I have an immense craving for soup based noodles; fish head bee hoon, sliced fish bee hoon, ban mian and kuey teow noodle soup.
How the hell am I supposed to get all these here!!!!!!!!!
Do you think there's a recipe online to cook the above mentioned? I told Kenny he doesn't need to spend heaps of money for my birthday dinner.. all he needs to do is just to cook me copious amounts of soup based noodles that will last me till I get back to Singapore.
Money isn't everything. No amount of money can buy me my soupies in Perth. :(
e*an said at
3:41:00 am
Look which cutie pie wandered into my backyard on a cold Saturday night...

A yellow lab!! Just like Orange! I miss my dog :(
I want to kidnap this puppy foreverrrrrrr. SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are pictures of me playing with him but because I look damn disgusting, it shall not be placed here for public viewing. So instead, you get these pictures of him standing out in the cold because Kenny (evidently scared of dogs bigger than a terrier) threatened to kill me if I let the pup into the house.
"DON'T LET HIM COME IN AH!!! I will kill you..." He claims that he isn't scared but we all know he is. Hahaha. Sorry babe. I still ♥ you.
e*an said at
1:17:00 am
Just so everyone knows, Gwen Stefani is fucking fucking amazing.
Mar, it's going to be worth all the money you paid for.
e*an said at
12:49:00 am
Owls can turn their head 360 degrees, you know? Not many people know that.
Me: Huh? No la.. How can? That's like animal version of The Exorcist.
K: Really! I swear it's true.
Me: I'm going to
Google it. I don't believe you.
Conclusion: The above
italicised statement is a myth.
According to Wikipedia,
"Owls are far-sighted, and are unable to clearly see anything within a few inches of their eyes. Their far vision, particularly in low light, is exceptionally good, and
they can turn their head 135 degrees in either direction; they can thus look behind their own shoulders. It is
not correct, however,
that they can turn the head so far as to face completely backwards."
On watching Saw 3:
Kenny was proclaiming ever so proudly that if I chained his ankle to the table, he would crush his own feet (just like what happened in the movie) to free himself. But he forgot that he could have just
lifted the table to attain freedom. -_____-
On owls again:
Daphne: Eh, what sound does an owl make?
Me: Woot woot.. something like that.
Kenny: Not cuckoo cuckoo meh? (And he wasn't kidding about it)
e*an said at
12:20:00 am
this out. I am not a fan of small dogs, especially Chihuahuas, but this particular one looks somewhat cute.
e*an said at
12:32:00 am

I don't know how to resize and my own tagboard doesn't allow me to tag after installing mcafee. pffttt
But anyway, M. Office 2007 is too cool for me!
e*an said at
11:46:00 pm
I typed and deleted, typed and deleted, typed and deleted, typed some more and deleted it again.
Blogging has been nothing but a fad. (ie, I'm getting sick of it and thats why I can't find something substantial to write) So is Friendster, Facebook or whatever the fuck people have been coming up with lately. I think I am getting too old to keep up with such things. Afterall, when we look back in 10 years time, we'd probably say something along the lines of, "FUCK! I can't believe I spent most of my entire youth doing something as aimless and pointless as that! I could have came up with the cure for AIDS and be awarded a Nobel prize."
Kids these days.
e*an said at
4:02:00 am