so die at that point of time, like dig a hole and bury ourselves underground! thank god i wasn't in my uniform, unlike e'ching, who unfortunately was in hers... now the whole world will know that hcjc produces good samaritans..
it might seem as if i can't take a joke... i can.. but not in a situation whereby the stupid fucktard expression you portray when looking for some INVISIBLE stuff, gets aired on national television!!! and like what the fuck? i thought Gotcha was long gone?! since when did it make its way back into the media scene?!!! worse still. e'ching went on telling him its dangerous to put back the contact lens into his eye coz it's dirty, and that her friend had a serious eye infection after she did the same thing...( she's too sweet and nice for her own good.) now the joke's on us, cousin....
we didn't bother turning to see where the camera was hidden... we were hurrying along to somewhere else. to hide our embarrassment.. i was like screaming!!!! everyone thought we were crazy fools!!!! to make matters worse, in the movies, this ang moh girl kept laughing at stupid scenes in Pirates of the Caribbean, treating it as a comedy.. loser... was soooo annoying that it got on my nerves.... but the show was good... so that cheered us up a little... seriously, after this incident, i wouldn't bother to stop and help anyone, anymore... it doesn't pay to be kind... yeah so ppl, be sure to catch me on tv when the show's aired....
and we're still wondering, if the ah bengs were part of the whole trick.. they didn't even ask that man what was he looking for.. they jus stared at the floor and seem to know what he lost... can someone give any answer to my doubts?
e*an said at
6:01:00 pm
feeling really bad for ditching my neighbour. she wanted to go to clementi to get some vcds but i wasn't dressed nicely... ok. you don't really have to dress up to go to THAT kinda place but still.. i was in a t-shirt and stc pe shorts? no way.. hell no.. so yeah... i went home while she went to clementi herself. In the horrible weather.. sorry shao!
anyway, just finished talking to jerry.... basically bitching about a certain someone who's darn gross according to him and dearie jess.. fat lard shld get a fuckin life. hmph! ey... also talked about pri sch stuffs... hell funny when he mentioned about the letter... phua would know what i'm talking about... surprised he actually remembers smth that happened 4 yrs + ago?! sorry dude.. taking back my words about u having a frail memory... gosh.... though i really hate that stupid primary school of mine,( i still do), i guess the EM2 ppl really knew how to havoc. esp my class and angela's class... that made studying in that friggin mugger sch, where teachers condemned the EM2 students, a little more enjoyable... still rem yvonne, yijun,kenneth, jerry, deming,lixin,yuxiang and the rest... sadly, i've only been in contact with 3?? like only phua, jerry and lixin? sad case sia...
anyway, jerry, we'll continue with this catching up yeah? study hard in njc...
*grinning from ear to ear...
e*an said at
11:40:00 pm
hmmm... think i've lost it... or rather, beginning to lose it.. gonna take a walk with my neighbour... geez...
e*an said at
5:15:00 pm
darn lethargic... just came home from holland v not too long ago... was supposed to be studying lah.. but the damn exam paper was too tough.. even the self proclaimed math genius couldn't solve it.. ahhaha... but nonetheless, i did someee work... x)... damn those bloody U.R.S slippers i bought quite some time ago... this is like only the 3rd or 4th time i've been wearing it and it has already caused some permanent damage to my feet...
( the scars ain't fading!!!)
blisters, as a matter of fact...i was perpetually walking like some crippled all the way from jelita back home... gosh.. no poise... not that i have one but you know, ulynn and i are TRYING... we made a promise not to look at our own reflection when we're stoning at the bus stop... can't use the bus door or those poster thingee to check ourselves out. we realised it's a darn ugly sight... we've witnessed other ppl doing that and it's like damn low class.. so yeah.. we've pretty much stopped... pretty cautious about the way we walk, sit and talk... IJ days were un-lady-like days... but who cares... they were no guys anyway!!! so its time to change for the better...
oh... saw victoria and valarie at h.v's delifrance.. studying ss for their prelims.. reminded me of the past. and how i screwed my humanities up...heh.
gave up on doing math so ended up talking to guoyi about nonsense... found out that our mothers are really full of nonsense... the way the nag and scold us are also the same... exact phrase! no kidding.. ahahahha... darn funny...
guoyi, if you're reading this, u had better start studying and reduce the time spent on games...
grrr.... i think that makes 2 frivolous people. Thank you... I can't seem to psyche myself up.. pissed with myself... its time for me to exert some MAJOR self control or i'll never make it pass promos...
*way too frivolous...
e*an said at
4:39:00 pm
this test is bull shite... but the girl is sizzling hottt
e*an said at
12:33:00 am
e*an said at
12:30:00 am
yay!!! i'm really excited with this whole new look for my blog... AND I HAVE TO THANK ANGELA PHUA!!!!!!! she's really good at this kinda thing... i'm clueless... so a million thanks and i owe u one... i will remember and give u a good treat after the promos.. you're just simply the best!
there's gonna be a photo of the 5 of us, being put up soon.. i miss those girls... we've all gone our seperate ways but i hope we'll still keep in contact and meet up really soon !!! reminiscing about the past brings back good memories. STC ROCKS...
hmm.. ulynn was just telling me something, someone told her.. that IJ girls are loyal lovers... come to think of it, its really true.. i guess its just the IJ spirit... they moulded us into being fine young ladies indeed... the way in which they educate us is different. and i guess that's why we are so loyal towards our alma mater, which in turns makes us loyal people... err.. am i going off tangent already?
but u get the gist of it, don't you?
sigh.... if only there's an IJ jc... that'll rock! hahaha... jessica just messaged me... was surprised cos we seldom talk.. though we were in the same class in sec 1 and 2, after streaming, we hardly spent time with each other... but yeah... guess the friendship still prevails.. glad she's happy in NJC... this girly thing.. arghh... only the IJ ppl can comprehend what i'm saying... its just the THING
ironically, cjc is nothing similar to IJ... though IJ girls constitutes to a major part of the female population... the aura isn't the same... or maybe because the school sucks. everything about it.. including *** bastards. heh...
oh well... too much to say...
Simple In Virtue, Steadfast In Duty
e*an said at
12:06:00 am
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... pizza was bad.... that phua kept stuffing me with nonsense... something jackass funny happened.. we were at guardian and i saw this toothpaste box which looked like a pregnancy test kit at a glance.. so i asked phua.. " is that a preganancy test kit?" she answered immediately.. " yaaaaaaaa" den i was like.. wtf lah.. its a toothpaste... ahahhaha.. the second embarrassing incident came shortly after... we were looking at some hair removal wax strips and beside that, was a bottle of hair removal mousse... i was like " eh... wad's this..."( i didnt see the prints on it yet) and the intelligent phua was like " ah.... its a deo... " wtf?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's damn blind lah... in the end.. we both ended up on the floor, luaghing like some siao char bors... ahahhaha... i told her, the next thing she'll say is an electric toothbrush being a vibrator.... hur hur
stupid phua... ahahah... i jus satisfied my curiousity... i look helllllllllllllllll
terrible in A line skirts.. was wearing her SA's uniform and i realised it made my ass look even bigger.. fuck shite... i look bad in uniforms.... ahhahaha.... trying to get some math done... and she... haiya.. halfway, started talking to SOMEONE.. still wanna act guai, borrow my market structure..
PRETENDING to study.. hahahahaha....
e*an said at
4:46:00 pm
ey shite???????!!!!!!!!! phua jus asked me to have pizza for lunch. AGAIN? did i mention that i had pizza on sat too? fuck it lah!!!!!!!! this is getting way outta hand!
e*an said at
12:12:00 pm
e*an said at
12:09:00 pm
its a nice, windy tuesday morning... love this kinda weather... just suitable to crawl back into my comfy bed and sleep the afternoon away. hehe.. but i have more important tasks to do; to have my daily dose of studying... am i beginning to sound like a nerd? maybe dua kang's right...
MAYBE but for heaven's sake!!! i'm not as hardworking as u think i am!!! arghhh... cold's a little better... but the sore throat is here... sigh... at least there isn't any school... coz i'd probably be sleeping throughout civics, math, econs and god knows what else.... today is the long long day.. 510. if there was school, i think i'd take a half day mc while the rest of my classmates suffer during chem prac and econs lect( when ms ho starts talking to herself)... hur ... SHARVEENISM... never fails to rain when we're having practicals...
am i gonna study by myself today? i'm not sure either.. phua said she'll confirm with me once she ends her lessons.... glad she's happier now.... that makes 2 happy people! yay!!!
the latest song by busted is goood..... ulynn and i think so... so it's definitely worth d/l... that crazy bitch.. asked if i wanted tuition today with THE MAN. i already had lessons with him on sat. her reaction was daft..." ALONE?! wah... you're brave..."
i have this feeling that was an overseas sms coz she was using her mom's hp.. damn... i didn't reply the second one...
misssssssss those people in school a whole damn lot. miss our constant bitching about certain ppl, lame jokes and our bench... those invaders should get a life and find their own chill out area... THAT LIZARD INFESTED BENCH BELONGS TO 5 OF US!!! fuck lah ulynn, can u help get rid of those pests and stop being nonchalant about the entire matter? it's bugging me!!! wait till one BIG FAT ONE falls on your beloved hair... we'll see who'll have the last laugh... heh... the only good thing about cj is the nice nice chill out areas... and i can hardly wait for the Performing Arts Centre to be up... they've been building that place since forever.. it had better be good shite... maybe it'll be another making out place... crystle, ulynn and i found 2 places already... *shhhhhhhhhh* hahahahahhaha love u guys man!
i miss my mo too... though we aren't in the same class and don't talk that often, you're still special to me... one of the first non-freaky 1t29 classmate i've be-friended... yup.. all started with me asking abt A.C. x) many many kisses to you!
okokok... feeling hell nostalgic already.. wayyy to mushy also... haha... u ppl take loads of care and i'll see you guys in approximately one week's time.. gossips shall begin once again!!!!
*sars is back again.. no shite kidding!!!
e*an said at
11:47:00 am
I'm always putting on a brave front when it comes to you, taking all that has happened, calmly.
Or at least I try to do so...
Being me, how am I supposed to be nonchanlant when the agony and suffering that you inflicted on me,
are starting to corrode my soul?
Was i wrong to confess?
hmmm... this was written by me... with some parts taken out.. not a complete poem... i've compiled them into this tiny book of mine... all my thoughts, feelings, heart breaks...... all in there.... maybe i'll show them to my grandkids next time...
e*an said at
5:35:00 pm
grrr... i'm sick... yes...
SICK... woke up this morning with a ultra bad cold and it hasn't gone away ever since... to make matters worse, was having tuition just now and got a scolding from that crazy freak.... jus coz i didn't see the formula on how to integrate cosec?!!! what the fuck... he was practically hollering at me, screaming " DON'T EMBARRASS YOURSELF..." seriously.. he needs to go for some anger management... come on... was it wrong for me to ask him if i didn't know how to do that question? and i swear i didn't see that formula on the list... so when he asked me to check, i said it wasn't there and he found it and started screaming... shite....
whatever... haven't done much stuff.. still have trigo and chem to study later on... darn... i'm stressed.... thank god, heard some funny stuffs from HER during tuition.. if not, i would have died... oh well...
wenqi!!!! u finally found my blog after so long!!! MIA arh?! ahhaha...
wanted to ask my neighbour to go jogging with me but now that i'm sick, i jus have to procrastinate... once again... caught up with her after not seeing her for half a year.. she admitted to having no life and mugging day and night... borrowed some social studies stuffs from me.. was just about to sell it to the karang guni.. heh... brings bad bad memories.. exams definitely sucks... waste of time and brain juice
i'm dying here.. so i'm leaving. hur...
*bootylicious!!!!!!!!! x)
e*an said at
4:44:00 pm
someone jus made my day... it doesn't matter what my mom nagged at me abt early in the morning coz i received a phone call... though the conversation was crappy but nonetheless,
errr... today's studying session was kinda self satisfying... i did my chem tutorial by myself... most of it anyway, and i think i managed to get the grasp of organic chemistry... chiral carbons and cis-trans isomers finally make some sense to me... yay!!! lecturers are lousy... we don't have notes.. all we have is a pathetic study guide?! concepts are not explained clearly so i have to keep reading and reading until i finally saw the light ahead... ahhaha... gonna attempt integration 3 later on.... swan gives me inspiration to study.. she's a bloody good influence on me!!! i love u, veron!
they always say that there's this special someone in your life, your helping hand in times of difficulties? well, i've found not one, but two!!! phua and swan.... soul mates for live eh?!
i must psyche myself up to really get down to studying... i can't afford to screw up the shite promos and retain... that's tooooo scary.... looking forward to a studying session on tuesday with phua... i've thought of what to do already... oh..swan,don't be too stressed out by your insane classmates.... at least your clique's still on regular momentum... you'll die before promos if u try to be on par with the rest of those suckers... hur hur.... nothing much to say today.. its another boring ol' sunday afternoon... considering to go jogging later... time to burn up those calories....heh...
ok.. time to hit the books and do some integration!!! sounds fun eh?!
*The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring...
e*an said at
4:47:00 pm

-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare. You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
places. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
e*an said at
12:18:00 am
e*an said at
12:03:00 am
happy happy happy!!!!!!!!
e*an said at
11:33:00 pm
jus came home at around 10+?! ahahah.. chinese sucked. but it was fun coz i didnt know what i was writing. anyhow, met up with my dearest e'ching after not seeing her for a month! stupid hcjc is killing her... hahaha... wanted to catch pirates of the carribean but then it was sold out... knn.. walked over to ssc to find fung.. its his birthday today..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FUNGY!!! saw guoyi and chow chow there too... this is by far the best friday i can remember... after that, cuz, guoyi and i went to pizza hut for dinner. AGAIN. yes. its the 2nd time this week i'm having pizza... i have to exercise since there isn't mass pe anymore... stupid.. both of them ditched me and decided to take NEL home. and i waited for 7 for 20 mins... ulynn and i are gonna sue 7,156 and 61. SOON. reallie. they take
FOREVER to arrive. asshole...
hmmm.. ulynn left for thailand tonight... so sian.. having no life now. asked fung wad's there to shop there.. and he said lots of porn. tsk tsk. oh.. mrs kang made a reallie crude comment when i showed her my condom... wenqi, charity, ferene and jasmin would know what i mean.. oh man.... cant believe my gp teacher actually said that?!!! i was stunned for a sec and i started laughing. UNCONTROLLABLY. wahahhaha...
this holiday is gonna be boring.. can't see my babes... sigh~... thanks to clara, theresa and tricia for the kisses.. e'ching says she cant stand my PDA. hur...
*ben's the dua kang. x)
e*an said at
11:10:00 pm
boring, as usual... got back my math paper today.. that made me a little happier... hahaha.... came to class feeling stoned... found out that 7 ppl were absent and i was cursing and swearing.... said i should have ponned school too.... pinky me went into a rage. AS USUAL.... scolding all those ppl, saying she'll send their names to monster mic and that they have to do detention on the same day. BIG DEAL... ok so anyway, mark and kat appeared soon after, and pinky me started scolding again... that was already abt 815. melvin appeared at abt 9 or smth... and HE got a bigger scolding coz he told a
VERY VERY BAD LIE!!!... hahaha... loser.. his excuse was lousy... let me embarrass him. he told her that he was sick in the morning and when she asked for mc, he said some nonsense and she exclaimed " THATS A VERY LAME EXCUSE!!!" so melvin went back to his seat... ( i went to the front row coz the back row was practically empty plus yy wanted to do the written report for pw with me)... pinky told him to take his temperature and he said it was 37.3 degrees...
I knew it was a lie from the start coz when she approached him, he switched off the thermometer.... ahahhahahaha... she wanted to see and he was like " ohhhhhhh... off liao..." and she started digging up the past abt how he always disappears when there's boring excursions.. he lied abt going and she started questioning him abt the Dance In Line, abt who were the guests invited..??????!!!!!!! muahahahha.... and he couldn't answer.. so she was scolding... that was already 915.
wahhahahaha... the funniest morning ever... ben, wenqi and i were laughing so hard that we suffered from stiches. x)
melvin... u ought to take lying lessons from me... i'm an expert... yup.. so the whole econs period was wasted.... YAY!!!!.
econs is B.O.R.I.N.G... looking at her ugly face makes everything worse...
you know.. it really amazes me on how some people can be so ignorant and insensitive when it's so obvious that she isn't well liked?! ---> qi shi er bian... tsk tsk... breaks are the best.. its the time when the 7and a 1/2 girls get together to gossip...
*winks*.. aiight... time for me to log off to study chinese... dang....
*I don't give a damn
e*an said at
4:33:00 pm
seriously.... my whole family should just get a fucking life and let me live mine properly... FOR ONCE.
e*an said at
11:07:00 pm
ij tp/stc/etc. you're funny and ppl like
you. you wear ur stuff low(socks belt bag) but
in terms of behaviour ure genuine and nice.
what sec sch should you be in? brought to you by Quizilla
i knew it!!! once an ij girl, always an ij girl!!! WE R.O.C.K!!!!
e*an said at
9:32:00 pm
yikes!!! i'm so tired!!! ended school at 545pm.... stupid gp mock exam........... screwed A.Q lah... whatever... genetic engineering??? i've no idea what to write about... i have to start finding the time to read the newspaper!!!
went to school, had gp lect, was boring so i slept... didnt sleep or feel like sleeping until mock exam.. whoa... 3 hours of gp was intense... my eyes were drying and i couldn't concentrate... this week sucks!!! i'm drained....
my maid's weird... asked me how come back in stc, i seldom dirtied my uniform but ever since i started wearing cj's uniform, always got oil stains or some other kind of stains... like DUH~ stc was a dark shade of blue... and cj's like a factory blue? obviously if got dirt, cj's uniform enhances it lah! tsk tsk...
omg omg omg.. heard some shit news from jh yest....
anyhow, phua, if you're reading this, i'm still waiting for your call!!! miss you alotttttttt
erm... studying for chinese mock now. sian.
*get busy! make love...
e*an said at
9:19:00 pm
today was jus a waste of time.. wouldn't have gone to school if i were given the choice... which i wasn't... had 3 tests remember? well... for the 1st time in my whole entire JC life, i felt that the math paper was easy. not being humble about it... come on... i finished the paper 15 mins before hand.. when usually, i had to ask for extra time?! hahah.. and i did not copy... so happy with myself.. errr.. but as u know, econs was practically screwed... i didnt bring home the bloody notes and i had a hard time finding the answers.... chem was OK only... nothing fantastic that i can brag abt... oh.. i didnt copy for that either... so to stupid melvin lim... stop being a sour grape!
BUT!!!! the last 3 lessons were wasted... TOTALLY... had no practicals and gp teacher didnt come and no one came to inform us till 20 mins before school ended... fuck.. could have just zhao school and not get drenched on the way home.. so all of us were stuck in class playing, gossiping etc till 430...
phua: i reallie hope you can get a grip of your life.. don't allow this to crumble all the hopes and dreams you've built so far...
call me aiight? *muacks*
this was something i thought of while having the free periods... melvin said it was presentable for the blog... haha
I've lost all the emotions.
All that I'm left with is nostalgia.
I guess you could say that I've broken free from my own misery.
The same one that I've been feeling for the past few months.
I will no longer inflict pain on myself, on you, on us.
I'm sorry that things had to turn out this way.
I had no deliberate intentions of doing this...
Perhaps I've finally awaken to the call of reality...
Suddenly, all these doesn't make any sense.
Feeling stupid after all these while
Remembering and reminiscing those times,
My tears became uncontrollable...
From the first meet up, to the very last kiss,
From the first argument to the last cold shoulder we gave each other...
None of these will prevail.
All shall end in the little fairy tale of mine.
It's time to unfold another new chapter of my life,
It's time to move on....
e*an said at
9:04:00 pm
hmmm... jus came back from swan's place... from a so-called studying session.. i think i'm a bad influence... she was doing other things besides studying... i seriously doubt she behaves like that when she's alone... but how can that be? i was trying reallie hard and there wasnt so much of talking!!! errr.. jus some pizza and facial?! veron: its not my fault, is it?
anyway, received a call from a very special person and after hanging up, i felt kinda disturbed...
u know who you are.. not gonna state your name...
as i've said... if she's responsible enough, she wouldnt be holding on to the hearts of 2 ppl... firstly, its unfair to the both of you, secondly, don't you think that she isn't treating you well enough? all those frequent meet-ups plus etc doesnt represent ANYTHING. Don't believe everything she says... actions speak louder than words... for all you know, they are just sugar coated pills!!! i dont want you to get hurt... i've been through that phase and i know it sucks...
u know yourself that THIS would have to come to an end soon right? so, don't take this thing too seriously... you're just breaking your heart... cheer up soon!!! call me if anything crops up aiight? i'll always be there for you.. promise... *muacks*
Phew... feels like a heavy load has just been lifted from my chest... haven't been feeling this good for a
long long time... hope it stays this way...
btw, SEXY, if you're reading this... sorry abt this morning... too last min, will go studying with you next week k? x)
*wherever you go, whatever you do, i will be right here waiting for you...
e*an said at
5:33:00 pm